[2000 April Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons]: Chapter 4: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada--Elementary and Secondary Education
The 2013 R.W.B. Jackson Lecture: First Nations Education in Canada
Agreement Settled; Band to Get Control of Education
Ahenakew Warns of Attempts to Shift Services
Benefits, Services, and Resources for Aboriginal Peoples
Bird Delivers Education Message
Building Strong Communities Through Education and Treaties: Discussion Paper
Chiefs of Ontario Push For Fair Funding
Comments on reports from the Auditor-General of Canada and the Parliamentary Budget Officer that indicate funding inequity between First Nations and non-First Nations education systems.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.17.
Constitutional Reconciliation of Education for Aboriginal Peoples
A Critical Analysis of Educational Research Conducted by the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians
Cutbacks Hit Hard on Post Secondary Students
Deteriorating Classrooms Concern Montreal Band
Developments and Challenges to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Five Years on: Insights on Biodiversity and Case Studies in Bangladesh, Brazil, Japan and Uganda: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Disrupting Ignorance and Settler Identities: The Challenges of Preparing Beginning Teachers for Treaty Education
The E-12 Guidelines In Saskatchewan
Editorial: Jordan's Principle PSA in American Sign Language
Education Act Will Be an Erosion of Treaty Rights, Says Fox
Looks at a meeting held between the Assembly of First Nations and the federal government to discuss First Nations education.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.16.
Education as a Treaty Right
Education Consultations Marred by Bloody Saskatoon Skirmish
Looks at a meeting held by Aboriginal Affairs Canada to discuss the proposed First Nations Education Act.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.24.
Expert Mechanism Advice No.1 (2009) on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to Education
File Hills Chiefs to Boycott School
First Nations 2nd & 3rd Level Education Services: A Discussion Paper for the Joint Working Group INAC-AFN
First Nations Education: Financial Accountability and Educational Attainment
First Nations Post-Secondary Education in Western Canada: Obligations, Barriers, and Opportunities
From Treaties to Reserves: The Federal Government and Native Peoples in Territorial Alberta, 1870-1905; From Treaty Peoples to Treaty Nation: A Road Map for All Canadians
Hi-Ho Mistahey!
Historical Highlights Leading to the Development of First Nations Education Law in Canada
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada: Elementary and Secondary Education
Indian Education in Canada: Implementation of Education Policy, 1973-1978
Indian Government and the Treaties
Indigenous & Tribal Peoples’ Rights in Practice: A Guide to ILO Convention No. 169
Inspired Leadership for Difficult Times
Historical overview of First Nations treaty signatory, Ahtahkakoop, who as part of his strategy to ensure future generations’ success, adopted the white man’s religion, education and agricultural pursuits.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.34.
Intent of Treaties Should be Examined
An Investigation of Exemplary Teaching Practices of Teachers of Native American Students
[Is There a Traditional Perspective of Truth and Reconciliation?]
Kegs of Money
Knowing the Past, Facing the Future: Indigenous Education in Canada
Legal Obligations to Provide Educational Services for Indians
Lubicons Pressured to Give Up Self-Determination
Questions the federal governments' push to regionalize sewer, water and education on unceded lands, thereby hindering Lubicon self-determination.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.10.