Solomon Wilson Interview #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Solomon Wilson
Imbert Orchard
Indian History Film Project
General reminiscences of his life and he talks about a smallpox epidemic before he was born.
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Solomon Wilson Interview #2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Solomon Wilson
Imbert Orchard
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he discusses a battle between the Haida and an unspecified tribe. He mentions the first contact with non-Indians.
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Sovereignty and Education: An Overview of the Unique Nature of Indigenous Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy
Susan C. Faircloth
Tiffany S. Lee
Margaret J. Maaka
Troy A. Richardson
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 54, no. 1, Spring, 2015, pp. 1-9

An introduction of the articles on the educational relationship between American Indigenous groups and the United States government.

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Special Education in First Nations Schools in Canada: Policies of Cost Containment

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ron Phillips
Albert Journal of Educational Research, vol. 56, no. 1, Spring, 2010, pp. 72-81
Presents themes of review: lack of willingness by the federal government to honor constitutional obligations; focus of providing provincial level of special education services; limited funding; lack of respect for First Nations knowledge.
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Special Submission to the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) on Access to Justice for Aboriginal Women in Canada

Documents & Presentations
Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)
Focuses on violence experienced by women and girls, over-representation of First Nations children in the child welfare system, gap in educational attainment, over-representation of Aboriginal women in the federal penitentiary system, and gender-based discrimination in legislation.
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Speech By: Harold Cardinal To Meeting of the Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada and The Native Council of Canada on Tuesday, December 14, 1971 at First Unitarian Church, Toronto, Ontario.

Documents & Presentations
Harold Cardinal
This speech describes the struggle to have Aboriginal issues such as poverty and lack of education addressed by the Canadian Department of Indian Affairs. Cardinal also disputes the Department's charge that monies were misspent by the Native Council of Canada and presents a defense. Handwritten annotations in pencil by unknown author.

Historical note:

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Spirit of the Drum: The Development of Cultural Nursing Praxis

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pertice Moffitt
Judith Wuest
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 34, no. 4, Completed Student Research Projects, 2002, pp. 107-116
Comments on ways to facilitate teaching and learning in a multicultural setting.
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SSHRC/CURA Resources (North American)

Alternate Title
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council/Canadian University Research Alliance
Documents & Presentations
[Community-Based Aboriginal Curriculum Initiatives?]
Extensive list of monographs (281 pages). Current as of 2011.
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St. George's Boys College, Prince Albert

Images » Photographs
Group photo of students at St. George's Boys College in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. On back of photograph: "It was directly across from PACI at Synod Office on 2015 2nd Ave. W. It later became a home for native children I believe, and later demolished. Front row: Jack Biggs, Derwin Hayes, Art Davidson, Rev. Stevens, ? Mather (assistant to Stevens), Jack Appleton, Doug Potter, ? . 2nd row: Fred and Jack Fife (identical twins), Adam Cuthand, ? , Phil (Red) Francis, Deryk Bodington, Art Fraser, ? , Ross Pinkington, Arthur Moses, ? . 3rd row: ? , Chuck Davidson, Hubert Connally, ? , ?
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St. George's Boys College Soccer Team

Images » Photographs
Group photo of the soccer team at St. George's Boys College in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. On back of photograph: "Front Row: Jack Appleton, Jack McFadden, Deryk Bodington, Innis Stacey, Hubert Connally, Arthur Moses, Adam Cuthand. Back row: Bishop Lloyd (Anglican bishop of that day), Jack Biggs, Derwin Hayes, Rusty Armitage, Jack (Art?) Fraser, Rev. Fred Stevens."
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St. Peter's RC Mission, Montana

Images » Photographs
Image of unidentified boys, some in altar boy garb, walk on a road in front of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Mission in Montana. A priest is visible behind the boys. Louis Riel conducted a parochial school in connection with the mission until 1884 when summoned to Saskatchewan.

Historical note:

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Standards-Based Reform: Can We Do Better?

