Displaying 1 - 50 of 53

Beauval, Saskatchewan: An Historical Sketch

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paul Hurly
Saskatchewan History, vol. 33, no. 3, Autumn, 1980, pp. 102-110

Provides information on the founding of the town of Beauval and of the surrounding community: the Grey Nuns Mission at Ile-à-la-Crosse, the Mission build by the Oblate Marie Immaculate order, and the Indian Industrial School located there. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to p.102.

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Community and Aboriginality in an Aboriginal Community: Relating to Histories in and of Île-à-la-Crosse

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Katya MacDonald
Saskatchewan History, vol. 61, no. 2, Glimpses of Métis Society and History in Northwest Saskatchewan, Fall, 2009, pp. 18-28

Two-part paper first examine the history of Île-à-la-Crosse in the context of mainstream histories, then examines how local community histories have become markers of Aboriginality. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 18.

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Cross-Cousin Marriage Among the Saskatchewan Cree

Articles » General
M. Rossignol
Primitive Man, vol. 11, no. 1/2, April 1938, pp. 26-28
Briefly discusses kinship terms and explains attitudes about cross-cousin as opposed to parallel cousin marriage.
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Duel at Ile-à-la’Crosse

Articles » General
Elizabeth Arthur
Saskatchewan History, vol. 27, no. 2, Spring, 1974, pp. [41]-50

Article examines several historical documents and first-hand accounts in an attempt to piece together a sword duel, and preceding events, at Fort Chipewyan between a Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC), employee, James McVicar, and a North West Company (NWC) employee, Hector McNeil. Entire issue on one PDF file, scroll to page 41.

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Encountering Mary: Apparitions, Roadside Shrines, and the Métis of the Westside

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Amanda Fehr
MacKinley Darlington
Saskatchewan History, vol. 61, no. 2, Glimpses of Métis Society and History in Northwest Saskatchewan, Fall, 2009, pp. 29-40

Study uses oral interviews to engage Métis understandings of Marian apparitions and shrines in and surrounding Sakitawak (Île-à-la-Crosse); authors work to discuss Métis spirituality in a way that makes sense to community members and that also challenges outsiders presumptions about the relationship between the Métis and Mary. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 29.

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A Group of Natives on Sailing Ships

Images » Photographs
Marcel Chappuis
A photograph by Saskatchewan Provincial Police officer Marcel Chappuis of a group of Native people sitting on two sailboats. Probably tied up at Ile a la Crosse.
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Hauling Drinking Water

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
Young boys hauling drinking water with a wheelbarrow. Île-à-la-Crosse, Saskatchewan.
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Healthy Aging in Place: Environmental Scan Île-à-la-Crosse

Documents & Presentations
Bonnie Jeffery
Shanthi Johnson
Nuelle Novik
Sylvia Abonyi
Diane Martz
Juanita Bacsu
Sarah Oosman
Looks at a study that examines the supports and barriers of healthy aging for seniors in rural and northern communities.
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The Île-à-la-Crosse Cemetary: A Regional Approach

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kevin Gambell
Saskatchewan History, vol. 61, no. 2, Glimpses of Métis Society and History in Northwest Saskatchewan, Fall, 2009, pp. 41-46

Uses spatial history research to examine the way that cemeteries as present-day manifestations of the way that a people recall their history can help scholars and communities to recognize how a person’s memory can affect contemporary social understandings of that person. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 41.

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Ile a la Crosse Winter Festival

Articles » General
Coverage of the winter festival in Ile a la Crosse. Winners from various competitions on page two. Page one: Three pictures, one of flour packing, one of dog sled preparation, and one of snow mobile racing. Page two: Three pictures, all of hockey being played. Page three: Awards ceremony.
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[Mapping Narratives of Métisness and Communities]

Alternate Title
Reconciliation and the Métis Conference [Session Two]
Media » Film and Video
Brenda MacDougall
Mike Evans
Robert Innes
Signa Daum Shanks
MacDougall and Evans discuss their work developing a Métis digital archive database. Innes discusses culturally-mixed bands and cultural similarities of First Nation and Métis peoples. Signa Daum Shanks speaks about using community stories to improve modern community relationships. Duration: 1:18:18
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[Meadow Lake Agency] Family Allowances - General

Documents & Presentations
Indian Affairs Branch
Department of Mines and Resources
Correspondence and circulars from Indian Affairs primarily concerning family allowances.

Historical note:

Harold Nelson Woodsworth served as an Indian Agent at a number of agencies in Saskatchewan.
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Paths to Reconciliation

Alternate Title
Paths to Reconciliation: Teacher's Guide
Paths to Reconciliation: An Educational Guide
Documents & Presentations
Anne Lindsay
Doug Smith
Mireille Lamontagne

Educational resource explores the residential school experience through the narratives of three former students: Clara Clare who attended All Hallows Mission School in British Columbia; Leah Idlout who was sent to Parc Savard Hospital in Quebec City to be treated for tuberculosis; and Mike Durocher who was a student at Ȋle-à-la-Crosse Boarding School, Saskatchewan. Includes lesson plans for early, middle and senior years.

