Aboriginal Peoples of Alberta: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Aboriginal Rights Claims and the Making and Remaking of History
Aboriginal Veterans' Benefits
Explains the reasons why the Saskatchewan Indian Veterans Association (currently known as the Saskatchewan First Nations Veterans' Association), the Métis National Council, and other Aboriginal groups are suing the federal government for unfulfilled veterans' benefits.
Adrian Hope Interview
Annotated Bibliography: Métis in Ontario
Aspirational Descent and the Creation of Family Lore: Race Shifting in the Northeast
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
Canadian Genealogy Centre: Métis
Describes various sources and strategies available to those researching Métis peoples.
La Chaas: The Métis Constitutional Right to Hunt in the Canadian Legal Consciousness
Communing with the Dead The “New Métis,” Métis Identity Appropriation, and the Displacement of Living Métis Culture
The Community Conundrum: Metis Critical Perspectives
on the Application of R v Powley in British Columbia
The Confrontation at Rivières aux Ilets de Bois
The Confrontations at Rivière aux Îlets-de-Bois
The Context for Métis Justice Issues
Dene/Metis Agreement in Principle
Documenting Historic Métis in Ontario
Don McLean Interview
Don Nielson Interview 1
Don Nielson Interview 2
“Eastern Métis” Studies and White Settler Colonialism Today
Ending an Era
First Peoples Law: Essays on Canadian Law and Decolonization
Fred Paulhus Interview
"The Free People--Otipemisiwak": Batoche, Saskatchewan 1870-1930
Halfbreeds: Primary Source Material
Her Majesty in Right of Newfoundland and Labrador as Represented by the Minister of Environment and Conservation and the Minister of Transportation and Works
and The Labrador Métis ...
An Historical Introduction to Métis Claims in Canada
History of Métis Lands in Alberta
History of Modern Aboriginal Law
History of Native Claims Processes in Canada, 1867-1979
Indian Record (Vol. XXXI, No. 5, May, 1968)
John Breretton Interview 1
Land Claims in the Prince Albert Settlement
Describes the process surrounding land title transfers from the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) to the Canadian government in 1870, and the subsequent settlement of that land. Notes conflict between the River Lot system and government surveyor systems of land division. Entire issue on one PDF file, scroll to page 1.
Land Claims [Part One]
Land Claims [Part Two]
Land Grants Under the Manitoba Act
Lawrence Joseph Pritchard Interview #2
Louis Riel’s Land Claims
Manitoba Métis Federation v. Canada (Attorney General): Understanding the Supreme Court of Canada's Decision
Manitoba Metis Join Prairie Coalition to Pursue Land Rights
Manitoba Métis President David Chartrand awaits a Court of Queen's Bench decision that will include issues related to scrip, Métis land and harvesting rights.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.8.