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James Walsh Papers - Letter to Cora Walsh from J.M. Walsh - 31 May 1890.

Archival » Archival Items
James Morrow Walsh
This folder contains a typescript of a letter from Walsh to his daughter Cora written in 1890, in which he describes his meetings with Sitting Bull and other aboriginal peoples in the late 1870s; and Walsh's account of how he 'succeeded in undoing' what Louis Riel had done to form a federation of the Indians and half-breeds of the prairies in 1877-1879.
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James Walsh Papers - The Riel Rebellion

Documents & Presentations
James Morrow Walsh
This file contains James Walsh's account of how he 'succeeded in undoing' what Louis Riel had done to form a federation of the Indians and Metis of the Canadian prairies in 1877-1879.

Historical note:

James Morrow Walsh (22 May 1840 - 25 July 1905) was a North West Mounted Police (NWMP) officer and the first Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. Born in Prescott, Ontario, James Walsh was one of the original officers of the NWMP.
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Old Fort Walsh in the Cypress Hills - Photograph. - n.d.

Images » Photographs
Image of Old Fort Walsh in foreground; trees and landscape in background. Summer scene. Photograph possibly from a calendar.

Historical note:

Fort Walsh, located in the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan, 170 km SE of present-day Swift Current, SK, was an early North-West Mounted Police post constructed in 1875 by men under the command of Inspector James Walsh, for whom it was named.
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Reconstructions of a Different Kind: The Mounted Police and the Rebirth of Fort Walsh, 1942-1966

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James De Jonge
Saskatchewan History, vol. 49, no. 1, Spring, 1997, pp. 22-32

Author recounts the history of Fort Walsh and of the NWMP/RCMP deployment into Western Canada; describes the efforts—both locally initiated, and those set in motion by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada to (HSMBC)—to reconstruct the Fort, and the course that rebuilding took. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 22.

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Report of Interview Dr. L.H. Thomas and Mr. Gabriel Leveille

Documents & Presentations
Gabriel Leveille
L. H. Thomas
Transcript of a tape recorded interview of Metis North West Mounted Police employee Gabriel Leveille. Leveille worked in the Cypress Hills, Fort Walsh area during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Topics covered in the interview include Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse in Canada, Gabriel Dumont and the 1885 uprising, roping a grizzly bear in the Cypress Hills, Chief Piapot, Ranching, and numerous other topics pertaining to Police and Metis life.

Historical note:

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