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Battleford and Medicine Hat - Newspaper clipping - 9 May 1885.

Articles » General
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, May 1885, p. 196
Note: The description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. A short article on the ongoing Northwest Resistance, including four sketches: 1. The fort at Battleford; 2. The South Saskatchewan; 3. Steamers loading at Medicine Hat; 4. The Revolt of the Half-Breeds.
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Battleford Indians at Special Ceremony

Alternate Title
Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion
Images » Photographs
Photograph. Caption: "Battleford Indians [including three former warriors] at a special ceremony commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the battle." Participants in group photo; outdoor scene. From the book Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion by Blair Stonechild and Bill Waiser.
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Battleford Industrial School

Images » Photographs
D. Cadzow
A photograph of the students and staff of the Battleford Industrial School taken by D. Cadzow, undated.
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Battleford on the flats south of Battle River prior to its removal in 1886 to high ground across the battle.

Images » Photographs
Battleford on the flats south of Battle River prior to its removal in 1886 to high ground across the Battle River. The two small buildings to the left on the low ground belonged to the telegraph office, the long peaked-roof structure to the right was Alexander Macdonald's store, and the square cottage-shaped building was the Saskatchewan Herald Office. P.G. Laurie's home can be seen to the right of the trail winding up the hill, and the government buildings along the horizon.
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The Battleford Post - Pamphlet. - 1949.

Archival » Archival Items
Pamphlet outlining the history of Fort Battleford, Saskatchewan. Five original buildings remain as the nucleus of this national historic site.

Historical note:

Fort Battleford, built in 1876 and in use until 1924, was the sixth Northwest Mounted Police fort to be established in the Northwest Territories of Canada, and played a central role in the events of the Northwest Resistance of 1885.
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Battleford Remembers Stockade Days

Articles » General
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Mrs. C. Wetton
Articles in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix relating to the 50th anniversary of the Northwest Resistance, with articles on Charles Parker, NWMP member,; Ben Prince, Chief Fine Day, and sketches of the Battleford Stockade.
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"Battleford's History, 1933-1962."

Articles » General
Cecilia Wetton
This folder contains articles written about the Battleford area by Mrs. Wetton and Mrs. Storer. Clippings from other sources are also included. There is a good section of articles that reveal popular non-Aboriginal views of the 1885 resistance.

Historical note:

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"Brave in His Gala Attire", "Indian Warrior and His Squaw"

Images » Photographs
Note: The title of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. 2 photographs, same image ("Brave and His Gala Attire" in black and white, "Indian Warrior"in sepia tone). A portrait image of man seated with wife/woman attending to his right. Intricate beadwork on traditional dress is displayed.
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"Braves having a rest"

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Photograph depicts 2 men sitting on grass. Horses and buildings in background. Accompanying type-written text (source unknown) reads: "The aboriginals were never in a hurry and it was a frequent occurrence to see the bucks loafing in this wise no matter how important their mission. The man with the hat on is supposed to be hunting the band of ponies which had strayed, as indicated by the coiled lariat on his knee.
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Bronze Plate on "North West Rebellion" Memorial, Battleford

Images » Photographs
Plaque on the "North West Rebellion" Monument at Memorial Park in Battleford, SK. For a picture of the entire monument see S-B275. The Plaque reads: "North West Rebellion Battleford, Sacked by the Rebel Cree Indians Under Poundmaker Here on 26th May 1885 After The Battle of Batoche and the Capture of Riel Poundmaker and his Band Surrendered to General Middleton" and was produced by the Historical Monuments Board of Canada, presumably sometime in the early twentieth century.
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Campaigning in the North West Territories

Documents & Presentations
James Mortimer Austin
A write up on the experiences of James Austin, a member of the Ontarian Midland Battalion involved in the suppression of the 1885 uprising. Austin relates the story of his trek west from Ontario, but missed all major actions. Austin later became a Presbyterian minister.
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"Canon T. Clarke a Veteran of the West--In 50 Years Has Seen the West Transformed."

