Cultural Genocide Masked as Education: U.S. History Textbooks' Coverage of Indigenous Education Policies

Alternate Title
Doing Race in Social Studies: Critical Perspectives
Teaching and Learning Social Studies
E-Books » Chapters
Sarah B. Shear
Concludes that current K-12 history textbooks inadequately address the complexities of Indigenous education. Chapter 2 from: Doing Race in Social Studies: Critical Perspectives edited by Prentice T. Chandler. Scroll down to read paper.
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Cultural Heritage Management: A Global Perspective

Book Reviews
Gregory R. Campbell
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 2, 2012, pp. 177-179
Book review of: Cultural Heritage Management edited by Phyllis Mauch Messenger and George S. Smith. Review located by scrolling to page 177.
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Cultural Imperialism and the Marketing of Native America

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Laurie Anne Whitt
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 19, no. 3, 1995, pp. 1-31
Looks at the marketing of Indigenous spirituality and how it enables the dominant culture to secure political and social control, as well as profiting economically from Aboriginal cultures.
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Cultural Influences on Navajo Mothers with Disabled Children

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jennie R. Joe
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1/2, Spring-Summer, 1982, pp. 170-190
A look at how Navajo cultural and social structures helped Indigenous mothers and families with disabled children .
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Cultural Investment: Providing Opportunities to Reduce Risky Behavior Among Gay American Indian Males

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brian Joseph Gilley
John Hawk Co-Cké
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, vol. 37, no. 3, Faces of HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse in Native American Communities, September 2005, pp. 293-298
Examines gender and identity, social acceptance by tribal communities and families, and health risks specific to American Indian gay men.
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Cultural Landscapes and Traditional Cultural Properties: A Southern Paiute View of the Grand Canyon and Colorado River

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard W. Stoffle
David B. Halmo
Diane E. Austin
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 2, Spring, 1997, pp. 229-249
Authors explore the principles of cultural landscapes, traditional cultural properties, and consider different social and political factors that contribute to the effectiveness of these concepts in protecting Indigenous artifacts and significant places.
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The Cultural Legacy of America's National Parklands

Articles » General
John E. Cook
National Forum, vol. 71, no. 2, Spring, 1991, pp. [24-27?]
Comments on the opportunities for Native American culture to take its rightful place in the National park system.
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Cultural Lessons for Clinical Mental Health Practice [Chapter] V

Alternate Title
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, [Monograph No.2, pp. 68-93]
The People Who Give More: Health and Mental Health Among the Contemporary Puyallup Indian Tribal Community
[Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health] ; Monograph 2, 1989
Articles » General
George M. Guilment
David L. Whited
Focuses on the cultural perspective of clinical mental health of the Puyallup community and its applications to other Native American communities.
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Cultural Negotiation and Schooling: New Idea or New Clothing For An Old Idea?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gerald V. Mohatt
Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 69, no. 2, Negotiating the culture of Indigenous Schools, Winter, 1994, pp. 172-185
Reviews articles in the special issue, Negotiating the Culture of Indigenous Schools, discusses barriers to careers in teaching, expanding knowledge base of Indigenous education and the relationship between school change, culture, power and control.
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Cultural Perceptions of Health and Diabetes among Native American Men

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Casey L. Cavanaugh
Christopher A. Taylor
Kathryn S. Keim
Jill E. Clutter
Maureen E. Geraghty
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved, vol. 19, no. 4, November 2008, pp. 1029-1043
Observations from interviews conducted with 20 men regarding their perceptions of health, diabetes and prevention behaviors.
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Cultural Practices in American Indian Prevention Programs

Articles » General
Ruth Sanchez-Way
Sandie Johnson
Juvenile Justice, vol. 7, no. 2, December 2000, p. [?]
Reports that successful programs incorporate a multilevel community approach and create opportunities for youth to develop self-efficacy and competence.
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Cultural Resilience: Voices of Native American Students in College Retention

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Virginia Drywater-Whitekiller
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 30, no. 1, 2010, pp. 1-19
Contends that the nineteen Native American college students interviewed in this study persist in college due to the culture of their families and communities rather than that of the educational institutions.
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Cultural Shrines Revisited

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elaine Jahner
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 1, The Literary Achievements of Gerald Vizenor, Winter, 1985, pp. 23-30
Comments on George Vizenor narrative style to help readers from different cultures relate to one another through his writing.
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Cultural Spaces, Racial Matrices in Contemporary Indigenous Writing in the USA and Canada

Alternate Title
Images of Canada: Interiors and Exteriors
[International Conference of Canadian Studies ; 2nd, 2005]
E-Books » Chapters
Madeleine Danova
Discusses Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King and Because my Father Always Said He Was the Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play "The Star-Spangled Banner" at Woodstock from The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie. Excerpt from Images of Canada: Interiors and Exteriors. Entire volume on one pdf. To access essay scroll to p. 131.
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Cultural Survival in the Media

Articles » General
David Maybury-Lewis
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 2, Aboriginal Media, Aboriginal Control, Summer, 1998
Discussion of how television and radio media can aid cultural survival by providing culturally sensitive programming in minority languages, and how Canada has been a leader in First Nations programming.
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The Cultural Twilight

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David Treuer
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 35, no. 1, 2011, pp. 47-54
Looks back over the field of Native American literature and criticism, and makes some predictions as to the future direction of American Indian studies.
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Culturally Appropriate Curriculum: A Research-based Rationale

Alternate Title
Next Steps: Research and Practice to Advance Indian Education
E-Books » Chapters
Tarajean Yazzie

Chapter 4 in: Next Steps: Research and Practice to Advance Indian Education edited by K. G. Swisher and J. Tippeconnic. Research studies of theoretical frameworks, supportive learning environments, communication and interaction style.

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Culturally Competent Evaluation for Aboriginal Communities: A Review of the Empirical Literature

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jill A. Chouinard
J. Bradley Cousins
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, vol. 4, no. 8, October 2007, pp. 40-57
Focuses on three questions: what is culturally competent evaluation, what does this type of evaluation look like, what approaches have been found to be most effective, and what gaps remain to be addressed?
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Culturally Competent Research With American Indians and Alaska Natives: Findings and Recommendations of the First Symposium of the Work Group on American Indian Research and Program Evaluation Methodology

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joyce Y. Caldwell
Jamie D. Davis
Barbara Du Bois
et al
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 12, no. 1, 2005, pp. 1-21
Describes the collective experiences of those who support appropriate research methods in working with Native peoples
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A Culturally Responsive, Family-Enhanced Intervention Model

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alison J. Boyd-Ball
Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, vol. 27, no. 8, August 2003, pp. 1356-1360
Discussion of The Shadow Project, a three year study involving 60 families who had a child entering alcohol and drug inpatient treatment.
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Culturally Responsive Schooling for Indigenous Youth

Documents & Presentations
Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy
Shows how community and culture based education contributes to academic success for American Indian and Alaska Native children. Recommendations are provided.
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Culturally Responsive Teaching for American Indian Students

Alternate Title
ERIC Digest ; ED482325
Documents & Presentations
Cornel Pewewardy
Patricia Cahape Hammer
Discusses holistic approach to curriculum and instruction by connecting a five part conceptual framework to present research in education.
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Culturally Responsive Teaching for American Indian Students

Book Reviews
Amy Bergstrom
Thomas D. Peacock
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 16, no. 3, Indigenizing Education, Spring, 2005
Book review of: Culturally Responsive Teaching for American Indian Students by Cornel Pewewardy and Patricia Cahape Hammer.
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