Articles » General
Louis Violante
Education Canada, vol. 47, no. 1, Making Space For Critical Reflection: Dreams & Solutions For Aboriginal Children, Winter, 2007, pp. 54-56
Discusses ways to facilitate implementation of system reform in order to avoid problems.
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State of Inuit Learning in Canada

Documents & Presentations
ITK [Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami] Socio-Economic Department
Provides information on historical background and current context of education, issues, and success stories. Submitted as input to the Canadian Council on Learning's Knowledge Centres.
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State of Métis Nation Learning

Documents & Presentations
Kathy Hodgson-Smith
Infinity Research
Gives historical and current context of education and argues for Metis-specific policies and programs which emphasize culture and identity.
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State of Northern Knowledge in Canada

Documents & Presentations
Canadian Polar Commission
Four themes provided framework for analysis and context for findings: preparing for large-scale resource development, increasing community sustainability, strengthening resilience, and understanding environmental change.
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StatsUpdate: Income and Earnings: 2006 Census of Population

Alternate Title
Median After-Tax Income of Economic Families in Private Households by Economic Family Structure, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2005
Median Earnings for Full-Year, Full-Time Earners Aged 25 to 64 by Education, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2005
Median Earnings of Full-Time, Full-Year Earners, by Age Groups and Sex, Nunavut, 2005
Median Earnings, 2005 Constant Dollars, of Full-Time, Full-Year Earners 15 Years and Over, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1980-2005
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistical data. 4 tables. Source: 2006 Census of Population.
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StatsUpdate: Labour Force, Education and Language Used at Work, 2006 Census of Population

Alternate Title
Employment and Unemployment for Selected Population Groups, Nunavut, 2001 and 2006 Censuses
Employment and Unemployment for the Population Aged 15 and Over, Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2001 and 2006 Censuses
Employment and Unemployment for the Population Aged 15 and Over, Nunavut and Communities, 2001 and 2006 Censuses
Population Aged 25 to 64 by Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree and by Inuit Identity, Nunavut, 2006 Census
Proportion of Workers Aged 15 and Over who use a Non-official Language, English or French most often or Regularly at Work, by Selected Language Groups, Nunavut, 2001 and 2006 Censuses
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistical data of employment and unemployment rates in Nunavut, Canada as a whole and each of the provinces and other territories. 5 tables. Source: 2001 and 2006 Censuses of Population.
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Stopping Abuse: Responses from First Nations Communities: Strategies for Addressing and Preventing Financial Abuse in FN Communities Related to IRS Settlements: From the Collaborative Dialogue March 2007--First Nations, Other Government Agencies, and Non-Profits

Documents & Presentations
Includes a theoretical story about victim and suggestions for communities and outsiders providing help, explanation of abuse and why there is reluctance to report it, strategies to prevent abuse before and after settlement monies are received, and examples from communities themselves.
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Strengthening On-the-Ground Service Provision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Victims/Survivors of Family Violence and Sexual Assault in Victoria

Alternate Title
Policy Paper Series (Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria)
Documents & Presentations
Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria (FVPLS Victoria)
Reports on current legal and associated services offered in the state, government initiatives addressing family violence, and results from consultations about experiences with the legal system.
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Stretched Beyond Human Limits: Death By Poverty in First Nations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pamela D. Palmater
Canadian Review of Social Policy, no. 65-66, Poverty Reduction Strategies: What a Difference an Economic Crisis Makes, 2011, pp. [112]-127
Looks at conflicting Federal policy objectives; assimilation or self-determination to address issues of poverty.
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Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Swedish Sami Population: Incidence and Mortality in Relation to Income and Level of Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Per Sjölander
Sven Hassler
Urban Janlert
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health , vol. 36, no. 1, January 2008, pp. 84-91
Looks at deaths caused by stroke and heart attacks in the Swedish Sami populations between 1985 and 2002 and effect of income and education on the outcomes.
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Strong Women Programs

Articles » General
Stephanie Berida
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 20, no. 2, March/April 1996, pp. 9-10
Brief description of program started in Port Keats south west of Darwin.
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A Stronger, Smarter Future: Multicultural Education in Australia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Catherine Rauland
Toby Adams
Reclaiming Children and Youth, vol. 23, no. 4, Winter, 2015, pp. 30-35
Highlights the potential of two philosophies, the Circle of Courage and Stronger Smarter, to increase student engagement and achievement.
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