Displaying 1 - 50 of 73

Aboriginal Governance Project: Paper Prepared as Part of the Research Program of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Métis Settlements General Council
Focuses on the structure and functions of the Métis Settlements General Council, which was established by legislation enacted by the Alberta legislature in 1990. Based on series of interviews with the executive, members, administrators, and individuals involved in framing of settlements legislation.
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Advancing Governance of the Metis Settlements of Alberta: Selected Working Papers

Alternate Title
Comparison of Metis Settlements with Other Local Governments
Detailed Description of the Metis Settlements Governance System
Governance Discussion Paper: Metis Settlements of Alberta
Interview with Fred Martin on the Development of the Metis Settlement Governance System
Documents & Presentations
John Graham
Three papers: detailed description of settlements' governance systems, interview with Fred Martin on development of those systems, and comparison with other local governments.
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The Context for Métis Justice Issues

Alternate Title
Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice
E-Books » Chapters
Kathleen Makela
Article from 1993 Conference proceedings, discussing Metis rights to self-government, lands, and how these pertain to law and justice. Excerpt from Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice compiled by Richard Gosse, James Youngblood Henderson, Roger Carter.
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Crisis at Red River

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. M. Bumstead
The Beaver, vol. 75, no. 3, June/July 1995, pp. 23-?
Recalls the efforts of Louis Riel which lead to the creation of Manitoba in the 1870s.
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Foundational Document: Canada-Métis Nation Accord

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Métis National Council
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, January 31, 2019, pp. 102-110
A Copy of the Canada-Métis Nation Accord, 2017, the signing of which makes official a Nation-to-Nation relationship between Canada and the Métis Nation.
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Four Pathways to Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Frances Abele
Michael J. Prince
American Review of Canadian Studies, vol. 36, no. 4, Winter, 2006, pp. 568-595
Identifies and examines four different models of Aboriginal government.
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Governance Study: Métis Self-Government in Saskatchewan

Documents & Presentations
[Métis Nation of Saskatchewan?]
General discussion of right to self-government as well as building capacity through elections, adoption of a Constitution, establishment of a legislative assembly, creation of affiliated institutions to deliver programs and services, and relationships with other levels of government.
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The Half-Breed "Rising" of 1875

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
George F. G. Stanley
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 17, no. 4, December 1936, pp. 399-412
Discusses circumstances leading to the establishment of a provisional government at St. Laurent, Saskatchewan and how conflict among the Métis was misinterpreted as aggression.
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[K-12 Lesson Plans: Rupertsland Institute]

Web Sites » Organizations
Rupertsland Institute
Topics include language of the Métis, culture and traditions, homeland history, Métis in Alberta and Métis Nation governance.
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Louis Riel: One Life, One Vision

Web Sites » Organizations
Centre du patrimoine
Presents Louis Riel's (1844-1885) biography; includes his battles for Métis rights, letters, ancestors, the Riel House, and information on his death and funeral services.
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Louis Riel’s Insanity Reconsidered

Articles » General
Frank W. Anderson
Saskatchewan History, vol. 3, no. 3, Autumn, 1950, pp. 104-110

Considers Riel’s life and speculates on the role his mental health played in his choices and role as a leader of the Métis people. Entire issue on one PDF file, scroll to page 104.

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Métis in Canada: History, Identity, Law and Politics

Book Reviews
Jennifer Hayter
BC Studies, no. 184, Winter, 2014/2015, pp. 141-142
Book review of Métis in Canada edited by Christopher Adams, Gregg Dahl, and Ian Peach. Entire book review section on one PDF. To access this review scroll to p. 141.
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Métis Land Rights and Self-Government

Documents & Presentations
Leah Dorion
Describes the role the scrip system played in eliminating the Métis land base, lists Métis political organizations and discusses current activity aimed at recovering their land base, which would enable a move toward self-government.
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Métis Law in Canada, 2010

Documents & Presentations
Jean Teillet
Provides overview of Métis history, reviews significant agreements and legislation, indexes case law summaries and discusses new developments.
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Métis Law Summary 2009

Documents & Presentations
Jean Teillet
Provides overview of Métis history, reviews significant agreements and legislation, indexes case law summaries and discusses new developments.
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Métis Perspective on Self-Government

Alternate Title
Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice
E-Books » Chapters
Clem Chartier
pp. 83-87
Article from 1993 Conference proceedings, discusses Métis issues of recognition, self-government, justice and rights. Excerpt from Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice compiled by Richard Gosse, James Youngblood Henderson, Roger Carter.
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Métis Perspective on the Split in Jurisdiction

Alternate Title
Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice
E-Books » Chapters
Noble Shanks
Essay from1993 Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice discusses Métis claim to rights in relation to the administration of justice and the Criminal Code. Excerpt from Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice compiled by Richard Gosse, James Youngblood Henderson, Roger Carter.
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Niw_Hk_M_Kanak ("All My Relations") Metis-First Nations Relations

Alternate Title
Research Paper (National Centre for First Nations Governance)
Research Paper for the National Centre for First Nations Governance
Documents & Presentations
Paul L. A. H. Chartrand
Discusses relations between First Nations and Metis peoples before Federal presence in the West and looks for ideas on how self-government might be brought about.
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Reconsidering Riel: A Necessary Exercise

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nathalie Kermoal
INDITERRA, no. 2, [Trajectoires plurielles de Premiers Peuples], 2010, pp. [35]-43
Focuses on Louis Riel's years in exile in Montana and his involvement with the Métis.
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The Role of Northern Municipalities in Aboriginal Government

Alternate Title
Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice
E-Books » Chapters
Alison Stickland
Article from 1993 Conference proceedings, discussing the role of municipal government in the evolution of Aboriginal self-government and self-determination suggesting local government structures may be a foundation for community governance. Excerpt from Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice compiled by Richard Gosse, James Youngblood Henderson, Roger Carter.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 164: Elizabeth Metis Settlement, Alberta

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
RCAP 164 contains a transcript of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Elizabeth Metis Settlement, Alberta. This portion includes presentations of individuals and groups dealing with various topics concerning The Metis Settlements Act, Metis self-government, housing and land ownership. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow some presentations which can be viewed individually on this site.
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