Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Robert Doucette

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Robert Doucette. Doucette discusses conditions for Metis people within the City of Saskatoon, and Saskatchewan generally. Doucette highlights problems of institutional racism, access to education, ignorance of Aboriginal identity and issues in the general population, migration to urban centres, and related issues. Doucette also discusses the need for a Metis land base and the differences in the way the government addresses Metis and Treaty people's issues.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Robert Mercredi, Metis Society of Saskatchewan

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Robert Mercredi of the Metis Society of Saskatchewan. Mercredi discusses his organization, and the problems facing his people. He describes the Metis as Canada's forgotten people, and while offering support for the "Canada clause" of the Constitution stresses the need for the Metis to be recognized on an equitable level with their Indian and Inuit brothers and sisters. He bemoans the lack of a land base for the Metis people of Saskatchewan, and the lack of resources neccessary for basic governmental functioning.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Rod Murphy, MP

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Rod Murphy, MP. Murphy, New Democratic Party Member of Parliament for the Federal riding of Churchill, discusses the aftermath of the Charlottetown Accord referendum, his views on Aboriginal issues in Canada, positive achievements in the recent past, educational programs, employment programs, the situation in his own riding, housing issues, transportation issues, water and infrastructure issues, health issues, child care issues, seniors issues, addictions issues, land claims issues, justice issues, the Indian Act, and resource issues.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Ron George, President, Native Council of Canada

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Ron George, President of the Native Council of Canada. George discusses the situation of his constituency (non-status and Metis people of Canada) at length, and also discusses his views on Status Indians and the government's dealings with them. Georges presentation covers a wide range of topics including self-governance as it pertains to off-reserve populations, and Canadian Constitutional issues.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Ron Swain, Ontario Metis and Aboriginal Association

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Ron Swain of the Southern Ontario Metis and Aboriginal Association focusing on Metis self-government. He provides a brief history of the Metis in Canada. Swain states that the Metis are recognized as Aboriginal people in the Canadian Constitution, but do not have any negotiated rights. He introduces the next speaker, Sheilagh Chief.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Roy Cheechum, Community Project Development

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Roy Cheechum on Community Project Development. Cheechum delivers a brief history of La Loche, an overview of problems the community faces such as high unemployment and high dependency on outside goods and services, housing issues, economic developments, tourism, and government spending in the community, the lack of a community tax base, and the success of the non-profit Methy Construction. Cheechum suggests that government spending has generally been ineffective and poorly delivered given the communities needs.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Sandra Delaronde

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Sandra Delaronde, Vice President of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women. Delaronde discusses the status of Aboriginal women in their relationship within Aboriginal organizations, and Aboriginal communities, as well as offering a few suggestions to the Commission. Following the presentation is a discussion between Delaronde and Commissioners Blakeney and Chartrand on some of the issues raised.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Sandra Delaronde, President, Metis Women of Manitoba

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Sandra Delaronde, President, Metis Women of Manitoba. Delaronde discusses the history of the Metis people, land issues, issues with curricula, the need for rights recognition, social problems, environmental issues, self-governance,and international women's issues. Following the presentation Commissioners Chartrand and Wilson discuss some of the issues raised with Delaronde.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Senator Head and Senator Guiboche, Metis Senate of Manitoba

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Fortunate Guiboche
File contains a presentation by Senator Head of the Metis Senate of Manitoba, followed by remarks by Senator Fortunate Guiboche of the same body. Head discusses the need for a level playing field for Metis people, and Guiboche goes on to make a series of remarks and observations on the importance and role of the Royal Commission, as well as his expectations of it. Following this is a wide-ranging discussion between the Metis Senators and the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre, Abbey Crook

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Abbey Crook of the Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre. Crook, Executive Director of the Centre, makes a variety of recommendations to the Commission on behalf of Northwest Territories Friendship Centres. These include culture and language recommendations; education recommendations; justice recommendations; social recommendations (in terms of delivery of social services); and economic recommendations all based on a survey conducted by the Friendship Centres of their constituencies.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Sonny Flett, President, Fort Chipewyan Metis Local

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Sonny Flett, President of the Fort Chipewyan Metis Local. Flett presents on the concerns of the Metis people of the area, mainly with regard to the impact of industry on the Metis way of life. Flett discusses the negative impact of the Bennett Dam on the Athabasca Delta, polluted water, and a lack of access to education and assistance. Flett also discusses the state of local fisheries and relations with the rest of the Metis Nation of Alberta and the provincial government.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Stan Sinclair and Brian Sinclair, Moose Lake Metis Federation

