The Report of the Pennefather Commission: Indian Conditions and Administration in the Canadas in the 1850s

Alternate Title
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association ; 1983
Claims and Historical Research Centre ; A.53
Documents & Presentations
John F. Leslie

Discusses previous commissions and reports and trends in Imperial and Colonial policies. The Pennefather findings and recommendations are analyzed under four headings: plans for departmental financing and administrative reorganization; assessment of the future of Indian reserves; inquiry into the legal status of Indian people; reform of Indian education; and evaluation of mechanism for detribalizing Indian people.

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Report on Industrial Schools For Indians and Half-Breeds

Alternate Title
Davin Report
Documents & Presentations
Nicholas Flood Davin
Report submitted in 1879 to the Canadian Minister of the Interior. Describes system used in the United States and makes recommendations regarding the possible establishment of similar institutions in the North-West Territories of the Dominion of Canada.
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Report on Métis Education in Ontario's K-12 Schools

Documents & Presentations
Jonathan Anuik
Laura-Lee Bellehumeur-Kearns
Study consisted of literature review, 33 responses to online survey, site visits, and five semi-structured interviews. Includes recommendations to stakeholders.
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Report on Visit to Amiskwaciy Academy

Alternate Title
[Report of the Aboriginal Education Task Force]: Appendix 8
Documents & Presentations
Bill Christie
Notes from a visit to an Aboriginal school including how the school is governed, what the facility is like, how it is funded, other Aboriginal schools in the area, aboriginal student population, parental involvement and academic achievement. Related documents: Report of the Aboriginal Education Task Force: Executive Summary>. Aboriginal Culturally Focused Secondary School Initiativ
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Research Paper on Aboriginal Curriculum in Ontario

Documents & Presentations
Emily J. Faries
An overview of First Nations-specific curriculum; identifies the curriculum needs, barriers and challenges; looks at cost estimates for curriculum development ; and makes recommendations to improve the current First Nations curriculum.
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Researcher-Teacher Collaboration in Māori-Medium Education: Aspects of Learning for a Teacher and Researchers in Aotearoa New Zealand When Teaching Mathematics

Alternate Title
Researcher-Teacher Collaboration in Maori-Medium Education: Aspects of Learning for a Teacher and Researchers in Aotearoa New Zealand When Teaching Mathematics
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ngārewa Hāwera
Merilyn Taylor
AlterNative, vol. 10, no. 2, 2014, pp. 151-164
Looks at a project supporting children in transformation geometry using Māori ideology.
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Resiliency and Native American Teenagers

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sheryl Feinstein
Christopher Driving-Hawk
Jyl Baartman
Reclaiming Children and Youth, vol. 18, no. 2, Summer, 2009, pp. 12-17
Discusses core needs within the Lakota Sioux model of resiliency to include belonging, mastery, independence and generosity.
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Respectful Actions in Research: Aboriginal Adolescents Speaking Their Future

Articles » General
Laurie Carlson Berg
Sarah Longman
Daryl Hepting
Edward Doolittle
Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, vol. 72, no. 3, Spring, 2006, pp. 23-29
Describes one part of an innovative Canadian research project in which Aboriginal high school students engaged with an interdisciplinary team of researchers from First Nations University of Canada and the University of Regina.
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Respecting and Responding to the Voices of Aboriginal Students

Alternate Title
McDowell Foundation Research Project ; no. 97
Teaching and Learning Research Exchange
Documents & Presentations
Richard Julien
John Hansen
Norine Tourangeau
McDowell Foundation Research Project
Documents the viewpoint of Aboriginal students regarding experiences in the educational system.
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Restructing First Nations' Education: Trust, Respect and Governance

Alternate Title
Restructuring First Nations' Education: Trust, Respect and Governance
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James Ryan
Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 31, no. 2, 1996, pp. 115-132
Describes a number of ways in which current structures and practices can be adjusted to support First Nation goals.
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Results of the TOGA with First Grade Indian Children

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Louis C. Bernardoni
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 1, no. 1, June 1961, pp. [24-28]
Investigates the appropriateness of the tests of general ability (TOGA) for reliability and cultural-bias.
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Return to School Brings a Flood of Memories

Alternate Title
Articles » General
Maria Campbell
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 9, September 2008, p. 5
Comments on the first day of school, bullying and the intelligence of children. Article is found by scrolling to page 5.
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Revered Elder Alma Kytwayhat Passes

Articles » General
Miranda Hanus
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 9, October 2011, p. 7
Looks at the many contributions made by Elder Kytwayhat during her lifetime including cultural advisory for the Canadian Armed Forces Bold Eagle Program. Article located by scrolling to page 7.
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A Review and Analysis of the Research on Native American Students

