Displaying 1 - 50 of 832

2006 Aboriginal Population Profile for Saskatoon [Saskatchewan]

Alternate Title
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities ; no. 3
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities: Praire Provinces
2006 Census Aboriginal Population Profile for Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Article (Statistics Canada)
Thomas Anderson
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2018 Point-In-Time Homelessness Count Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Documents & Presentations
Isobel M. Findlay
Jania Chilima
Bill Holden
Abdrahmane Berthe
Statistics on age, days of homelessness, stays in emergency shelters, length of residence in the city, reasons for coming to Saskatoon, causes of housing loss, sources of income, etc. Eighty-eight percent of those who were experiencing homelessness self-identified as being Indigenous.
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2022 Saskatoon Point-in-Time Homelessness Count

Alternate Title
2022 Saskatoon Point-in-Time Homelessness Count: Highlights and Key Findings
Documents & Presentations
Machiweyi Kunzekweguta
Isobel M. Findlay
Michael Kowalchuk,
Anh Pham

Of the 550 persons participating in count, 90.1% were Indigenous.

Related Material: Infographic.

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8th Fire: It's Time

Alternate Title
Doc Zone ; season 6, episode 14
Eighth Fire: It's Time
Media » Film and Video
Neil Docherty
Connie Walker
Nathalie Bibeau
Jennifer Clibbon
Tony Coleman ... [et al.]
Looks at improving relationships between non-Aboriginals and Aboriginals. Duration: 45:14.
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A. J. Isbister: Artist of Visions

Web Sites » Personal
Art site of A. J. Isbister is divided into Native and Contemporary works, includes a brief bibliography, list of exhibitions, and contact information.
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Aabiziingwashi: Two Worlds Colliding with Jonathan Rudin and Amy Smoke

Media » Film and Video
Jonathan Rudin
Amy Smoke
Jorge Barrera
[Jesse Wente]
Panelists discuss Tasha Hubbard's documentary about the notorious "starlight tours", which involved Saskatoon police officers transporting Aboriginal men to the outskirts of the city and abandoning them during sub-zero temperatures. Duration: 50:54.
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Aboriginal Beaded Mats on Display

Images » Photographs
Hilda J. Stewart
Beaded mats from the Little Pine First Nation on Display at the Saskatoon Arts and Crafts Society Show. Date unknown.

Historical note:

Includes note on back: "When the Saskatoon Arts and Crafts Society disbanded a collection of mats and other articles were given to the museum at Fort Battleford"
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Aboriginal Consulting Services and Eagle Feather News

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shannon Lozinski
The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 2, no. 1, Winter, 2001, pp. 23-29
Presents a biography of John Lagimodiere, and how he developed business ventures in face of various challenges.
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Aboriginal Employment, Housing, Education, and the Law

Documents & Presentations
City of Saskatoon
Includes Saskatoon City Council minutes from a meeting on Monday, June 9, 1980 regarding a report by the Community Liaison Committee (Report No. 3-1980) including items on Aboriginal Employment (Item # 1316), Housing (Item # 1317), Education and Native People and the Law (Item # 1318), as well as a list of Committee members.
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Aboriginal Music Festival Seemed Out of Tune

Alternate Title
Arts & Entertainment
Articles » General
Mike Gosselin
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 10, October 2009, p. 25
Author compares past University of Saskatchewan Indigenous Peoples Program's Annual Music Festivals to the 6th annual and comes to the conclusion that the choice of venue is of utmost importance for the festivals' success. Article located by scrolling by to page 25.
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Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Healthcare System

Documents & Presentations
Marina Freire-Gormaly
Looks at partnership between Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada and the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada to develop core competencies curriculum and efforts to recruit Aboriginals into health care professions. Special focus on the University of Saskatchewan's programs.
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Aboriginal Post-Secondary Student Housing: Research Summary

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Student Housing Assessment
Brenda Wallace
Brenda Maire
Allison Lachance
Findings of a study undertaken to determine the needs of this sector of the population. Report forms part of the Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.
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Aborigines Day Saskatoon. - 21 June 2003. - Slide.