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Stan Sinclair and Brian Sinclair of the Moose Lake Metis Federation. The Sinclairs discuss how they feel that the Metis' aboriginal rights have been suppressed, that government assistance provided is completely inadequate, and that the Metis have lost many of their cultural traditions. Following the presentation is a discussion between Commissioners Chartrand and Blakeney and the two presenters on some of the issues raised in the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Stanley McLeod, Metis Youth of Stanley Mission

Documents & Presentations
File contains remarks by Stanley McLeod, Metis Youth of Stanley Mission. Stanley remarks that earlier presenter Winston McKay "covered all the issues that I was going to talk about, so I cut out most of the things." McLeod goes on to highlight that the Metis of the north have very limited resources to operate programs with, and asks for more help with recreation facilities and substance abuse.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Students from Henry Gordon Academy

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by seven students from the Henry Gordon Academy in Cartwright, Labrador. The presenters are as follows: Janice Clark, Sharon Bird, Fabian Green, Norman Frieda, Lee Pittman, Janet Paul, and Barbie Mesher. Commissioners Erasmus and Sillet discuss Metis identity in Labrador and educational issues with the students.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Sydney McKay, Manitoba Metis Federation, Freda Lundmark, Metis Women of Manitoba

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Sydney McKay
Freda Lundmark
The file contains a presentation by Sydney McKay of the Manitoba Metis Federation (Thompson Region), and Freda Lundmark, Metis Women of Manitoba. Lundmark discusses Metis youth, employment, cultural, recreational, education, Elders, housing, child care, child support, gender and employment, curricula, Aboriginal languages (including Michif, Cree, and Saulteaux), jurisdiction, justice, health, and general concerns of Metis women and youth in Northern Manitoba.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Association des Metis et Indiens hors reserves du Quebec Inc

Documents & Presentations
Mario Paradis
Rene Boudreault
File contains a presentation by spokesperson Mario Paradis, and Rene Boudreault, of the Association des Metis et Indiens hors reserves du Quebec Inc. Paradis and Boudreault discuss the status of non-Status, Métis and off-reserve Status Indians in Quebec. They also address the issue of urbanization, and present a history of their organization and its goals. The assembled Commissioners discuss some of the points raised with them, particularly with regard to eastern Métis identity.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Matthew Coon Come
Romeo Saganash
Billy Diamond
Bill Nemagoose
This file contains a presentation by Matthew Coon Come, Grand Chief of the Crees of James Bay; Romeo Saganash, Deputy Grand Chief; Chief Billy Diamond; and Bill Nemagoose, Executive Director, Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec. Their presentation focuses on the proposed James Bay Phase II, consisting of two hydroelectric projects: the Great Whale River project and the Nottaway-Broadback Rupert project. The damming, flooding and construction done during the first phase of the project in the 1970s destroyed Aboriginal fishing and hunting grounds and animal migration paths.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Metis Local 87, Chris Blondeau-Perry

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a portion of a transcript of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Hotel Saskatchewan, Regina, Saskatchewan. This portion of the Commission includes a presentation by the Metis Local 87 given by Chris Blondeau-Perry concerning the inherent rights of the Aboriginal Community. Questions from the assembled commissioners are also present.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Metis Nation of Quebec

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Claude Aubin, Metis, Lower St. Lawrence; Rock Matte, Malecite Metis, Lower St. Lawrence; Andy Frost, Metis, Fort Coulonge; Elizabeth Lamadeleine, Metis, Quyon; Cecile Jean Legros, Metis, Ste-Veronique; Sylvie Plouffe, Metis, Mont-Laurier; Rejean Pilote, Metis, Lac St-Jean; Marie Joseph-Riel, representing the Riel family of la Valtrie; Martine Brisebois, Metis, Mont-Laurier and Bruno Meilleur, Metis, Ile du Grand Calumet.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by the Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories by Gary Bohnet, and Garth Wallbridge. President Gary Bohnet discusses health, education (including post-secondary), economic, housing, trapping, and equity of access to programs for Metis people. Garth Wallbridge discusses the Metis Nation Accord, the failure of the NWT to develop a Metis curriculum despite developing a Dene curriculum, home ownership programs, government assistance for Aboriginal people generally, and the definition of Metis people.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Metis Society of Saskatchewan, Clem Chartier