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"The People Who Own Themselves": Recognition of Métis Identity in Canada: Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Vernon White
Lillian Eva Dyck
Lynn Beyak
Jacques Demers
Marjory LeBreton ... [et al.]
Provides background information relevant to identity, summary of evidence heard, and committee's key observations and recommendations to the federal government. Includes seven community profiles.
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Police Boat Tied Up

Images » Photographs
Marcel Chappuis
Saskatchewan Provincial Police patrol boat tied up at Ile a la Crosse. Dr. F. X. Boucher and Corporal W. P. Cornell stand in the front. An unidentified man (perhaps Metis?) stands at the back of boat.
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Police Boat Tied Up, Photo Two

Images » Photographs
Marcel Chappuis
A photograph of a Saskatchewan Provincial Police patrol boat tied up at Ile a la Crosse. A different angle on the same picture identified as LH-6389-74. Three unidentified men are in the photo, one (perhaps Metis?) stands at the back of boat. There is a canoe on the roof of the cabin loaded with supplies.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Opening Prayer, Remarks and Historical Perspective

Documents & Presentations
File contains an opening prayer for the sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Ile a la Crosse, Saskatchewan, on Tuesday, December 8, 1992. The opening prayer was made by Jim Favel and Commissioner of the Day Martin Durocher called on the moderator, Max Morin, to present a Historical Perspective of Ile a la Crosse. Opening remarks were made by Commissioner Rene Dussault and Commissioner Mary Sillett regarding the composition and mandate of the Commission and commenting on the Historical Perspective.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Brian Ratt

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Brian Ratt
File contains a presentation made by Brian Ratt on the topics of self-government in Aboriginal communities and the mandate of the Royal Commission. Also contained are comments and questions from the assembled Commissioners and those of the Commissioner-of-the-Day.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Charlotte Ross, La Ronge Native Women's Council

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Charlotte Ross
File contains a presentation by Charlotte Ross, La Ronge Native Women's Council. Ross discusses her personal experience with family violence, and discusse the La Ronge Native Women's Council of which she is a part. Ross discusses her view that abusers as well as the abused need treatment for behaviour they have internalized.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Max Morin, Regional Director, Metis Society of Sask. Chairman, Gabriel Dumont Institute

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Max Morin
File contains a presentation by Max Morin, Metis Society of Saskatchewan, Regional Director - Chairman, Gabriel Dumont Institute. Morin discusses the problems faced by the Metis people in northern Saskatchewan, and complains that multinational corporations have more rights to the land than its rightful owners (the Metis themselves). Morin also discusses how wealth has been extracted from the region with no benefit to the people living there, who have actually gone into debt. Morin sees the way forward for the Metis as dependent upon good education for his people.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Metis Society, Local 21, Brian Favel

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation made by Brian Favel for the Metis Society, Local 21 on the topics of the justice system, the education opportunities for northern communities, economic development and self-government in Aboriginal communities. Also contained are comments and questions from the assembled Commissioners and those of the Commissioner-of-the-Day.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Northern Disabled People, Gary Tinker

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation made by Gary Tinker for Northern Disabled People, on the topic of the education system pertaining to disabled people of northern Saskatchewan communities and the lack of services available. Also contained are comments and questions from the assembled Commissioners and those of the Commissioner-of-the-Day.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Northern Teacher Education Program/Northern Professional Access College

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation made by Rick Laliberte and Harold Schultz for the Northern Teacher Education Program (NORTEP) and the Northern Professional Access College (NORPAC) on the topics of the the Royal Commission's mandate, the education opportunities for northern communities, economic development and self-government in Aboriginal communities. Also contained are comments and questions from the assembled Commissioners and those of the Commissioner-of-the-Day.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Pinehouse Metis Society Local

Documents & Presentations
Marie Symes Grehan
George Smith
File contains a presentation made by Marie Symes Grehan for the Pinehouse Metis Society Local and Deputy Mayor George Smith. The presentation touched on the topics of economic development and employment in the Metis community. Also contained are comments and questions concerning the Intervenor Funding Program.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Remarks by Vital Morin

Documents & Presentations
File contains opening remarks by Vital Morin of Ile A La Crosse, Saskatchewan. Morin discusses his own life including a stint in World War 2, and his actions in helping to organize the Metis Society of Saskatchewan, how the Metis were overlooked by government, hunting rights, and his hope that the Commission will lead to concrete action on behalf of Metis people.
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