$1.14 Billion Strong: Indigenous Economic Performance in Atlantic Canada
1-Disability, 2-Housing 1991 Aboriginal Peoples Survey=1-incapacité, 2-logement: enquête auprès des peuples autochtones de 1991
The 10,000 Year Significance of Bison: A Curriculum Sequence on the Past, Present, and Future of Bison: Includes Complete Lessons and Teacher Guides for Science and Language Arts Units, Grades 6th -9th
Accompanying material: Power Point 1: Introduction to the Buffalo; Power Point 2: Bison and Archaeology; Power Point 3: Bison Conservation.
10 Questions for Glenn Frankel, Author of The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend
10 Questions for Rhonda Holy Bear-Premier Doll Artist
100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces
100 Days of Cree
100 Per Cent Pure Passion From First Nations Entrepreneur
100 Ways: Indigenizing & Decolonizing Academic Programs
100 Years Ago: Lillian St. Cyr, First Native Star in Hollywood Feature
100 Years and Looking Good
100 Years of Loss
Timeline focusing on the evolution of the residential school system in Canada.
Related Material:
100 Years of Loss: The Residential School System in Canada: Teacher's Guide
101-Year-Old Still Active, Spry
The 107th "Timber Wolf" Battalion at Hill 70
11 Houses Officially Opened at Beardy's
11th Inuit Studies Conference: Nuuk, Greenland September 23-27, 1988
The 12.9-ka ET Impact Hypothesis and North American Paleoindians
The 12-Month Prevalence and Trends in DSM - IV Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: United States, 1991-1992 and 2001-2002
A 122.5-kilobase Deletion of the P Gene Underlies the High Prevalence of Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 2 in the Navajo Population
125th Anniversary Treaty #6 Commemoration - Posters.
125th Anniversary Treaty #6 Commemoration - Posters. - 2001.
13 Moons: First Foods & Resources Curriculum
1491: Before it Became the New World, the Western Hemisphere Was Vastly More Populous
15 Questions to Test Your Knowledge
Author tests the readers' knowledge about noteworthy Aboriginal women in Canada.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.33.
A 150-year-old Kuril Islands Tragedy: Yet Another Solution to the Copper Island Aleut Enigma
Examines the origins and evolution of Aleutian language spoken by the Yupik people of Copper Island.
The 1613 Treaty
1621: A New Look at Thanksgiving
Lesson plan for Grades 6-8 focuses on the book by Catherine O'Neill Grace and Margaret M. Bruchac.
1676, The End of American Independence
1752 Peace and Friendship Treaty Between His Majesty the King and the Jean Baptiste Cope
176 Deaths From Fire
1760-61 Peace and Friendship Treaties Between His Majesty the King and the LaHave Tribe of Indians
17imesh: Following in the Steps of our Ancestors
17th Annual American Indian Studies Association Conference Presidential Address: American Indian Studies/Native American Studies in a Twenty-First Century World: Practices and Opportunities
The 1806 Purge Among the Indiana Delaware: Sorcery, Gender, Boundaries, and Legitimacy
The 1811 Nass River Incident: Images of First Conflict on the Intercultural Frontier
The 1819-1820 Measles Epidemic: Its Sociocultural and Economic Consequences in the Brandon House Area
1836 Mixed-Blood Census: Ottawas and Chippewas of Michigan, Treaty of March 28
Includes name, class, age, place and length of residence, blood quantum, decision of commissioner, amount rewarded, payee, and additional remarks.
The 1857 Parliamentary Inquiry, the Hudson's Bay Company, and Rupert's Land's Aboriginal People
1868 Sioux at Fort Laramie: Photographs From the Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives
The 1870 Ghost Dance at the Walker River Reservation: A Reconstruction
1885 - Aftermath
1885 and After: Native Society in Transition
1885 Canadian Pacific Railway Telegrams
Brief article describes the Saskatchewan Archives acquisition of a ledger of telegraphs from the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) telegraph station at Clark’s Crossing, near Saskatoon, dated April 18 - June 26, 1885. Many telegraphs discuss the battles of the 1885 North-West Resistance, the capture of Louis Riel, and contain historically relevant names: Edgar Dewdney, Major General Middlton, Pasqua (Chief Paskwa), Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Chief Poundmaker), Mistahimaskwa (Chief Big Bear), Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 6.
1885 Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraph Book: Online Exhibition
Online exhibition of communication between the military forces and the Canadian government during the Northwest Resistance of 1885. Telegrams begin in days leading up to Battle of Fish Creek, after the initial Battle of Duck Lake, and after the Frog Lake Massacre.