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by the Metis Society of Saskatchewan, Clem Chartier (Consultant). Chartier discusses the historical background to the Metis view of their rights in the area beginning with the visit of the Scrip Commissioner to Ile a La Crosse in 1906. Chartier does so to show the Commission "a cursory overview to hopefully sensitize you to some of the reasons...why we are saying the Commission has to look at Metis issues specifically." In addition to the scrip issue Chartier discusses poverty, resources, and game laws.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Southern Ontario Metis and Non Status Indian Association

Documents & Presentations
This file consists of a presentation by seven members of the Southern Ontario Metis and Non Status Indian Association: Tony Belcourt, Audrey Mayes, Kim Coyle, Dave Jacobs, Paul Day, Trevor Minnie and Christi Belcourt. Their presentation discusses the "inequality being subjected on the majority of Aboriginal people in Canada, the Metis and off-reserve Indian population." The presentation focuses on the Indian Act and other government policies.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Thelma Chalifoux, Senator Co-Chair, Metis Nation of Alberta

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Thelma Chalifoux, Senator Co-Chair, Metis Nation of Alberta. Chalifoux discusses the institution of the Metis Senate in Alberta. Chalifoux gives an overview of its composition and goals, and relates how it draws its inspiration from the Senate of the Metis provisional government of Red River in 1870.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Unidentified Teacher 1

Documents & Presentations
File contains a discussion between an unidentified teacher at the Northern Lights secondary school in Moosonee, Ontario and Commissioner Georges Erasmus. The teacher asks a question of Erasmus for an unidentified student who wishes to know why the Assembly of First Nations doesn't have students needs as its number one priority. Following this query is a discussion between Erasmus and the student via the teacher on youth issues, and then on the Commissions work with the Metis people.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Victor Allen

Documents & Presentations
Victor Allen

presentation on the history of Inuvik going back to the establishment of the community in the 1950s. Followed by Commissioner Mary Sillett delivering opening remarks, and Commissioner Allan Blakeney and local Commissioner John Holman discuss the presentation with Allen.

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Wayne Helgason and Linda Keeper, Indian and Metis Friendship Centre of Winnipeg

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Wayne Helgason and Linda Keeper, Indian and Metis Friendship Centre of Winnipeg. Helgason, President of the Centre, and Keeper, a Board member, discuss the history and composition of the Friendship Centre, program and service delivery, Aboriginal urbanization issues, federal-provincial funding disputes, self-determination, and views on the Commission and its' work. Following the presentation Commissioners Wilson and Chartrand discuss some of the issues raised with the two presenters.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Wilbert McLeod

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Wilbert McLeod. McLeod represents the Moose Factory Claimant Group, whose grandparents were "arbitrarily exluded from Treaty No. 9 in 1905 by the Treaty Commissioners." McLeod lays out his organizations claim and discusses how the ancestors of his organization were left out of Treaty 9, and how that Treaty was negotiated in an arbitrary manner by officials who did not consider how the people defined themselves.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Winston McKay, Metis Addictions Corporation of Saskatchewan

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Winston McKay
File contains remarks by Winston McKay, Metis Addictions Corporation of Saskatchewan. McKay relates some of his own life story and battle with addictions, as well as the larger struggle of northern Metis communities to cope with the destruction of their traditional economy, and transition into dependency on government. McKay discusses how treatment approaches intended for Status Indian and Non-Aboriginal society do not work for his people, and the lack of adequate funding his organization faces.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Yance Sheehan and Lisa Blandford

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Yance Sheehan and Lisa Blandford, Aboriginal youths concerned with education (particularly the teaching of Metis history and culture) and the lack of recreational facilities for Aboriginal youth. They suggest that the Royal Commission plan a session only for Aboriginal youth to hear their ideas. Following the presentation are comments made by the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Yvon Allard, Metis, Member of the Manitoba Metis Federation

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Yvon Allard, Member of the Manitoba Metis Federation regarding Employment Equity for Aboriginal Peoples and Post-Secondary Institutions. In particular Allard discusses discrimination in employment, and the promotion and protection of Aboriginal cultural identity in educational institutions.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Yvon Dumont, President, Manitoba Metis Federation

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Yvon Dumont of the Manitoba Metis Federation regarding the history of the Metis in Canada and the issues they face, particularly the need for a land base, and self-government, for the Metis people. Dumont tells the Commissioners what he expects to come out of the Commission, and what he views as their role in redressing past injustices towards the Metis by Canada.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the East Prairie Metis Settlement by Harry Supernault

