Aboriginal Peoples - Guide to the Records of the Government of Canada.
Indian Affairs Inventory
Allotment Stories: Indigenous Land Relations Under Settler Siege
Appendix One: Questions and Discussions
As Long as the Rivers Run: Hydroelectric Development and Native Communities in Western Canada
'As Their Natural Resources Fail': Native Peoples and the Economic History of Northern Manitoba: 1870-1930
As Their Natural Resources Fail: Native Peoples and the Economic History of Northern Manitoba, 1870-1930
At Devil Lake
Historical note:
Narcisse-Omer Cote (1859-1944) a civil servant for the Government of Canada, entered the department of the interior in 1879. In 1885, he was appointed secretary to the Royal Commission investigating and adjudicating Metis claims. In 1900 he became a Commissioner of the North-West Half-Breed Commission. The Commission was to enumerate and issue scrip to the Metis who qualified in the district of Saskatchewan and a small part of Manitoba. Their work lasted from May 16 to December 6 1900.At Snake Plains
Historical note:
At Snake Plains (Men Posing in front of tent)
Historical note:
At Snake Plains (picnic)
Historical note:
Narcisse-Omer Cote (1859-1944) a civil servant for the Government of Canada, entered the department of the interior in 1879. In 1885, he was appointed secretary to the Royal Commission investigating and adjudicating Metis claims. In 1900 he became a Commissioner of the North-West Half-Breed Commission. The Commission was to enumerate and issue scrip to the Metis who qualified in the district of Saskatchewan and a small part of Manitoba. Their work lasted from May 16 to December 6 1900.Canada. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources
Canadian Genealogy Centre: Métis
Describes various sources and strategies available to those researching Métis peoples.
Colonial Categories and Familial Responses to Treaty and Metis Scrip Policy: The 'Edmonton and District Stragglers,' 1870–88
The Commission of 1885 to the North-West Territories
Commission to Study Halfbreed Land Claims - 1901
Commissioners and Women in Mess Tent at Duck Lake
Historical note:
Commissioners' Mess Tent at Duck Lake
Historical note:
Cypress Hills Metis Scrip Applications
Devil's Lake
Historical note:
Discussion of the Paper on "Shopping in the Early '80s" / Given by Mr. J. Clinkskill Before the Saskatoon Historical Society.
The Dispersal of the Métis
Dr. William Hall Papers
Economic Aspects of Aboriginal Title in Northern Manitoba:
Treaty 5 Adhesions and Métis Scrip
The Edmonton and District Stragglers: Gendered Strategies of Treaty and Scrip, 1876-1886
[Ewing Commission Report]
Purpose of the commission was to "make enquiry into the condition of the half-breed population of the Province of Alberta, keeping particularly in mind the health, education, relief and general welfare of such population". As a result of the recommendations contained in the report the Métis Betterment Act was enacted and Métis Settlements were established.
"Fleury, Patrice"
Fort Chipewyan and the Shaping of Canadian History, 1788-1920s: "We Like to be Free in This Country"
"The Free People - Otipemisiwak": Batoche, Saskatchewan 1870-1930
From New Peoples to New Nations: Aspects of Métis History and Identity from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-first Centuries
Further Information on Section 31 Manitoba Act Métis Grants
Giraud, M., "Western Metis After the Insurrection."
Grade Eight Treaty Education Learning Resource
Includes key questions, outcomes and indicators, "Exploring Treaty Impacts and Alternatives" inquiry questions about treaty relationships, spirit and intent, historical context, and treaty promises and provisions, teacher background information, and suggested resources.
Half-Breed Commission at Duck lake
Half-Breed Commission at Duck Lake
Half-Breed Commission at Duck Lake
Half-Breed Commission at Fort Pitt
Half-Breed Commission at Sturgeon River
Half-Breed Commission on Trail to Green Lake
Halfbreeds: Primary Source Material
Harry Daniels, Gabriel Daniels, Leah Gardner, Terry Joudrey and the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples and Her Majesty the Queen, as Represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the Attorney General of Canada: Reasons For Judgment
Historical Métis Communities in Region One of the Métis Nation of Alberta, 1881-1916
Investigation into whether there was a Métis presence in the Wood Buffalo region uses descriptive narrative records from the Geological Survey of Canada and the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, census data, surnames of enumerated individuals in Fort Chipewyan, Fort McMurray, Lac La Biche, and North West Halfbreed Scrip applications.
Historical Overview Lesson 2: Fur Trade Economics
History of Métis Lands in Alberta
Homesteading at Wilcox
An account of the experience of traveling to Canada from the United States in 1901, of staking a homesteading claim, and of settling on the prairies; documents the settler practice of purchasing Métis land scrip and then filing it for the purpose of European settlement. Includes some discussion of Jock Henderson, the executioner of Louis Riel. Entire issue on one PDF file, scroll to page 23.
In Their Own Lands: Treaty Ten and the Canoe Lake, Clear Lake, and English River Bands
Jacob Johnston
Historical note: