The 1990 Alberta Metis Settlements Legislation: An Overview
2011 Métis Law in Canada
Aboriginal Peoples - Guide to the Records of the Government of Canada.
Indian Affairs Inventory
Adrian Hope Interview
Alberta's Metis Settlements Legislation: An Overview of Ownership and Management of Settlement Lands
Alberta's Métis Settlements Legislation: An Overview of Ownership and Management of Settlement Lands
Are We Metis or are We Indians? A Commentary on R. v. Grumbo
'As Their Natural Resources Fail': Native Peoples and the Economic History of Northern Manitoba, 1870-1930
Between Race and Nation: The Plains Métis and the Canada-United States Border
Bison Hunting
The Buffalo Runners: A Tale of the Red River Plains
Case Commentary: Manitoba Métis Federation v. Canada and Manitoba
The CCF and the Development of Métis Colonies in Southern Saskatchewan During the Premiership of T. C. Douglas, 1944-1961
Changing Times
Overview of Métis history from the 1840s to 1875. Discusses the collapse of the buffalo hunting economy, the establishment of the community of St. Laurent, passing of laws to establish order, and the arrival of the North West Mounted Police.
Includes questions for students.
Circles of Time: Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario
The Community Conundrum: Metis Critical Perspectives
on the Application of R v Powley in British Columbia
A Conceptual Framework for the Development of a Sustainability Strategy by the Métis of Northern Saskatchewan
Conflicting Plans
2nd edition.
Constructing a Legal Land System That Supports Economic Development For the Metis in Alberta
The Context for Métis Justice Issues
Contours of a People: Metis Family, Mobility, and History
Daniels Through the Lens of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Dene/Metis Agreement in Principle
Detailed Report upon All Claims to Land and Right to Participate in the North-West Half-Breed Grant by Settlers along the South Saskatchewan ... Settlements Commonly Known as St. Louis de Langevin, St. Laurent or Batoche and Duck Lake
The Dispersal of the Métis
Don McLean Interview
Don Nielson Interview 1
Don Nielson Interview 2
Drawing From Métis Roots to Move Beyond Bipolar Disorder
Economic Aspects of Aboriginal Title in Northern Manitoba:
Treaty 5 Adhesions and Métis Scrip
The Ethnoecology and Reproductive Ecology of Bakeapple ( Rubus chamaemorus L., Rosaceae) in Southern Labrador
Ethnogenesis of the Metis, Cree and Chippewa in Twentieth Century Montana
[Ewing Commission Report]
Purpose of the commission was to "make enquiry into the condition of the half-breed population of the Province of Alberta, keeping particularly in mind the health, education, relief and general welfare of such population". As a result of the recommendations contained in the report the Métis Betterment Act was enacted and Métis Settlements were established.
Foundational Document: Canada-Métis Nation Accord
Fred Paulhus Interview
"The Free People--Otipemisiwak": Batoche, Saskatchewan 1870-1930
From Borderlands to Bordered Lands: The Plains Metis and the 49th Parallel, 1869-1885
From New Peoples to New Nations: Aspects of Métis History and Identity from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-first Centuries
The Fur Industry: Massey-Harris Document
Furrows of Stone: Race, Politics, and the Alberta Métis Land Question, 1932-1936
#Future of Forestry: Sustainable Solutions: Summary Report
The Gilchrist Diaries
Halfbreeds: Primary Source Material
Her Majesty in Right of Newfoundland and Labrador as Represented by the Minister of Environment and Conservation and the Minister of Transportation and Works
and The Labrador Métis ...
Histoire de Saint-Boniface, Tome I, À l'Ombre des Cathédrales: des Origines de la Colonie Jusqu'en 1870
The Historiography of Métis Land Dispersal, 1870-1890
A History of the McKay Family of St. Eustache, Manitoba, 1846 to the Present
General overview of Métis history, dispersion and employment patterns with special reference to the author's family.