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Harry Supernault
This file contains a transcript of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Elizabeth Metis Settlement, Alberta. This portion includes a presentation for the East Prairie Metis Settlement by Harry Supernault concerning the cultural differences between the Metis community and that of others.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the Louis Riel Metis Association by Tom Lalonde, Lyle Letendre and Fraser Hall

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This part includes presentation for the Louis Riel Metis Association by Tom Lalonde, Lyle Letendre, Fraser Hall and Derwin Calliou concerning rural and urban housing for the Aboriginal community. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the Peavine Metis Settlement by Elmer Anderson

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Elmer Anderson
This file contains a transcript of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Elizabeth Metis Settlement, Alberta. This portion includes a presentation for the Peavine Metis Settlement by Elmer Anderson concerning transportation and utilities and the area of agriculture in the Metis community.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation of the Central Interior Native Health Society by Harold Morin

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Prince George, British Columbia. This part includes a presentation of the Central Interior Native Health Society by Harold Morin concerning health needs in the Aboriginal community. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation of the Nechako Fraser Junction Metis Association by Jim Pavich

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Prince George, British Columbia. This part includes a presentation of the Nechako Fraser Junction Metis Association by Jim Pavich concerning National and Provincial concerns of the Metis community. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of the Metis Association of the Northwest Territories by Gordon Lennie, Vice-President

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation on behalf of the Metis Association of the Northwest Territories by Gordon Lennie, Vice-President. Lennie, presenting on behalf of President Gary Bohnet, raises concerns with underrepresentation of Metis peoples in the first round of Royal Commission sittings, as well as Commission composition and funding issues. Following the presentation the assembled Commissioners discuss the issues raised with Lennie.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of the Shuswap Okanagan Metis Association

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation on behalf of the Shuswap Okanagan Metis Association by Greg Mazur and Tim Low. Mazur, Vice-President of the Shuswap Okanagan Metis Organization, discusses the composition of his organization which represents approximately 650 Metis citizens as part of the larger Pacific Metis Federation. Mazur discusses the definition of Metis. Tim Low, Director of the SOMA, delivers a brief history of the Metis Nation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on Behalf of the Yellowknife Metis Council by Clem Paul, President

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by President Clem Paul of the Yellowknife Métis Council. He discusses problems faced by the Northwest Territories Métis generally, and the Yellowknife Métis specifically. He argues that the government has created problems by funding the Dene organizations but not the Métis councils. Paul also discusses rights issues. Following the presentation the assembled Commissioners discuss some of the issues raised with Paul.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on Saskatchewan Justice

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation on Saskatchewan Justice by Annette Montgrand and Robert Woods. Mongtrand discusses property comepnsation by offenders on social assistance, and Saskatchewan Justice's work with parollees, the need for increased resources, family, and community support. Montgrand also discusses the need for distinct programming for nothern residents in the provincial context.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation par Georges Druwe, President, Societe Franco-Manitobaine

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by President Georges Druwe of the Societe Franco-Manitobaine (the Franco-Manitoban Society). Presentation begins in French then switches to English translation. President Druwe discusses his organization which represents French speakers in Manitoba, its' interest in the proceedings of the Commission, and its' view that "First Nation, Metis and Inuit communities have reached a critical turning point in their history." Druwe goes on to discuss cross-cultural solidarity and shared concerns.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentations by Rena Kinney, Geraldine Thomas, Rosalind Caldwell, Lillian George and Betty Ann Barnes

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Prince George, British Columbia. This part includes opening remarks by Karin Hunt, the moderator for the session and presentations by Rena Kinney, Jessica Lafond, Geraldine Thomas, Brenda Thomas, Rosalind Caldwell, Gloria Lerat, Lillian George, Sophie Thomas, and Betty Ann Barnes and others on the various topics of racism, self-government, Aboriginal woman's issues, taxation, land claims, sexual abuse,healing and the issues of Metis women.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presetnation by Eagle River Development Association, Woody Lethbridge

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Woody Lethbridge of the Eagle River Development Association. Lethbridge discusses his concerns about the poor state of Metis-Innu relations in Labrador. Lethbridge discusses economic development concerns in the forestry industry with Commissioner Erasmus. Following this the Commissioners sum up the day's proceedings and adjourn the day's sitting.
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