Images » Photographs
Hans S. Dommasch (photographer)
Image showing dancers in ceremonial dress in [Kinsmen Park].

Historical note:

First proclaimed by the Governor General of Canada on 13 June 1996, June 21st of every year has become a day in the Canadian calendar that presents Aboriginal peoples with a great opportunity to express great pride for their rich diverse cultures with their families, neighbours, friends and visitors.
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Aborigines Day Saskatoon. - 21 June 2003. - Slides.

Images » Photographs
Hans S. Dommasch (photographer)
Two images showing various persons marching, including Aboriginal war veterans and two City of Saskatoon Police officers; some in group are carrying flags. Also shown is close-up of person in ceremonial dress; in [Kinsmen Park].

Historical note:

First proclaimed by the Governor General of Canada on 13 June 1996, June 21st of every year has become a day in the Canadian calendar that presents Aboriginal peoples with a great opportunity to express great pride for their rich diverse cultures with their families, neighbours, friends and visitors.
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An Account of the Advance of the 7th Fusiliers of London to aid in the suppression of the North West Rebellion

Documents & Presentations
Alexander Campbell
Alexander Campbell served as a sergeant with the 7th Fusiliers, a battalion of militia which was headquartered in London, Ontario. This unit was called into active service on 1 April 1885 and, within a week, had embarked on their journey west -- a journey made more arduous by the gaps in the railway above Lake Superior. After stops in Winnipeg and Swift Current, the 7th Fusiliers did not reach the area of the fighting until after General Middleton's forces had defeated the Métis at Batoche.
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Adolescent Girls and Classroom Discourse

Alternate Title
McDowell Foundation Research Project ; no. 10
[Teaching and Learning Research Exchange]
Documents & Presentations
Heather A. Blair
Agnes Rolheiser
Susan Reschny
McDowell Foundation Research Project
Looks at gender construction of adolescent girls in two grade eight classrooms in a multicultural urban school in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
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AERC Report 2012: College of Education

Documents & Presentations
Marie Battiste
Yvonne Vizina
Megan Steeves
Describes the Aboriginal Education Research Council's evolution, activities, accomplishments and future directions and development strategies.
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Affordable Housing & Home Ownership: Business Case Development for the Saskatoon Market

Alternate Title
Affordable Housing and Home Ownership: Business Case Development for the Saskatoon Market
Erin Foss
Research focused on industry partnerships, trades training, and home ownership, as well as background information on demographics and the current housing situation. Report forms part of the Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.
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Affordable Housing Week Raises Awareness

Articles » General
John Lagimodiere
Eagle Feather News, vol. 10, no. 9, September 2007, p. 14
Comments on the sixth annual event, which focuses on the housing crisis in Saskatchewan, and the organizations that are working towards alleviating the situation. Article located by scrolling to page 14.
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Alex Janvier: Negotiating the Land. Mendel Art Gallery. Saskatoon

Articles » General
Ann Newdigate
Canadian Art, vol. 11, no. 4, Winter, 1994, p. 79
Exhibition was part of the Mendel Art Gallery's Post-Colonial Landscape series, featured 60 paintings from 1960-1990 selected from the Thunder Bay Art Gallery's retrospective The Art of Alex Janvier: His First Thirty Years, 1960-1990.
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Anglican Church History

Documents & Presentations
A variety of articles dealing with the early history of the Anglican Church in Saskatchewan. Includes material on Emmanuel College, Rev. Archdeacon Mackay, the translation of the Bible from English to Cree, an article on a Cree-French and Cree-English Dictionary, biographical material on early missionaries and Churchmen as well as Diocesan histories.

Historical note:

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Anskohk Festival Celebrates Success of Aboriginal Writers

Articles » General
Darla Read
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 10, November 2011, p. 23
Comments on Tomson Highway's path to his successful career and his performance in Saskatoon at the Aboriginal Writers Festival. Article located by scrolling to page 23.
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Apprenticeship Consultations

Alternate Title
Apprenticeship Consultations: Final Report
Saskatoon & Region Home Builders' Association
Outlines structure of the program and makes recommendations to increase participation of First Nations and Métis in residential construction industry. Report forms part of the Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.
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