Treaties in the Classroom Embraces Artistic Aspect

Articles » General
Michelle Jones
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 6, June 2011, p. 15
Describes a travelling art exhibit, worked on by over 300 students and guided by Cree/Métis artist Ray Keighley, that bring treaties to life as an art form. Article located by scrolling to page 15.
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Treaties Instrumental in Creating Province

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, March 31, 2006, p. A11
Relates three disasters in Saskatchewan that led to the signing of numbered treaties starting with Treaty 4 in 1874.
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Treaties Made in Good Faith

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sharon H. Venne
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, vol. 34, no. 1, 2007, pp. 3-16
Discusses the oral understanding involved in making treating six at Fort Carlton and Fort Pitt.
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Treaties: Negotiations and Rights

Web Sites » Organizations
Tamara Starblanket
Our Legacy
Argues that the central issue of treaties is the land and the question of who had authority and jurisdiction over the land.
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[Treaties: Pimacihowin ... the Future]

Alternate Title
Framing the Future
[Growing Saskatchewan Conference; 2010]
Media » Film and Video
Milton Tootoosis
Video of representative from the Office of the Treaty Commissioner speaking at the 2010 Growing Saskatchewan Conference. Five parts. Viewer is automatically sent to next part. Total duration: 59:10.
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Treaty 10

Alternate Title
Treaty 10
Treaty No. 10
Treaty No. Ten
Treaty Ten
Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan
Web Sites » Organizations
Rob Nestor
Brief introduction to Treaty 10.
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Treaty 6

Alternate Title
Treaty No. 6
Treaty No. Six
Treaty Six
Web Sites » Organizations
Bob Beal
Brief overview of Treaty Six negotiations between Lieutenant-Governor Alexander Morris and Chiefs Mistawasis and Ahtahkakoop.
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Treaty 6 Education in Living Sky: Creator-Land-People

Alternate Title
Treaty Six Education in Living Sky: Creator-Land-People
Web Sites » Organizations
Living Sky School Division
Website contains links to treaty perspectives, leaders, information for teachers, educational games, lesson plans developed by school district teachers, etc.
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Treaty 6 Plans Moving Ahead

Alternate Title
Treaty #6 Plans Moving Ahead
Treaty No. 6 Plans Moving Ahead
Treaty Six Plans Moving Ahead
Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 6, no. 5, May 1976, p. 40
Commemoration of 100th year since Treaty conclusion, planned at Beardy's Reserve and Onion Lake Reserve
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Treaty 6: Traditional Life, Making of Treaty 6, Contemporary Life

Alternate Title
Alberta Online Encyclopedia: Treaty 6
Treaty 6
Web Sites » Organizations
Heritage Community Foundation
Website contains information on Treaty 6 including history, traditions, and customs of the Cree Nation, the Nakoda Nation, the Saulteaux Nation & the Chipewyan. The website also has information on the contemporary life of the First Nations peoples, retracing such issues as land claims, life on reserves, and the efforts to promote cultural healing.
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Treaty 8 and Expert Witnesses: A Reply to Robert Irwin

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arthur J. Ray
BC Studies, no. 127, Autumn, 2000, pp. 102-107
Rebuttal to Dr. Robert Irwin's critique (BC Studies, Autumn 2000, Issue 127, 83-101) of the author's article, "Treaty 8: An Anomaly of the First Nations History First Nations History of British Columbia" (BC Studies Autumn 2000 Issue 127 p.83).
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Treaty 8 and Northern Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christine Smillie
Saskatchewan History, vol. 59, no. 1, Spring, 2007, pp. 16-26
Provides a history of the negotiations of Treaty 8, beginning with an 1879 petition to the federal government from the peoples in Stanley, Pelican Narrows, and Île-à-la Crosse for a treaty and support with food and clothing. Note the government’s disinclination to treat with the First Nations until they required the land for settlement. Entire Issue on one .pdf, scroll to page 16.
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Treaty Day $5 a Powerful Symbol

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, May 27, 2002, p. B1
Contends that the five dollar treaty day payout indicates the importance of treaty negotiations.
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Treaty Day for the Willow Cree

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephen Sliwa
Saskatchewan History, vol. 47, no. 1, Spring, 1995, pp. 3-12
Describes the signing of Treaty six at Fort Carlton and the adhesion of the Willow Cree on August 28 of 1876, and the relationship between the Crown and the Cree peoples in following years. Entire issue on one .pdf, scroll to page 3,
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Treaty Education Becomes Mandatory

Articles » General
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 10, October 2008, p. 26
Introduces two new classroom resources for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students which will contribute to the understanding of Treaties for both students and teachers. Article located by scrolling to page 26.
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Treaty Education For Ethically Engaged Citizenship: Settler Identities, Historical Consciousness and the Need for Reconciliation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jennifer A. Tupper
Citizenship Teaching & Learning, vol. 7, no. 2, 2012, pp. 143-156
" ... explores the possibilities of treaty education for reconciliation with First Nations people, as corrective to the foundational myth of Canada and as a means of fostering ethically engaged citizenship."
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Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators

Alternate Title
Treaty Education K-12 Developmental Continuum
Documents & Presentations
Curriculum Sub-committee of the Shared Standards and Capacity Building Council
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education
Lists specific expectations for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students in the subject areas of treaty relationships, spirit and intent of treaties, historical context, and treaty promises and provisions.
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Treaty Essential Learnings: Survey 2010 Analysis

