1885 and After: Native Society in Transition
1885 Canadian Pacific Railway Telegrams
Brief article describes the Saskatchewan Archives acquisition of a ledger of telegraphs from the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) telegraph station at Clark’s Crossing, near Saskatoon, dated April 18 - June 26, 1885. Many telegraphs discuss the battles of the 1885 North-West Resistance, the capture of Louis Riel, and contain historically relevant names: Edgar Dewdney, Major General Middlton, Pasqua (Chief Paskwa), Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Chief Poundmaker), Mistahimaskwa (Chief Big Bear), Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 6.
1885 Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraph Book: Online Exhibition
Online exhibition of communication between the military forces and the Canadian government during the Northwest Resistance of 1885. Telegrams begin in days leading up to Battle of Fish Creek, after the initial Battle of Duck Lake, and after the Frog Lake Massacre.
1885 / Fur Trade - 1970-1985. - Folder 1.
1885 / Fur Trade - 1970-1985. - Folder 2.
1885: Métis Rebellion or Government Conspiracy?
The 1885 North-West Campaign Diary of Lieutenant R. Lyndhurst Wadmore, Infantry School Corps
Wadmore was a Lieutenant in C Company, in Colonel Otter’s Battleford Column. Wadmore saw action at The Battle of Cutknife Hill, and participated in patrols related to the activities of Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear) and Pîhtokahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker). Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 62.
1885: Rebellion or Resistance?
Explains why the Metis prefer to use the word resistance to describe the conflicts labelled as the Red River Rebellion and North West Rebellion by the Canadian government and press.
1885 Resistance: Why Did it Happen?
2010 Designated Year of the Métis
91st Battalion, Qu'Appelle, N.W.T. - [1885?].
“Wounded Leaving for Saskatoon" [from Fish Creek, May 2, 1885], N.W. Rebellion
Aboriginal Veterans & Warriors
An Account of the Advance of the 7th Fusiliers of London to aid in the suppression of the North West Rebellion
Actor Donald Sutherland Featured in Five-Hour 'Riel Commission' - Press release. - 16 April 1985.
Adams, Howard, Prison of Grass (Ch. 7-9)
Adolphus Nolin
Aime Joseph Dumont Interview
The Alberta Field Force of '85
Examines the parts of the 1885 Resistance that impacted or occurred in Alberta.
In two parts.
Alex Ouellette Interview
Alexander Begg's Red River Journal and Other Papers Relative to the Red River Resistance of 1869-1870
Alfred Boyer Interview
All Quiet on the (North)Western Front: Counter-Insurgency in Canada: An Examination of the 1885 Northwest Rebellion
Defence Studies Research Paper (MDS) -- Canadian Forces College, 2010.
Almighty Voice
Ambitious Plan Will See Batoche Open Year Round
Ambrose Lepine
Annette, The Métis Spy: A Heroine of the N.W. Rebellion
Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year End 31st December, 1885
A compilation of the reports to the Depart of Indian Affairs by Indian Agents across Canada for the year of 1885.
In nineteen parts.
Antoine Ferguson Interview
Antoine Lonesinger 6 Interview
The Apathetic and the Defiant: Case Studies of Canadian Mutiny and Disobedience, 1812-1919
See chapter four: Emboldened by Bad Behaviour: The Conduct-of the 147 Canadian Army in the Northwest, 1870 to 1873 by Jim McKillip.
Assignment: “The 1885 Rebellion”
Attacking a Canadian supply steamer on the Saskatchewan - Sketch and article. - 23 May 1885.
Attacking the State: The Levying War Charge in Canadian Treason Law
The Attitude of the Roman Catholic Clergy Towards the Rebellions in 1870 and 1885
Au Nom du Bon Dieu et du Buffalo: Métis Lived Catholicism on the Northern Plains
Back to Batoche
Back to Batoche: A Brief Journey Through Time
Batoche and the Northwest Revisited: A Century of Search and Development - Program. - 2-4 May 1985.
Batoche Cairn Dedication Ceremony, mid 1920s
Batoche Dinner - Royal Regiment of Canada - Toronto, ON
Batoche Interactive Theatre Proves to be Larger Than Life
Batoche National Historic Site
Booklet focuses on the Battle of Batoche, the final confrontation in the North-West Resistance.
Batoche National Historic Site / Development of the Management Plan for Batoche / Parks Canada's response to Public Comment on the Plan Alternatives.- Report. - June 1982.
Batoche -- National Historic Site - Dorothy Hall. - Newspaper clipping and photograph. - 1967.
Batoche National Historic Site / Management Plan Summary / Batoche Lieu Historique National / Resume du Plan de Gestion - June 1982.
Batoche National Historic Site of Canada
Batoche National Historic Site / Public Comment on the Plan Alternatives - Report. - August 1981.
Historical note: