Emerging Problem of Methamphetamine: A Threat Signaling the Need to Reform Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elizabeth Ann Kronk
North Dakota Law Review, vol. 82, no. 4, 2006, pp. 1249-1271
Discusses the scope of the problem, reviews legislation which has resulted in making reservations attractive for criminal activity as well as producing difficulties in prosecution of crimes, and makes recommendations to improve the situation.
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Emotional Problems of the Indian Students in Boarding Schools and Related Public Schools: Workshop Proceedings, Albuquerque Indian School, April 11, 12, 13, 1960

Documents & Presentations
Arthur P. Coladarci
Norman a. Polansky
William w. Beatty
Tom T. Saski
Annie D. Wauneka
Robert L. Leon
Carl Binger
J. Roswell Gallagher
Topics included: American Indian Culture in Transition, Sources of Mental Stress in Indian Acculturation, Avoidance of Emotional Disturbances, Mental Health of Indian Boarding School Children, Psychological Conflicts of Adolescents, Helping the Adolescent in School, etc.
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The Employment of Indian Auxiliaries in the American War

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrew McFarland Davis
English Historical Review, vol. 2, no. 8, October 1887, pp. 709-728
Discusses roles of First Nations in the events leading up to and including the American Revolution.
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The Employment of Indians in the War of 1812

Alternate Title
Annual Report of the American Historical Association ; 1895
E. Cruikshank

From the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1895, pages 321-335.

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Enabling Women to Live the Life They Choose: Women’s Work

Articles » General
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 1, The Electronic Drum: Community Radios Role in Indigenous Language Revitalization, March 2013, p. [?]
Discusses the benefits of fair trade crafts made by the San Bushmen women of southern Africa.
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Enacting Kaitiakitanga: Challenges and Complexities in the Governance and Ownership of Rongoā Research Information

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Amohia Boulton
Maui Hudson
Annabel Ahuriri-Driscoll
Albert Stewart
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, The Governance of Indigenous Information, 2014, pp. 1-18
Discusses the challenges a research team faced as it arranged data ownership and governance in a highly politicized area of health research.
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Encounter of Two Different Worlds: The Columbus-Indian Legacy of History

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donald L. Fixico
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 17, no. 3, Special Issue on Encounter of Two Worlds: The Next Five Hundred Years, 1993, pp. 17-31
Examines, the rarely studied aspect regarding, the first point of contact and how Aboriginal people viewed Columbus.
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Encountering Professional Psychology: Re-Envisioning Mental Health Services for Native North America

Alternate Title
Healing Traditions: The Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
E-Books » Chapters
Joseph P. Gone
Summarizes three contradictions that the author has observed among First Nations psychology professionals. Chapter 19 from Healing Traditions: The Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada edited by Laurence J. Kirmayer and Gail Guthrie Valaskakis.
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Encounters with Deer Woman: Sexual Relations in Susan Power's The Grass Dancer and Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Annette Van Dyke
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 15, no. 3-4, Series 2; [Indigenous Intersections], Fall/Winter, 2003/2004, pp. 168-180
Explores how Aboriginal perspectives / attitudes are made accessible to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal audiences in the plots of two contemporary novels. To access article, scroll down to appropriate page.
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"The End" in James Welch's Novels

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ron McFarland
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 3, Summer, 1993, pp. 319-327
Illustrates how Blackfeet author James Welch uses small surprises, ambiguities, and arguable resolutions to end his novels, thus avoiding the open-and-shut case ending.
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End of WHAT Trail?

Alternate Title
End of WHAT Trail? Intertribal Colleges Support Thriving Cultures
Articles » General
Paul Boyer
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 19, no. 3, Beyond Our Names: Uncovering Indentity, Spring, 2008
Examines some of the differences between tribal colleges and intertribal colleges in the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.
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End State Renal Disease among Native Americans, 1983-86

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jeffrey M. Newman
Anthony A. Marfin
Paul W. Eggers
Steven D. Helgerson
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 80, no. 3, March 1990, pp. 318-319
Study uses data reported to Medicare to determine end stage renal disease (ESRD) and found that 56% of the Aboriginal American cases were due to diabetes.
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Endangered Native American Languages: What Is to Be Done, and Why?

Alternate Title
Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April 5, 1994
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James Crawford
Bilingual Research Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, Indigenous Language Education and Literacy, Winter, 1995, pp. 17-38
Looks at the causes of language decline, if the process can be reversed and why this is a problem we should be worried about.
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“Endeavor to Persevere”: The Bad, the Good, and Making Frybread

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sam Pack
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 38, no. 1, 2018, pp. 55-73
Author discusses the Navajo ways of blending traditional practices, identities, and ways of being with contemporary mainstream social structures and lifestyles.
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Ending Violence against Native Women

Web Sites » Organizations
Indian Law Resource Center
Comments on a project that partners with Native women's organizations and Indian and Alaska Native nations to end violence against women and girls.
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Endodontic Treatment in an American Indian Population: A 10-Year Retrospective Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michael J. Mindiola
André K. Mickel
Chogle Sami
Jefferson J. Jones
James A. Lalumandier
Journal of Endodontics, vol. 32, no. 9, September 2006, pp. 828-832
Observes the retention of endodontically treated teeth in a population of American Indians and Alaska Natives to determine the impact of treatment by a group of dentists and endodontic specialists.
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Eneq's Ke:s - Kake:ketikuaq Omae:qnomene:wak ("The Menominee Have Spoken"): Mentorship and Collaboration in an Indigenous Community

Alternate Title
Reports from the Field
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christine K. Lemley
John H. Teller
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 53, no. 1, 2014, pp. 42-53
Non-Indigenous researcher and her mentor describe how the time taken to build and maintain relationships with, for and by community was essential the project.
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The Energy Efficiency and Cultural Significance of Traditional Housing: Comparing the Navajo Nation and Pueblo of Acoma in an Effort to Reform Federal Indian Programs

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kayla DeVault
Indigenous Policy Journal , vol. 29, no. 2, Fall, 2018, pp. 22-33
Publication of paper presented at Western Social Science Association 2018 Meeting, American Indian Studies Section; compares energy efficiency of the home-building materials and techniques of the Navajo Nation with those of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Public and Indian Housing. Argues for federal policies and programs that incorporate local Indigenous knowledge.
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Energy Planning for Indian Nations within the WRAP: A Field Guide

Alternate Title
Energy Planning for Indian Nations within the Western Regional Air Partnership: A Field Guide
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas L. Acker
Chian Jones
Dean Howard Smith
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 30, no. 4, 2006, pp. 115-132
Overview of how one community energy planning template was designed by the Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES) team.
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Enforcement in Sherman Alexie's Indian Killer

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alexandra V. Lund
The Explicator, vol. 72, no. 4, 2014, pp. 270-274
Examines the fictional characters of Truck Shultz, Jack Wilson, Olivia Smith and Dr. Clarence Mather.
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Engaging Indigeneity and Avoiding Appropriation: An Interview with Adrienne Keene

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Adrienne Keene
Eve Tuck
Karyn Recollet
English Journal, vol. 106, no. 1, 2016, pp. 55-57
Interview provides a definition of cultural appropriation and some analysis of how it affects Indigenous communities; discusses what teachers and educators can do to address issues of appropriation while engaging with contemporary Indigenous cultures.
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