Documents & Presentations
Betty A. Rohr
Grade 7 students in Saskatchewan were tested for their understanding of history and treaties and the success of the mandatory K-12 treaty education program was assessed with respect to requirements of the Treaty Commissioner.
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Treaty Four Days

Alternate Title
Treaty 4 Days
Treaty No. 4 Days
Treaty No. Four Days
Treaty Number Four Days
Articles » General
Pam Horsman
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 27, no. 4, Winter, 1997, pp. 25-26
Gathering of the 33 First Nations in the Treaty 4 area held annually in Fort Qu'Appelle.
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Treaty Governance Processes

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 30, no. 1, Winter, 1999/2000, pp. 22-24
Summarizes the various fora or tables used by government and First Nations to discuss treaty rights and/or jurisdictions.
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Treaty Indian Justice Systems Development Underway

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 22, no. 1, January 1993, p. 4
FSIN, Dan Bellegarde's Office is handling developmental plans that will lead to a First Nations-controlled justice system in Saskatchewan that will include the courts and policing.
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[Treaty Land Entitlement: (TLE) in Saskatchewan: Part 1-5]

Documents & Presentations
Five part series on Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) in Saskatchewan developed by the Treaty Commissioner in 1991. Part 1 - Historical Basis for Treaty Land Entitlement Part 2 - Treaties Reconcile Two Systems Part 3 - Treaty Land Entitlement in Saskatchewan Part 4 - Treaty Shortfall Addressed Part 5 - Treaty Land Entitlement: Where Are We Now?
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Treaty Lands: Imaging a Conditional Landscape

E-Books » Chapters
Tim Schouten
Discusses the art works created as part of the author's The Treaty Lands Project, focusing on the research conducted for the The Treaty 3 Suite (Outside Promises). Forward and part IX from: Papers of the Rupert's Land Colloquium 2008: The Centre for Rupert's Land Studies at The University of Winnipeg: May 14 to 16, 2008, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta edited by Margaret Anne Lindsay and Mallory Allyson Richard; foreword by Jennifer S. H. Brown.
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Treaty No. 10 and Reports of Commissioners

Documents & Presentations
J. A. J. McKenna
Thomas. A. Borthwick
Concluded in 1906 between the Crown and the Chipewyan, Cree and other Indigenous inhabitants. Includes Orders in Council, Ratification, Reports of J.A.J. McKenna and Thomas A. Borthwick; 1906 statement of annuities and gratuities.
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Treaty No. 4 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Cree and Saulteaux Tribes of Indians at the Qu'Appelle and Fort Ellice

Alternate Title
Treaty Four Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Cree and Saulteaux Tribes of Indians at the Qu'Appelle and Fort Ellice
Documents & Presentations
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Crown's text of Treaty No. 4 concluded in 1874 between the Crown and Cree, Saulteaux, Assiniboine and other Indigenous peoples. Also includes Orders in Council for the Commission and Approval of Treaty No, 4.
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Treaty No. 8 and the Trapping Rights of Aboriginal Peoples: Empty Promises?

Articles » General
Monique M. Passelac-Ross
Resources (Canadian Institute of Resources Law), vol. 90, Spring, 2005, pp. [1]-7
"This article focuses on the trapping rights promised under Treaty 8 and their evolution over time in northern Alberta. It summarizes some of the findings of an in-depth study published by the Canadian Institute of Resources Law".
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Treaty No. 8 Made June 21, 1899 and Adhesions, Reports Etc.

Alternate Title
Treaty 8 Made June 21, 1899 and Adhesions, Reports Etc.
Treaty Eight Made June 21, 1899 and Adhesions, Reports Etc.
Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Concluded in 1899 between the Crown and the Cree, Beaver, Chipewyan and other indigenous Peoples in what is now Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Includes Orders in Council, Report of Commissioners, Statements of annuity and gratuity; and the Ratification of Adhesions.
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Treaty Number 4 Signed One Hundred Years Ago

Alternate Title
Treaty #4 Signed One Hundred Years Ago
Treaty Four Signed One Hundred Years Ago
Treaty No. 4 Signed One Hundred Years Ago
Articles » General
Lucille Bell
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 4, no. 6, July 1974, pp. 20-21
Remembering the signing on Sept. 15, 1874.
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Treaty Research Answer to Land Problem

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 3, no. 5, May 1972, p. 5
Describes Indian Rights and Treaties research program at the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN).
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Treaty Research Report: Treaty Eight (1899)

Documents & Presentations
Dennis F.K. Madill
Discusses historical background, terms, conditions and implications of Treaty 7; concluded during the Klondike gold rush of 1897-98 for economic reasons when settlers were coming into Lake Athabasca, Great Slave Lake, and parts of the Peace River area.
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Treaty Research Report: Treaty Four (1874)

Documents & Presentations
John Leonard Taylor
Presents historical context of Treaty-making and argues that the meaning of Treaty 4 cannot be derived from the Crown's text alone; and Treaties must be flexible to last forever.
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Treaty Research Report: Treaty No. 10 (1906)

Documents & Presentations
Kenneth S. Coates
William R. Morrison
Argues that treaty was concluded after provincial borders were created. Report includes instructions to Crown negotiators, historical context and a section on Métis claims.
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Treaty Research Report: Treaty Six (1876)

Documents & Presentations
John Leonard Taylor
Historical context of Treaty 6 with the Cree, Assiniboine, Saulteaux, and Dene (Chipewyan), which covers present day Alberta and Saskatchewan.
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