Documents & Presentations
File contains a newspaper article from The Journal newspaper published in Melfort, Saskatchewan Volume 18, May, 1927 (one page). It is a brief summary of Thomas Clarke's life in the West as a missionary for the Anglican church from May 1877 to May 1927. He was mainly an educator of Aboriginal children on reserves and at Battleford Industrial School. He also gives a brief account of his involvement in the North-West rebellion in 1885.
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Chadsees in Cutknife Fight

Images » Photographs
A.S. Morton
Two photographs of Chadsees, an Indigenous man in western clothing subtitled "Chadsees in the Cutknife fight". In one photo he is standing beside a sign. Both are taken on prairie.
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Chapter XXI -- "Rebellion"

John Hawkes
Chapter XII, "Rebellion". A summary of the events concerning the 1885 Resistance. Hawkes separates the sections into "The Fighting", "Fish Creek", "Batcoche", "Captain Howard and his Gatling Gun", "Cut Knife", "The Alberta Field Force: Frenchman's Butte", "The Ballad of the Near-Battle of Cussed Creek". The chapter includes images of the North West Mounted Police guard room, Regina Barracks, Tourand's Home, the stone house at Warman Ferry, an old house in Duck Lake, Old Mill at Duck Lake, Store at Duck Lake, the remains of the old convent at St. Laurent, "Riel's Councillors".
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Chief Poundmaker

Images » Photographs
A.S. Morton
Black and White portrait of Chief Poundmaker.
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Clarke, Thomas: Photographs

Images » Photographs
D. Cadzow (photographer)
A collection of photographs compiled by Thomas Clarke. Clarke was the principal at the Battleford's Industrial School. Includes a portrait of Clarke, and two exterior shots of the school itself.
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Cut Knife Plaque

Images » Photographs
Close-up image of plaques at Cut Knife Hill. Plaque reads: "Cut Knife Battlefield. Named after Chief Cut Knife of the Sarcee in an historic battle with the Cree. On 2nd May, 1885, Lt. Col. W.D. Otter led 325 troops composed of North West Mounted Police, "B" Battery, "C" Company, Foot Guards, Queen's Own and Battleford Rifles, against the Cree and Assiniboine under Poundmaker and Fine Day. After an engagement of six hours, the troops retreated to Battleford."
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Developing a Culturally Responsive School Division: Final Report

Alternate Title
Developing a Culturally Responsive School Division: An Aboriginal Education Research Network Grant
Documents & Presentations
Saskatoon Public Schools
Outlines background and purpose of the study, and reports on establishing an advisory committee and the principles developed in consultation with it, knowledge gathered through international, national and local site visits, and practices in place at Princess Alexandra Community School and Mount Royal Collegiate, Saskatoon.
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Diary of Francis Dickens - Vernon LaChance. - May 1930.

Archival » Archival Items
Vernon LaChance
Francis Dickens
Diary of Inspector Francis Dickens of the Fort Pitt NWMP from 1885; entries from 4 March 1885 - 15 April 1885. Includes a historical introduction and commentary by Vernon LaChance.

Historical note:

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Diary of Lieutenant R. Lyndhurst Wadmore, Infantry School Corps, April 8, 1885 to July 20, 1885, N.W. Campaign.

Archival » Archival Items
R. Lyndhurst Wadmore
Original diary and various papers of R. Lyndhurst Wadmore, Lieutenant of the Royal Canadian Regiment during the Northwest Resistance, covering from 8 April to 20 July 1885. Included in diary pocket is a requisition for short boots that was signed by Wadmore on May 1885, lyrics of the Infantry School Corps fight song, and a Victoria Daily Times article from 23 June 1944 about the remaining members of the Northwest Field Force and their experiences.
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Images » Photographs
Black and White photograph of an encampment of teepees near Battleford with wagon in fore.
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Images » Photographs
Black and White photograph of a cluster of teepees with wagon near Battleford.
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Experiences Conducting a Store in the '80's.

Articles » General
James Clinkskill
This article describes James Clinkskill's arrival, with a business partner, in Battleford in the early 1880s . Also lists prices for furs of fox, lynx and other animals. Also contains mention of the Northwest Resistance, 'halfbreed freighters', trading with trappers and traders for furs and with Indians for seneca root, and providing flour for the Indian Department.
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Experiences of Starting and Conducting a Store in Saskatchewan in the Early ‘80s.

Articles » General
James Clinkskill
Saskatchewan History, vol. 17, no. 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 24-30

Memoirs from James Clinkskill, Battleford store owner and member of the North-West Territories Legislative Assembly. Describes the processes of trade, his experience dealing with the Métis freighters and government agents, and the impact of the North-West Resistance on his business. Entire issue on one PDF file, scroll to page 24.

