Displaying 1 - 50 of 105

Allotment Stories: Indigenous Land Relations Under Settler Siege

Daniel Heath Justice
Jean M. O'Brien
Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
Sarah Biscarra Dilley
Nick Estes
Sherry Lightfoot
Joseph M. Pierce
Marilyn Dumont
Darren O'Toole
Jennifer Adese
Jameson R. Sweet ...
Candessa Tehee
Christine Taitano DeLisle ...
J. Kēhaulani Kauanui
Dione Payne ...
Benjamin Hugh Velaise
Rauna Kuokkanen ...
Pauliina Feodoroff
Kelly S. McDonough ...
Khal Schneider ...
Megan Baker
Ruby Hansen Murray
Stacy L Leeds
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Appendix One: Questions and Discussions

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sharon H. Venne
Patricia Seed
Harold Cardinal
Frank Tough
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, vol. 34, no. 1, 2007, pp. 79-97
Panel discussion between Sharon Venne, Patricia Seed, Harold Cardinal and Frank Tough.
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At Devil Lake

Images » Photographs
Metis sitting around table during North-West Half-Breed Commission.

Historical note:

Narcisse-Omer Cote (1859-1944) a civil servant for the Government of Canada, entered the department of the interior in 1879. In 1885, he was appointed secretary to the Royal Commission investigating and adjudicating Metis claims. In 1900 he became a Commissioner of the North-West Half-Breed Commission. The Commission was to enumerate and issue scrip to the Metis who qualified in the district of Saskatchewan and a small part of Manitoba. Their work lasted from May 16 to December 6 1900.
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At Snake Plains

Images » Photographs
Image of Indigenous people gathered outside tent at the time of the Half-Breed Commissioner's visit. Man at centre smoking pipe.

Historical note:

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At Snake Plains (Men Posing in front of tent)

Images » Photographs
Image of group of men posing in front of tent during the North-West Half-Breed Commission. Man at centre holding infant and man second from right is Jacob Johnston.

Historical note:

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At Snake Plains (picnic)

Images » Photographs
Photograph of group (Metis?) picnicking during North-West Half-Breed Commission.

Historical note:

Narcisse-Omer Cote (1859-1944) a civil servant for the Government of Canada, entered the department of the interior in 1879. In 1885, he was appointed secretary to the Royal Commission investigating and adjudicating Metis claims. In 1900 he became a Commissioner of the North-West Half-Breed Commission. The Commission was to enumerate and issue scrip to the Metis who qualified in the district of Saskatchewan and a small part of Manitoba. Their work lasted from May 16 to December 6 1900.
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Canadian Genealogy Centre: Métis

Web Sites » Governmental
Library and Archives Canada

Describes various sources and strategies available to those researching Métis peoples.

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The Commission of 1885 to the North-West Territories

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
H. H. Langton
[W. P. R. Street]
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 25, no. 1, March 1944, pp. 38-53
Background to the Commission's role in enumerating Métis entitled to land, followed by transcript of Chief Commissioner's account of its activities.
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Commission to Study Halfbreed Land Claims - 1901

Archival » Archival Items
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. This file contains a variety of documents pertaining to the Halfbreed Scrip Commission in the Saskatchewan District of the North West Territories following the Northwest Resistance. It also contains documents referring to the scrip issued to scouts who took part in suppressing the 1885 uprising.
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Commissioners' Mess Tent at Duck Lake

Images » Photographs
A photograph of the Half-Breed Commissioners sitting in their mess tent at Duck Lake, NWT during their visit to that area in 1900.

Historical note:

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Cypress Hills Metis Scrip Applications

Documents & Presentations
Lawrence Barkwell
Lists applicants' names, addresses, place and date of birth, parents' names, and scrip claim or certificate number.
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Devil's Lake

Images » Photographs
A photograph of Devil's Lake during the time of the visit of the Half-Breed Commission, 1900.

Historical note:

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The Dispersal of the Métis

Documents & Presentations
[David Morin]
Briefly explains reasons for the out-migration from Manitoba after the Red River Resistance and the 1885 Resistance, including disappearance of the bison-hunting economy, failure of agriculture, influx of settlers, racism, changes to legislation, and flaws in the Scrip system.
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Dr. William Hall Papers

Documents & Presentations
File contains correspondence regarding the sale of land and a scrip land transfer in the File Hills/Fort Qu'Appelle area of the North-West Territories of Canada, Saskatchewan district. Involved in these transactions were Lazare Laliberte, Thomas G. Morrison, William Hall, John Leader, and Thomas W. Jackson. Also in the file is a copy of a letter of resignation from File Hills Indian Agency clerk T. P. Godfrey, who accused Inspector W. M. Graham of improper handling of agency funds and suspicious booking keeping practices.
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[Ewing Commission Report]

Alternate Title
[Report of the Alberta Enquiry Into and Concerning the Problems of Health, Education, Relief and General Welfare of the Half-Breed Population of the Province]
[Report of the Royal Commission on the Condition of the Half-Breed Population of the Province of Alberta.]
Documents & Presentations
Freeman Ewing
Edward Ainslie Braithwaite
James McCrie Douglas

Purpose of the commission was to "make enquiry into the condition of the half-breed population of the Province of Alberta, keeping particularly in mind the health, education, relief and general welfare of such population". As a result of the recommendations contained in the report the Métis Betterment Act was enacted and Métis Settlements were established.

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"Fleury, Patrice"

Archival » Archival Items
Patrice Fleury
File contains the reminiscences of Patrice Fleury who was born in Red River in 1842. He describes Metis Buffalo hunts and the debates in the community leading up to the Riel Rebellion of 1885.
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Giraud, M., "Western Metis After the Insurrection."

