New Agency Meets

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 5, no. 2, February 1976, p. 7
Opening of the Shellbrook Indian Agency described.
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New Blood In FSIN

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
LeaderPost, October 30, 2006, p. B1
Comments on the 2006 Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations election and the victory of Lawrence Joseph in the contest for Chief.
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New Book Passes Along First Nation Protocols

Articles » General
Sheena Findlay
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 12, December 2009, p. 16
Highlights a book of First Nations protocols useful for ceremonies and traditional gatherings as well as for passing information to younger generations. Article located by scrolling to page 16.
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The New Buffalo is Education

Book Reviews
Frances Boylston
Inroads, vol. 10, May 2001, pp. [150-153]
Book review of: Ahtahkakoop: The Epic Account of a Plains Cree Head Chief, His People, and Their Struggle For Survival, 1816-1896 by Deanna Christensen.
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New CIBC Reserve Branch a Success

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 28, no. 3, Fall, 1998, p. 2
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce opens bank on the La Ronge Reserve in Saskatchewan.
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New Column Won't Sugar Coat the Reality

Alternate Title
Dee's Words
Articles » General
Deidre Badger
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 1, January 2008, p. 13
Promotes a column that intends to bring up issues that need to be addressed. Article located by scrolling to page 13.
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New Deal Rumored for Off-Reserve People

Articles » General
Paul Barnsley
Windspeaker, vol. 21, no. 9, December 2003

Outlines the federal government's political stance on Aboriginal issues as Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, hands over the reins to Paul Martin.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.10.

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New FSIN Leadership Has Mandate For Change

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, October 27, 2006, p. A11
Describes the evolution and growth in the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations election process and in which direction the changes will take place.
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New FSIN Vice-Chief Has History as Quick Learner

Alternate Title
New Federation of Saskatchewan Indians (FSIN) Vice-Chief Has History as Quick Learner
Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, December 15, 2006, p. A15
Article gives a short biography of Glen Pratt, who was elected Third Vice-Chief of the FSIN in the 2006 elections.
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New FSIN Vice-Chiefs Job Needs Running Start

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, December 8, 2006, p. A15
Article introduces Lyle Whitefish from Big River First Nation and his accomplishments in the educational field.
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New Healing Lodge Promises Rehabilitation

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, 06 27, 2003, p. A13
Comments on the economic and social benefits of the Willow Cree Healing Lodge on the Okemasis First Nation in Saskatchewan.
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New Minister Announces Policy Shift

Articles » General
Stephen LaRose
Windspeaker, vol. 17, no. 6, October 1999, p. 3

Aboriginal leaders at the 1999 Treaty 4 commemorations in Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan are hopeful as newly appointed Minister of Indian Affairs, Robert Nault, states the time has come for federal government to move towards treaty implementation as a way of defining its relationship with First Nations.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.3.

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New Perspectives in Nursing Education: The Role of Nurses in Health Promotion for Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic Region: The Case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
N. H. Dyachkovsky
A. G. Karpova
N. A. Protasova
B. A. Chemezova
I. L. Savvina
Northern Review, no. 43, Nursing Education in the Circumpolar North, December 2016, pp. 135-138
Discusses the role of international co-operation among higher education institutions in projects directed to promoting the health of Arctic populations.
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New Project Helps Build Home for Whitecap Family

Articles » General
Blue Pelletier
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 12, December 2009, p. 17
Comments on a home built by high school students in Saskatoon, who are enrolled in the Construction Technology Pathway program, and the partners that helped bring such a project to fruition. Article located by scrolling to page 17.
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New Resources Available From the Gabriel Dumon Institute

Articles » General
David Morin
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 7, July 2011, p. 19
Reports the publication of a children's story about a Métis grandmother and her granddaughter and a book about iconic Métis figure Gabriel Dumont. Article located by scrolling to page 19.
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New Sites of Transformation in Aboriginal People's Post-Secondary Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Malreddy Pavan Kumar
Policy Dialogue, vol. 15, Spring, 2007, pp. 18-20
An examination of the educational success of Indigenous students and its role in creating new Indigenous "middle/intellectual class". Entire issue on one pdf. Scroll down to page 18 to access article.
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New War is Tearing Our Communities Apart

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Articles » General
Winona Wheeler
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 11, November 2009, p. 5
Author reflects on Remembrance Day ceremonies, Inherent/Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, social issues and the FSIN election. Article located by scrolling to page 5.
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The Newcomer Handbook: Indigenous People in Canada

Documents & Presentations
INBUILT-93 ((Indigenous-Newcomer Building Intercultural Learning on Treaties – 93)

Excellent resource for providing an overview of a broad range of topics such as treaties, residential schools, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, the Sixties Scoop, traditional cultural teachings and protocols.

Based on the work of five focus groups located in Saskatoon, Regina, North Battleford, Prince Albert, and La Ronge.

"A Response to TRC's Call-To-Action 93".

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Next FSIN Leaders Face Tough Decisions

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, October 3, 2003, p. A13
Advocates that the issue of organizational funding needs to be addressed by the next leader of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.
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Nipawi, on the Saskatchewan River, and its Historic Sites

Alternate Title
Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada ; 3rd series, section 2 ; vol. 38, 194
Documents & Presentations
Arthur S. Morton

This history deals primarily with the fur trade and the numerous posts in the "Nipawi", or Fort a la Corne and Nipawin areas along the Saskatchewan River from the 1750s to the 1790s. It contains historical and field research by Morton on the various French, Northwest Company, Independent, and Hudson's Bay Company posts found in this region of what is today Saskatchewan. Morton also discusses the war between the Cree and the original Atsina, or Gros Ventre, inhabitants of the area, as well as trade between First Nations and Europeans.

Historical note:

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nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up [Classroom Version]

Media » Film and Video
National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Tasha Hubbard
George Hupka
Jon Montes
Bonnie Thompson
Downstream Documentary Productions
Documentary about treatment of the case of Colton Boushie, a young Cree man who was shot and killed by Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley who was subsequently acquitted of second-degree murder. Related Material: for Grades 7-12.
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NMTA Needs Assessment: Building Administrative Capacity in Northern Saskatchewan's Municipalities: Summary of Findings

Alternate Title
Northern Management Trust Account Needs Assessment
Documents & Presentations
Nola Buhr
Joe Garcea
Greg Poelzer
Found that most municipalities were not meeting the Northern Municipalities Act's financial management and governance requirements. Data for report gathered through interviews with administrators, elected officials, representatives from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the NMTA Board.
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No More Excuses: Dene Elder's Words for Youth

Alternate Title
Residential School Separation Heartbreaking for Youngsters Coming From Large Dene Family
Articles » General
Creeson Agecoutay
Eagle Feather News, vol. 13, no. 3, March 2010, p. 18
Discusses youth making good choices such as staying away from drugs and alcohol. Article found by scrolling to page 18.
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