Aboriginal Justice Inquiry: Métis People and the Justice System
Aboriginal Music in Contemporary Canada: Echoes and Exchanges
Aboriginal Peoples in the Superior-Greenstone Region: An Informational Handbook for Staff and Parents
Aboriginal Self-Government in Urban Areas: Proceedings of a Workshop, May 25 and 26, 1994
An Absolutely Uncritical Look at What Has Been Written About the Métis.
Speech given at the1885 and After Conference held in Saskatoon in 1985 looks at historical ideologies regarding Métis culture in a contemporary context.
Agreement Extends SUNTEP Program
The Alberta Dis-Advantage: Métis Issues and the Public Discourse in Wild Rose Country
Alberta's Future Leaders Program: Long-Term Impacts
Alberta's Métis and Educational Reform: The Politics of Empowering Minority Students Through Mainstream Education
Annotated Bibliography: Métis in Ontario
The Art of Rosalie Favell
An Awakening of the Métis Spirit Within: Understanding My Struggle with Identity Within the Educational System
Ayamicikiwin: Saskatchewan Aboriginal Literacy Material Development
A manual providing a culturally relevant framework to guide the creation of literacy programs for Indigenous communities.
Background: Gabriel Dumont Institute
A one page document about the development of the Gabriel Dumont Institute.
Bannock as Medicine
Batoche Honours Métis Veterans
A Bead Box of My Own: The Beadwork of Métis Artist Philomene Umpherville
Becoming Métis: The Relationship Between the Sense of Métis Self and Cultural Stories
Becoming Whole: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Empowerment in Aboriginal Women Leaders and Professionals
Being a Metis Woman: Our Lived Stories
Benchmarking Métis Economic and Social Development
Beyond Binaries: Mixed-Blood Indigenous Inequalities
Looks at the social inequality for mixed-blood non-status Indigenous and Métis people due to their lack of an identity.
Blankets of Shame: Emotional Representation in Maria Campbell’s Half-breed
Border-Crossings: Connecting With the Colonized Mother in Maria Campbell's Life-Writings
Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing: Final Report: An Initiative of the Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) Program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing...
Bridging the Aboriginal Education Gap in Alberta: The Provincial Benefit Exceeds a Quarter of a Trillion Dollars
Bridging the Aboriginal Education Gap in Saskatchewan
A report on the benefits of education for Saskatchewan Indigenous populations but for the economic growth of the province itself.
Bringing it Back: The Meaning of Tobacco to Manitoba's Metis Peoples
Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable: Métis National Council Economic Opportunities Policy Paper
Capturing Education: The Role of Culture at a Tribally Controlled Community College
La Chaas: The Métis Constitutional Right to Hunt in the Canadian Legal Consciousness
The Changing Face of the Métis Nation
Changing Women: The Cross-Currents of American Indian Feminine Identity
Excerpt from an essay that examines the themes in Maria Campbell's Halfbreed.
Closing the Health Service Gap: Métis Women and Solutions for Culturally Safe Health Services
Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform: Final Report. Volume 2: Submissions to the Commission
Community Belonging and Sedentary Behaviour Among Métis Canadians: A Gendered Analysis
The Community Conundrum: Metis Critical Perspectives
on the Application of R v Powley in British Columbia
Conference Report: The Path to the Good Life: Aboriginal Women's Conference
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
Construction des Identités Raciales, Ethniques et Culturelles Chez des Métis Montréalais
The Contribution of Métis to Future Labour Force Growth in Canada
The Correlates of Current Smoking among Adult Métis: Evidence from the Aboriginal Peoples Survey and Métis Supplement
The Cosmological Liveliness of Terril Calder's The Lodge: Animating Our Relations and Unsettling Our Cinematic Spaces
Creating a Healthy, Just, Prosperous and Safe Saskatchewan: A Response to the Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform
Culturally Safe Health and Social Service Access for Urban Métis Women: A Scoping Review
Examines the inequities to culturally relevant services faced by Métis women in urban areas.