Displaying 1 - 50 of 281

100 Per Cent Pure Passion From First Nations Entrepreneur

Alternate Title
One Hundred Per Cent Pure Passion From First Nations Entrepreneur
Articles » General
Trelle Burdeniuk
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 6, June 2009, p. 11
Describes the hard work, knowledge, and passion a First Nations woman used to achieve her dream. Article located by scrolling to page 11.
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2006 Aboriginal Population Profile for Regina [Saskatchewan]

Alternate Title
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities ; no. 3
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities: Praire Provinces
2006 Census Aboriginal Population Profile for Regina, Saskatchewan
Article (Statistics Canada)
Thomas Anderson
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2018 Regina Homelessness Count

Documents & Presentations
Addison Docherty
Survey conducted on April 18, 2018. Of the sample of 286 individuals, 79% were Indigenous.
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8th Fire: At the Crossroads

Alternate Title
Doc Zone ; season 6, episode 16
Eighth Fire: At the Crossroads
Media » Film and Video
Paul Morin
Denis Paquet
Interviews with Aboriginal artists and community leaders about building new relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians now and in the future. Duration: 45:16
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8th Fire: It's Time

Alternate Title
Doc Zone ; season 6, episode 14
Eighth Fire: It's Time
Media » Film and Video
Neil Docherty
Connie Walker
Nathalie Bibeau
Jennifer Clibbon
Tony Coleman ... [et al.]
Looks at improving relationships between non-Aboriginals and Aboriginals. Duration: 45:14.
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Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students Learn about Natural Health Products from Different Information Sources

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sarah O. Alkholy
Samiah N. Alqahtani
Audrey Cochrane
Maria Pontes Ferreira
Fidji Gendron
Pimatisiwin, vol. 11, no. 1, 2013, pp. 99-112
Study found the Elders and healers were the primary source of information for Aboriginal students. Sample was drawn from the First Nations University of Canada and the University of Regina.
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Aboriginal Journalists Bring Unique Perspective To Media

Articles » General
Chris Tyrone Ross
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 6, June 2008, p. 13
Comments on three First Nation journalists who cover a variety of stories, including First Nation issues, on the radio, television and newspaper. Article located by scrolling to page 13.
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All Nations Hope with Krista Shore

Media » Film and Video
Heartspeak Productions
Krista Shore
Young woman, who is HIV positive, discusses how she is coping with the disease. Duration: 10:44
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Arbitration Panel Clear Prof's Rights Violated

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, September 01, 2006, p. A11
Examines the spin on a story about Professor Blair Stonechild being removed from a conference by the First Nations University of Canada.
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Artists with Their Work - Ruth Cuthand. - Program. - 1990.

Documents & Presentations
From program: "Ruth Cuthand's art...involves painting herself and her people into their own cultural tradition. Like a storyteller, she brings the tradition to life, and in the process revitalizes it." Exhibit curated by Cindy Richmond.

Historical note:

Ruth Cuthand was born in Prince Albert, SK in 1954 and grew up near the Blood Reserve in Alberta. Her heritage is Plains Cree and Scots/Irish. Her Aboriginal culture and memories of her childhood experiences are often the inspiration for her art-making practice.
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Arts Project Tackles Regina's Notorious North End Social Problems

Articles » General
Chelsea Jones
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 7, July 2008, p. 19
Introduces an art program that involves displaying art and sharing stories door to door in Regina's north end with the hope of engaging the residents in the arts. Article located by scrolling to page 19.
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Asokan (The Bridge): Teachers' Work with Elders

Alternate Title
McDowell Foundation Research Project ; no. 188
Teaching and Learning Research Exchange
Documents & Presentations
Linda Goulet
Joanne Pelletier
Shauneen Pete
Calvin Racette
Sarah Longman
Ken Goodwill
McDowell Foundation Research Project
Summarizes teachers' experiences with the Regina Public School program Elders in Residence (EIRP).
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Atlas of Urban Aboriginal People

Web Sites » Organizations
Evelyn Peters
Website contains information on Aboriginal population distribution and socio-economic characteristics in six western Canadian cities.
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Building a Tipi: Video Series

Alternate Title
Gr K-12: The Tipi
Tipi Camp: Virtual Tour
Media » Film and Video
Miriam Thomas
Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Six videos explain the steps in the construction of the traditional buffalo hide tipi which was created for the First Nations Gallery of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. They are: preparing the hides, tanning the hides, sewing the hides, setting up the tipi, blessing the tipi, and tipi living. Accompanied by a virtual tour of the tipi camp in the First Nations Gallery.
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Capacity Building With Regina Métis Sports and Culture Centre