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The Face Pullers: Ch.4 Images - Three men of the Sweetgrass Reserve, Gov. Gen's Visit

Alternate Title
The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939
Images » Photographs
Ken W. F. Cooper
Black and white photograph of "three men of the Sweetgrass Reserve on the occasion of Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir's visit." All three are in traditional costumes of heavy beadwork. The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939 by Brock Silversides.
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The Face Pullers - Unused Photos- Chief Fine Day and His Son Calf Child

Alternate Title
The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939
Images » Photographs
Geraldine Moodie (photographer)
Black and white photograph of Chief Fine Day and his son Calf Child with Rifle and some traditional costumes. Unused photograph from the book The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939 by Brock Silversides.
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The First Expedition for the Relief of Battleford Attacked by Halfbreeds - Sketch. - 1885.

Images » Photographs
Note: The title of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. A sketch of a steamboat, possibly the Northcote, coming under Metis fire during the Northwest Resistance. The title is apparently erroneous as there was only one relief expedition to Battleford and it neither came under fire or involved river boats.
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Fort Battleford National Historic Park

Documents & Presentations
A brief overview of the history of Fort Battleford created for Fort Battleford National Historic Park in 1961. Produced by the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources: National Historic Sites Division. The booklet covers the Forts origins as a police post, the events of the 1885 uprising, and the decline of the fort as well as the establishment of a park.
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Fort Battleford National Historic Park. - Pamphlet. - 1956.

Archival » Archival Items
National Parks Branch
A brief guide to the history and buildings comprising Fort Battleford, located at Battleford, Saskatchewan.

Historical note:

Fort Battleford, built in 1876 and in use until 1924, was the sixth Northwest Mounted Police fort to be established in the Northwest Territories of Canada, and played a central role in the events of the Northwest Resistance of 1885.
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Healing Words

Articles » General
Healing Words, vol. 3, no. 2, Winter, 2001
Publication of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation aimed at residential school survivors contains letters, photographs, interviews, poems and various articles, including Aboriginal Women: No Rights to Land or Children by Mabel Nipshank.
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House at Battleford

Images » Photographs
Original description reads: "A house at Battleford remaining from the Riel Rebellion days."
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Incidents of the Rebellion of 1885

Archival » Archival Items
A collection of stories about the North-West Rebellion of 1885 written by grade 8 students of St. Vital School, Battleford, Saskatchewan in 1923. The stories pertain to the Mann family's escape to Fort Pitt, the capture of Thomas Dewan by Stony Indians, the effect of the rebellion on settlers, the escape of two dispatch riders Philip Atkinson of Battleford and William Diehl of Prince Albert, and John Pritchard's rescue of Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Gowanlock from the Cree.
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Indian School on Hill

Images » Photographs
Ralph Dill
A photograph of the view across the river of the Indian Industrial School in Battleford (left side).

Historical note:

The building was formerly Government House. Taken over as the Indian Residential School in 1883, and remained that until 1914. First principal was Thomas Clarke. The building was given heritage designation in 1984.
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"Indian Tea Dance, Battleford Sask."

Images » Photographs
Tuck (photographer)
Image of a small circle of Aboriginal dancers, drummers and women in the foreground with a larger group of mixed race people observing in the background. One dancer carries a small Union Jack flag. Handwritten on the back of the back of the postcard it reads: "The Indians are paid treaty money twice a year, and they always hold dances at the treaty seasons. They are at the back of one of the stores having a feed."
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Indians seated on grass

Images » Photographs
A photograph of a group of Aboriginal people (families with children) seated on the grass enjoying the day at the Battleford Fair in 1919. White slat fence in the background.
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"Inspector Dickens Journal" Fort Pitt, 1885.

Archival » Archival Items
Francis Dickens
A typed copy of Inspector Francis Dickens's North West Mounted Police journal from Fort Pitt in 1885. Recounts the events of the Resistance, the skirmish and subsequent abandonment of Fort Pitt by Dickens who was in command of the installation when hostilities broke out.

Historical note:

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The Late P.G. Laurie / Late Editor and Proprieter of The Battleford Herald. - [190-?].

Articles » General
Typescript of biography of P.G. Laurie, publisher of the Saskatchewan Herald newspaper, the oldest newspaper in Saskatchewan established in 1878. Source unknown.

Historical note:

Patrick Gammie Laurie (b. 1833 - d. 1903) arrived in Fort Garry, MB in 1869 and took charge of the "Nor'Wester" newspaper, which reported on the Red River Resistance. In 1878 he left for Battleford, SK where he established the Herald. He remained there until his death in 1903. During the Rebellion of 1885 he alternated between military duties and the publication of his paper.
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