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Willima G. Demmert
David Grissmer
John Towner
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 45, no. 3, 2006, pp. 5-23
Looks at the paucity of research on Native American students and their educational achievement compared to that of other racial/ethnic groups.
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Review Articles: No Writing at All Here: Review Notes on Writing Native

Book Reviews
Laurie Ricou
Canadian Literature, no. 124-125, Native Writers & Canadian Literature, Spring/Summer, 1990, pp. 294-301
Author reviews, in essay format, numerous books dealing with Aboriginal subject matter. Entire review section on one pdf. To access review, scroll down to appropriate page.
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Review of Ann Rinaldi"s My Heart Is on the Ground

Alternate Title
"Literary License" or "Mutated Plagiarism"?: Additional Comments about Ann Rinaldi's My Heart Is on the Ground
Book Reviews
Debbie Reese
Beverly Slapin
Barb Landis
Marlene Atleo
Naomi Caldwell
Jean Mendoza
Deborah Miranda
LaVera Rose
Cynthia Smith
Criticism of book, aimed at 9-12 year old girls, on basis of: cultural appropriation, lack of historical accuracy, lack of cultural authenticity, stereotypes, and stereotypical language.
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Book Reviews
Lawrence J. Abbott
Robley Evans
Louise Mengelkoch
Carol A. Miller
Sidner J. Larson
Jon Reyhner
Alanna Kathleen Brown
Bette S. Weidman
Lawrence J. Evers
James Ruppert
Pauline Woodward
Bonnie J. Barthold
James H. Magu
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 3, no. 2, Series 2 , Summer, 1991, pp. 53-89
Book reviews of: Books Without Bias: Through Indian Eyes edited by Beverly Slapin and Doris Seale Teaching the Native American edited by Hap Gilliland, Jon Reyhner, and Rachel Schafer Indian School Days by Basil H. Johnston Ojibway Heritage by Basil H. Johnston Ojibway Ceremonies by Basil H.
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Book Reviews
Jeane Coburn Breinig
Larry Abbott
Louis Owens
Jim Charles
Helen Jaskoski
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 4, no. 1, Series 2, Spring, 1992, pp. 72-82
Book reviews of: Raven Tells Stories: An Anthology of Alaskan Native Writing edited by Joseph Bruchac Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children by Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac The Lightning Within: An Anthology of Contemporary American Indian Fiction edited by Alan R. Velie Our Bit of Truth: An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature edited by Agnes Grant The Heirs of Columbus by Gerald Vizenor Entire issue on one PDF. To access article, scroll down to appropriate page.
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Book Reviews
Steven Hoelscher
Michelene E. Pesantubbee
Jaye T. Darby
Thomas Maxwell-Long
Barbara Krauthamer
Peter Nabokov
Greg O'Brien
James A. Lewis
Sandra Baringer... [et al.]
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, 2006, pp. 141-186
Book reviews of: Beyond the Reach of Time and Change: Native American Reflections on the Frank A. Rinehart Photograph Collection edited by Simon J. Ortiz. Bringing Indians to the Book by Albert Furtwangler. A Broken Flute: The Native Experience in Books for Children edited by Doris Seale and Beverly Slapin. Children of Coyote, Missionaries of Saint Francis: Indian-Spanish Relations in Colonial California, 1769–1850 by Steven W.
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Revisiting the "Simple View of Reading" in a Group of Children With Poor Reading Comprehension

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
George K. Georgiou
J.P. Das
Denyse Hayward
Journal of Learning Disabilities, vol. 42, no. 1, January/February 2009, pp. 76-84
Study done to evaluate the Reading=Decoding (D) x Listening Comprehension (C) model done with a sample of First Nations children found that, contrary to the model, average decoding and listening skills did not correlate with average reading comprehension.
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Revitalising Indigenous Languages in Homogenising Times

Alternate Title
Revitalizing Indigenous Languages in Homogenizing Times
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Teresa L. McCarty
Comparative Education, vol. 39, no. 2, Special Number (27): Indigenous Education: New Possibilities, Ongoing Constraints, May 2003, pp. 147-163
Looks at heritage language immersion and improvement in school performance.
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Reviving Kaqchikel Language in Sumpango, Sacatepequez

Articles » General
Anselmo Xunic Cabrera
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 1, The Electronic Drum: Community Radios Role in Indigenous Language Revitalization, March 2013, p. [?]
Discusses the language revitalization efforts of a local community radio station.
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Revolutionizing Environmental Education through Indigenous Hip Hop Culture

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Julie Gorlewski
Brad J. Porfilio
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 17, [Indigenizing and Decolonizing Environmental Education], 2012, pp. 46-61
Looks at the life histories of six Indigenous artists who are members of the Beat Nation collective and how this musical style can be used in environmental education.
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Rex Willie

Articles » General
Inuktitut, no. 84, 1999, p. 8
Brief biography on the recipient of the Governor General's Academic Award for Arctic Bay, Nunavut.
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