Articles » General
File contains a photocopy of M. Giraud's article "The Western Metis After the Insurrection," as published in Saskatchewan History Vol. IX No. 1 (winter 1956): pp. 1-15. He gives his impression of the lives of the Metis in the North-West Territories after 1885. He argues that many were destitute living on thin strips of crown land, and only a few had small farms, while others settled on reserves. Many got a title to land worth $240 (scrip), but most sold their title for less than it was worth and then spent the money foolishly.
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Grade Eight Treaty Education Learning Resource

Documents & Presentations
[Saskatchewan Ministry of Education?]

Includes key questions, outcomes and indicators, "Exploring Treaty Impacts and Alternatives" inquiry questions about treaty relationships, spirit and intent, historical context, and treaty promises and provisions, teacher background information, and suggested resources.

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Half-Breed Commission at Duck lake

Images » Photographs
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. A photograph of a large group of non-Aboriginal and Metis people in Duck Lake, NWT at the time of the visit of the Half-Breed Commission, 1900. The Canadian Red Ensign flies in the background.
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Half-Breed Commission at Duck Lake

Images » Photographs
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. A close-up photograph of a large group of non-Aboriginal and Metis people standing in front of a building in Duck Lake, NWT at the time of the visit of the Half-Breed Commission, 1900.
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Half-Breed Commission at Duck Lake

Images » Photographs
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. A photograph of a large group of non-Aboriginal and Metis people standing in front of a building in Duck Lake, NWT at the time of the visit of the Half-Breed Commission, 1900.
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Half-Breed Commission at Fort Pitt

Images » Photographs
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. A photograph of six men seated on a platform. They are members of the Half-Breed commission. Picture taken at Fort Pitt, NWT (Sask. District), 1900. N. O. Cote is third from the right.
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Half-Breed Commission at Sturgeon River

Images » Photographs
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. A photograph of four men standing in front of a white tent. They are members of the Half-Breed Commission; at Sturgeon River, 14 September 1900.
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Half-Breed Commission on Trail to Green Lake

Images » Photographs
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. A photograph of a group of Metis gathered around one of the Half-Breed Commissioners on a trail near Green Lake, NWT during the commission's visit in 1900.
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Halfbreeds: Primary Source Material

Alternate Title
Claims and Historical Research Centre ; B.27
Half-Breeds: Primary Source Material
Documents & Presentations
Dennis Madill
Sources include Record Group 10 records relating to Indian Affairs (1872-1950), Sir John A. Macdonald Papers, Alexander Mackenzie Papers, David Laird Papers, Alexander Morris Papers, Edgar Dewdney Papers, and L. Vankoughnet Letterbooks.
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Harry Daniels, Gabriel Daniels, Leah Gardner, Terry Joudrey and the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples and Her Majesty the Queen, as Represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the Attorney General of Canada: Reasons For Judgment

Documents & Presentations
Federal Court of Canada
Federal court case to decide if non-status Indian and Métis should be identified as "Indians" under the Constitution Act, 1867.
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Historical Métis Communities in Region One of the Métis Nation of Alberta, 1881-1916

Documents & Presentations
Frank Tough
Jonathan Anuik

Investigation into whether there was a Métis presence in the Wood Buffalo region uses descriptive narrative records from the Geological Survey of Canada and the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, census data, surnames of enumerated individuals in Fort Chipewyan, Fort McMurray, Lac La Biche, and North West Halfbreed Scrip  applications.

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History of Métis Lands in Alberta

Alternate Title
Families on the Move: Scrip and Stories of Migration
Métis Archaeology, Land, and Rights in Alberta
Métis Land: Rights & Scrip Conference
Métis Scrip and the Edmonton River Lot Inhabitants
Media » Film and Video
Kisha Supernant
Alice Glaze
Leah Hrycun
Three presentations: "Métis Archaeology, Land, and Rights in Alberta", "Families on the Move: Scrip and Stories of Migration", and "Métis Scrip and the Edmonton River Lot Inhabitants". Followed by question and answer period. Duration: 1:39:37.
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Homesteading at Wilcox

Articles » General
S. T. St. John
Saskatchewan History, vol. 2, no. 1, Winter, January 1949, pp. 23-27

An account of the experience of traveling to Canada from the United States in 1901, of staking a homesteading claim, and of settling on the prairies; documents the settler practice of purchasing Métis land scrip and then filing it for the purpose of European settlement. Includes some discussion of Jock Henderson, the executioner of Louis Riel. Entire issue on one PDF file, scroll to page 23.

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Jacob Johnston

Images » Photographs
A photograph of Jacob Johnson, a Metis man with round spectacles and a sash around his waist, at Snake Plains during the time of the visit of the Half-Breed Commission, 1900.

Historical note:

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[K-12 Lesson Plans: Rupertsland Institute]

Web Sites » Organizations
Rupertsland Institute
Topics include language of the Métis, culture and traditions, homeland history, Métis in Alberta and Métis Nation governance.
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Land Claims [Part One]

Alternate Title
Métis Land: Rights and Scrip Conference
Métis Scrip: A Claim Against the Crown
The Need for a Unique Métis Claims Process - Minister's Special Representative Report (2016) on Métis Section 35 Rights
Media » Film and Video
Thomas Isaac
Zachary Davis
Two presentations: "The Need for a Unique Métis Claims Process - Minister's Special Representative Report (2016) on Métis Section 35 Rights" and "Métis Scrip: A Claim Against the Crown". Followed by question and answer period. Duration: 1:54:44.
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Land Grants Under the Manitoba Act

Articles » General
H.. Douglas Kemp
Transactions of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, no. 9, Series 3, 1952-1953, p. [?]
Chronology of the government's attempts to discharge their obligations to the Métis under the terms of the surrender of Rupert's land, specifically Section 31 of the Manitoba Act.
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