Displaying 1 - 50 of 1249

1999 BC College and Institute Aboriginal Former Student Outcomes: Special Report on Aboriginal Former Students from the 1995, 1997, and 1999 BC College and Institute Student Outcomes Surveys

Alternate Title
BC college and institute student outcomes report
Documents & Presentations
[BC] Outcomes Working Group
Centre for Education Information
Contains statistics on characteristics of graduates, educational attainment before enrolling, experiences while attending, reasons for enrolling, evaluation of post-graduation employment opportunities, finances, and services.
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2001 BC College and Institute Aboriginal Former Student Outcomes: Special Report on Aboriginal Former Students from the 1995, 1997, 1999, and 2001 BC College and Institute Student Outcomes Surveys

Documents & Presentations
[BC] Outcomes Working Group
ceiss [Centre for Education Information Standards and Services?]
Contains statistics on characteristics of graduates, educational attainment before enrolling, experiences while attending, reasons for enrolling, evaluation of post-graduation employment opportunities, finances, and services.
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2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey: Gender Differences in Inuit Education and Employment

Documents & Presentations
[Strategic Research Directorate]
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Key findings: higher education results in higher income ranges, women are more likely to have completed high school and plan to continue their educations, and women most often cited family responsibilities as reason not to continue school.
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Aboriginal and Rural Under-representation in Canada's Medical Schools

Alternate Title
Lessons in Learning
Documents & Presentations
Canadian Council on Learning
Provides a cross-country update on the current state of student compositions/enrollment at medical schools and what programs have been implemented to address this, including modifying admission criteria and using satellite medical campuses.
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Aboriginal Dietitians in High Demand

Articles » General
Cheryl Petten
Windspeaker, vol. 19, no. 9, January 2002, p. B6

Focuses on the Yukon-based First Nations dietetic internship program and other initiatives to recruit and support Aboriginal people who may choose a career in nutrition.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.20.

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[Aboriginal Education: A Failing Grade]

Alternate Title
The Agenda With Steve Paikin
Media » Film and Video
Steve Paikin
Don Drummond
Gary Lipinski
Mimi Gellman
Brenda Small
Discusses inequalities and barriers to post-secondary education for Aboriginal young people. Duration: 34:44.
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Aboriginal Education in Canada: A Postcolonial Analysis

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Malreddy Pavan Kumar
AlterNative, vol. 5, no. 1, 2009, pp. 42-57
Looks at the colonization and assimilation of Aboriginal peoples in the education system; and discusses the problems, prospects, and future direction of Aboriginal learning in Canada.
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Aboriginal Education in Timmins

Alternate Title
Your Voice
Media » Film and Video
Cheryl Jackson
Emily Faries
Jamie Corston
Doug Davey
Guests discuss challenges of educating Aboriginal children. Duration: 27.56.
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Aboriginal Home School Liaison Officers In Tasmania

Articles » General
Claire Anderson
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, September 1986, pp. 58-59
Program provides vital communication link between home and school for Aboriginal families in order to improve retention and success rates.
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Aboriginal Identity: A Perspective on Hegemony and the Implications for Canadian Citizenship

Alternate Title
Ministry of Advanced Education's 3rd Annual Post Secondary Education Forum
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Frank Deer
in education exploring our connective educational landscape, vol. 17, no. 3, Autumn, 2011, p. [?]
Discusses the hegemonic value system imposed on Aboriginal peoples, the impact on cultural identity, and the connection to citizenship in the realm of education.
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Aboriginal Income Disparity in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Krishna Pendakur
Ravi Pendakur
Canadian Public Policy, vol. 37, no. 1, March 2011, pp. 61-83
Examines the different patterns of economic disadvantage and notes the evolution from 1995 to 2005.
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Aboriginal Knowledge and Science Education Research Project

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gloria Snively
Lorna Williams
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 29, no. 2, 2006, pp. 229-244
Examines project initiated to determine why Aboriginals are underrepresented in high school science classes, how to improve participation rates and promote the choice of science-related occupations.
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The Aboriginal Labour Force in Western Canada

Articles » General
Jacqueline Luffman
Deborah Sussman
Perspectives on Labour and Income, vol. 8, no. 1, January 2007, pp. 13-27
Examines Aboriginal people's labour market experiences and the challenges and opportunities for their future employment growth.
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Aboriginal Leaders in Conversation on Education

Alternate Title
Equity Matters=Questions d'équité
[2011 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences]
[Transforming the Academy: Indigenous Education series]
Media » Film and Video
Patricia D'Souza
Udloriak Hanson
Betty Ann Lavallée
Marie Battiste
Jo-ann Archibald
David Newhouse
Vidoeo of panel discussion which took place at the 2011 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Duration: 01:29:57.
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Aboriginal Medical Practitioners: The Native American Experience

Articles » General
Art Kaufman
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 8, no. 4, December 1984, pp. 40-43
Author who is a white physician and faculty member of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine reports of the efforts of his University to attract and retain Native American medical students.
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Aboriginal Nursing Education in Canada: An Update

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David Gregory
Em M Pijl-Zieber
Jeannette Barsky
Melissa Daniels
Canadian Nurse, vol. 104, no. 4, April 2008, pp. 24-28
Discusses a survey conducted by the Association of University Schools of Nursing as a follow-up to the original report entitled Against the Odds: Aboriginal Nursing, published in 2002.
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Aboriginal Off-Reserve Education: Time for Action

Alternate Title
Commentary (C.D. Howe Institute) ; no. 198
Commentary (C.D. Howe Institute). Education Papers
John Richards
Aidan Vining
Commentary (C.D. Howe Institute)
Examines the educational performance of students in individual off-reserve British Columbia schools with recommended strategies.
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Aboriginal Peoples and Issues in Forestry Education in Canada: Breaking New Ground

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peggy Smith
The Forestry Chronicle, vol. 78, no. 2, March/April 2002, pp. 250-254
Discusses various post-secondary institutions in Canada that develop innovative programming solutions to attract more Aboriginal students and to address the complex problems surrounding Aboriginal involvement in forest management.
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Aboriginal Peoples and Post-Secondary Education: What Educators Have Learned

Alternate Title
Does Money Matter: Millennium Research Series ; no. 8
Documents & Presentations
R.A. Malatest & Associates
Focuses on strategies that promote recruitment and retention such as financial support, transition programs, community delivery, Aboriginal control, and partnerships between mainstream institutions and Aboriginal communities.
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Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Healthcare System

Documents & Presentations
Marina Freire-Gormaly
Looks at partnership between Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada and the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada to develop core competencies curriculum and efforts to recruit Aboriginals into health care professions. Special focus on the University of Saskatchewan's programs.
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Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Needs Framework

Alternate Title
Coastal Corridor Consortium Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Needs Framework
Documents & Presentations
Laara Mixon
Using community and Institutional surveys as a basis, paper provides an overview to aid in short-term guidance for planning purposes.
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