"Coyote Was Walking ...": Management Education in Indian Time

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Amy Klemm Verbos
Deanna M. Kennedy
Joe S. Gladstone
Journal of Management Education, vol. 35, no. 1, February 2011, pp. 51-65
Presents a story to show Native American perspectives on time, teaching, and learning.
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Cradle Boards for Babies

Alternate Title
Hodinohso:ni Art Lesson ; no. 7
Documents & Presentations
[Rick Hill]
[Roxanne Sky]

Discusses various examples of Mohawk and Seneca boards and the techniques used to create them.

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Cradles of the American Aborigines

Alternate Title
Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution
Report of the United States National Museum, Under the Direction of the Smithsonian Institution
E-Books » Chapters
Otis T. Mason
Forms part of Report of the United States National Museum 1887.
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Craft Competition: National Pow Wow 16

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michael Kostelnik
Whispering Wind, vol. 42, no. 5, Issue 291, May 2014, p. 24
Author and judge for the National Craft Competition highlights the importance of Native American craftwork as a link to the past as well as its use in ceremonies and dress.
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Crafting Europe’s “Clean Slate” Advantage: World-System Expansion and the Indigenous Mississippians of North America

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shirley A. Hollis
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 28, no. 3, 2004, pp. 77-101
Looks at how contact may affect the trajectory of change among the Mississippians. The article also expands on Chase-Dunn and Hall’s hypothesis that argues that episodes of incorporation, disintegration, and reincorporation may vary in highly predictable and interrelated ways in other systems.
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Craig Carpenter and the Neo-Indians of LONAI

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brian D. Haley
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 2, Spring, 2018, pp. 215-245
Explores the relationship between the phenomenon of people who lack expected ancestry or affiliation claiming Native American identity, the Hopi Traditionalist movement and League of North American Indians. Concludes with the paradox that many modern Indians, neo-Indians, and New Agers draw their beliefs, practices, and identities from a common source.
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Crazy Brave: A Memoir

Book Reviews
Martha Viehmann
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 37, no. 3, 2013, pp. 131-133
Book review of: Crazy Brave by Joy Harjo. Review located by scrolling to page 131.
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Crazy Horse Rides Again

Articles » General
Tony Perrottet
Smithsonian, vol. 37, no. 2, May 2006, p. 82
Looks at the conflict regarding the monument of Crazy Horse. The Indian organization Defenders of the Black Hills argue the monument is an environmental and spiritual violation.
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Creating a Path: American Indian/Alaska Native High School Students Pursuing College and a Career in Nursing

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janet R. Katz
Denise Smart
Robbie Paul
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, vol. 7, no. 1, January 2010, p. article no. 22
Examines pre- and post-survey study results of high school students attending a week long residency program by looking at student perception between those on reserve and those off reserve.
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Creating a Tribal Law Practice Clinic in Kansas: Carving the Peg to Fit the Hole

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Aliza G. Organick
North Dakota Law Review, vol. 82, no. 3, The Pedagogy of American Indian Law, 2006, pp. 849-862
Looks at creating a tribal court emphasis within an existing clinic curriculum to cover basic principles of federal Indian law and the clinical skills needed to practice in a court setting. Scroll down to page 849 to read article.
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Creating an Education Pipeline: Training American Indian Teachers

Articles » General
Virginia Norris Exton
Journal of Indigenous Research, vol. 1, no. 1, Special Issue, 2011, pp. 1-3
Brief article gives overview of study which involved Ute and Navajo pre-service teachers. Found six factors contributed to professional identity: giving back to the community, serving students, empowerment, peer support, content expertise, and role models.
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Creating Sacred Places for Children in Grades 4-6

Documents & Presentations
Sandra J. Fox
Provides background documentation to assist in developing culturally relevant curricula. Includes materials for "8 Science-Based Units, 8 History/Social Studies-Based Units, 8 Language Arts-Based Units."
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Creating Sacred Places for Students in Grades 9-12

Documents & Presentations
Sandra J. Fox
Provides background documentation to assist in developing culturally relevant curricula. Includes materials for "8 Science-Based Units, 8 History/Social Studies-Based Units, 8 Language Arts-Based Units."
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Creation and Healing: An Empowering Relationship For Women Artists

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gloria F. Orenstein
Women's Studies International Forum, vol. 8, no. 5, 1985, pp. 439-458
Focuses on contemporary women artists and writers and how their artistic creations have played a role in the healing process for themselves and others.
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The Creation of Self-Identity in Native American Autobiography

Rachel Brim Cruthirds

Examines three novels: The Autobiography of Black Hawk by J.B. Patterson Black Elk Speaks by John Neihardt The Names: A Memoir by N. Scott Momaday. [American Literature] Thesis (M.A.)--The University of Houston Clear Lake, 1998.

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Creation Stories: Survivance, Sovereignty, and Oil in MHA Country

Articles » General
Stephen Richard Andrews
Transmotion, vol. 4, no. 2, Red Readings, December 30, 2018, pp. 80-112
Paper combines interviews and legal scholarship to discuss the outcomes of oil extraction in Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Nation (MHA) territory while considering past appropriations of tribal land, environmental consequences, and Indigenous sovereignty.
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Creation Story

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paula Gunn Allen
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, 1980, pp. 5-6
A poem.
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Cree Language Resources: An Annotated Bibliography

Documents & Presentations
Lawrence Barkwell
Norman Fleury
Material on: culture, history, mythology and language as well as separate sections for scholarly articles and theses.children's books, films, internet resources, music, recordings, curriculum materials, and textbooks.
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The Cree Medicine Wheel as an Organizing Paradigm of Theories of Human Development

Articles » General
Annie Wenger-Nabigon
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 7, Promising Practices in Mental Health: Emerging Paradigms for Aboriginal Social Work Practices, November 2010, pp. 139-161
Discusses various aspects of the Medicine Wheel, including knowledge about human development from the mainstream paradigm and Indigenous wisdom and ways of knowing from an ecological position, thus linking human development concerns to a wholistic view.
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