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pammla Petrucka
Sandra Bassendowski
Carrie Bourassa
Karen LaRocque
Marlene Smadu
Vivian Ramsden ... [et al.]
Pimatisiwin, vol. 7, no. 2, Winter, 2009, pp. 269-278
Looks at the formation of the Centre, profiles the community, discusses project intent and summarizes the findings of public consultations.
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Case Study Report: Healing the Multi-generational Effects of Residential School Placement--Urban Access Program

Alternate Title
Building A Nation Family Healing Centre Inc.: Project Number CT-2429-SK/1256-SK
Documents & Presentations
Kevin Barlow
Description and evaluation of Building A Nation Family Healing Centre project designed to provide clinical and traditional counselling services and child custody, justice system, and social assistance program support. Sources of information include project files, Aboriginal Healing Foundation National Process Evaluation Survey, key informant interviews, and documents and data collected by community support coordinator.
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Case Study: The First Nations Economy in the City of Regina

Documents & Presentations
Del Anaquod
Vikas Khaladkar
Discusses five key elements needed for self-sufficiency: land and natural resources, capital and financing, human resource development, governmental environment, cultural and social environment, and organizational structure. Concludes with recommendations.
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A Chance to Speak

Media » Film and Video
DT Productions
Vernon Boldick
Jordan Bzdel
Londa Bray
Documentary about poverty in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and the accompanying problems of homelessness, gang violence and sexual exploitation. Duration: 35:15.
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Chapter XXI -- "Rebellion"

John Hawkes
Chapter XII, "Rebellion". A summary of the events concerning the 1885 Resistance. Hawkes separates the sections into "The Fighting", "Fish Creek", "Batcoche", "Captain Howard and his Gatling Gun", "Cut Knife", "The Alberta Field Force: Frenchman's Butte", "The Ballad of the Near-Battle of Cussed Creek". The chapter includes images of the North West Mounted Police guard room, Regina Barracks, Tourand's Home, the stone house at Warman Ferry, an old house in Duck Lake, Old Mill at Duck Lake, Store at Duck Lake, the remains of the old convent at St. Laurent, "Riel's Councillors".
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Chapter XXV -- "Duck Lake"

John Hawkes
Chapter XXV, "Duck Lake". A summary of the events at Duck Lake during the 1885 Resistance.
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Chapter XXX -- "Louis Riel's End"

Alternate Title
The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People
John Hawkes
Chapter XXX discusses the execution of Riel and the national reaction before and after. There are several quotations from Riel and his final letter to his mother appears in full. Extract from The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes.
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Corey Matthews Adds Another Honour to his Resume

Articles » General
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 11, November 2009, p. 18
Looks at the achievements of Corey Matthews including being named University of Regina Outstanding Young Alumnus, receiving a Regina Crime Prevention award, a Centennial Medal for Service to Saskatchewan and being selected as a Métis representative Olympic torch bearer. Article located by scrolling to page 18.
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"Cree Indians, Regina, Sask."

Images » Photographs
Image of a large group of "Cree Indians" posing for the camera. Many are wearing ceremonial dance outfits, and six men sit around a powwow drum in the foreground.
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Dr. A.B. Stewart Papers - Correspondence. - 1912-1925.

Documents & Presentations
Dr. A.B. Stewart
This folder contains Dr. Stewart's correspondence with private citizens, a Saskatchewan Land Titles official, University of Saskatchewan President Walter Murray, and A.S. Morton relating to accumulating information about the Northwest Resistance. Also included is a list of members of the Saskatchewan Legislature from 1905-1924 and a list of members of the North West Territories Council from 1877-1905.

Historical note:

Dr. A.B. Stewart acted as coroner for the Royal North West Mounted Police and had a medical practice at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan in the late 1800s-early 1900s.
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Dr. A.B. Stewart Papers - Miscellaneous. - n.d..

Documents & Presentations
A.B. Stewart
Howard Angus Kennedy
Among another documents, this folder contains an undated handwritten note by Dr. Stewart about the death of Almighty Voice. Also includes an undated newspaper clipping written by Howard Angus Kennedy about cairns with inscriptions naming Poundmaker and Big Bear as rebels, entitled "More Strange Errors In Comedy Of The Cairns Related And Injustice To Rebelling Indians Is Exposed".

Historical note:

Dr. A.B. Stewart acted as coroner for the Royal North West Mounted Police and had a medical practice at Rosthern, Saskatchewan in the late 1800s-early 1900s.
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Editor's Introduction to Aboriginal Policy Studies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chris Andersen
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 6, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1-2
Introduction to issue featuring articles on self-identification in Canadian census, gang violence, gambling research, and the University of Regina and Vancouver's Urban Aboriginal Housing and Wellness Strategy.
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