Displaying 1 - 50 of 262

$6 Million Funding Program for Métis Entrepreneurs

Alternate Title
Six Million Dollar Funding Program for Métis Entrepreneurs
Articles » General
John Lagimodiere
Eagle Feather News, vol. 13, no. 5, May 2010, p. 17
Discussion of the administration of funds available for Métis entrepreneurs and communities. Article found by scrolling to page 17.
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Aboriginal Music in Contemporary Canada: Echoes and Exchanges

Alternate Title
McGill-Queen's Native and Northern Series ; 66
Anna Hoefnagels
Beverly Diamond
Amber Ridington
Garry Oker
Janice Esther Tulk
Gabriel Desrosiers ...
Sadie Buck ...
Annette Chrétien
Beverly Souliere
Jimmy Dick
Russell Wallace
Dylan Robinson
Marie Clements
Sophie Merasty
Columpa Bobb ...
Florent Vollant
Gilles Sioui
Donna Larivière
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Agreement Extends SUNTEP Program

Alternate Title
Agreement Extends Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program Program
Articles » General
Eagle Feather News, vol. 10, no. 12, December 2007, p. 15
Comments on the agreement which ensures the SUNTEP program will continue for another five years following twenty-seven successful years. Article located by scrolling to page 15.
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The Alberta Dis-Advantage: Métis Issues and the Public Discourse in Wild Rose Country

Articles » General
Heather Devine
London Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 26, Indigenous Peoples: Historical Understanding, Contemporary Challenges and Canadian Approaches, 2010-11, pp. 26-62
Provides overview of the history of the Métis in Alberta followed by a discussion the Powley decision, the public and Conservative party's backlash against extending harvesting rights, the influence of the "Calgary School" of academics on provincial politics, and the denial of the Métis' historical presence in Southern Alberta.
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The Art of Rosalie Favell

Documents & Presentations
Rosalie Favell
Well-known Métis photographer discusses her work. Includes artist statement and lists solo and group exhibitions.
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Background: Gabriel Dumont Institute

Archival » Archival Items
Documents & Presentations
[Gabriel Dumont Institute]

A one page document about the development of the Gabriel Dumont Institute.

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Bannock as Medicine

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ryan Giroux
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 190, no. 11, March 19, 2018, pp. E335-E336
Author discusses his process of connecting with his Métis culture, and with other Indigenous peoples.
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Batoche Honours Métis Veterans

Articles » General
Gaylene Poulin
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 8, August 2011, p. 1,11
Describes the 2011 Back to Batoche Days Festival dedicated to Elders and Métis veterans. Article located on front page and continued by scrolling to page 11.
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Benchmarking Métis Economic and Social Development

Alternate Title
CSLS Research Report ; 2015-07
Documents & Presentations
Jasmin Thomas
CSLS Research Report
Comparison with non-Aboriginals using statistics on employment, income and education, as well as suggestions for developing three new indicators: governance, land and resources, and entrepreneurship and business development.
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Beyond Binaries: Mixed-Blood Indigenous Inequalities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Heather Dicks
AlterNative, vol. 19, no. 2, 2023, pp. 261-270

Looks at the social inequality for mixed-blood non-status Indigenous and Métis people due to their lack of an identity.  

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Bridging the Aboriginal Education Gap in Saskatchewan

Alternate Title
Bridging the Aboriginal Education Gap in Saskatchewan (Report)
Mishchet aen kishkayhtamihk nawut ki wiichiihtonaan
Archival » Archival Items
Eric Howe

A report on the benefits of education for Saskatchewan Indigenous populations but for the economic growth of the province itself.

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Closing the Health Service Gap: Métis Women and Solutions for Culturally Safe Health Services

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Renée Monchalin
Lisa Monchalin
Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri - Pimatisiwin, vol. 3, no. 1, July 2018, pp. 18-29
Recommends drawing on the traditional knowledge and historical roles of Métis women to create healthcare services that can bridge the culturally-safe healthcare gap and overcome disparities in health determinants.
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Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform: Final Report. Volume 2: Submissions to the Commission

Alternate Title
Final Report from the Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform.
[Volume I: Leagacy of Hope: An Agenda for Change]
Documents & Presentations
Kearney Healy
Ronna Jevne
Rae Mitten
Gerald T. G. Seniuk
John Burrows
Paul Joffe
Willie Littlechild
Content consists of selected submissions and contracted papers that reflect research and opinion of organizations and writers on critical issues in justice reform in Saskatchewan. Volume I Legacy of Hope: An Agenda for Change.
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Conference Report: The Path to the Good Life: Aboriginal Women's Conference

Alternate Title
The Path to the Good Life: Conference Report
Documents & Presentations
Goals of the conference were to share stories, discuss what is being done and what can be done in Aboriginal communities and discuss plans and priorities for lasting change with each other and government leaders. Conference held March 13-15, 2006.
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Congress of Aboriginal Peoples

Web Sites » Organizations
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
Organization deals with issues of concern to off-reserve Status, Non-Status Indians and Métis people. Includes links to programs, resources, and media room.
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The Contribution of Métis to Future Labour Force Growth in Canada

Alternate Title
CSLS Research Report ; 2017-08
Documents & Presentations
Myeongwan Kim
Andrew Sharpe
CSLS Research Report
Population projections were made for the period 2011-2036. Concluded that given the young age, faster rate of growth, and current gap in participation rates when compared to non-Aboriginals, there is the potential for significant contributions.
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The Correlates of Current Smoking among Adult Métis: Evidence from the Aboriginal Peoples Survey and Métis Supplement

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christopher J. Ryan
Martin J. Cooke
Scott T. Leatherdale
Sharon I. Kirkpatrick
Piotr Wilk
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 106, no. 5, July/August 2015, pp. 271-276
Focused on culturally-specific factors such as spirituality, knowledge of an Aboriginal language, membership in Métis organizations, and participation in cultural events. Sample of 6,610 adults.
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Creating a Healthy, Just, Prosperous and Safe Saskatchewan: A Response to the Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform

Alternate Title
Creating a Healthy, Just, Prosperous and Safe Saskatchewan: A Response to the JRC
Documents & Presentations
Government of Saskatchewan
Province believes JRC contributed to understanding justice from First Nation and Métis perspectives, and factors contributing to the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the mainstream justice system. Province's action plan will address socioeconomic issues, crime reduction and victimization.
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