Kamloops Wawa, Issue 135

Documents & Presentations
Introduction includes lesson plan, an account of a visit from Father Gaughren, list of religious dates; Transferred Solemnities during 1896; Collections During the Year; Lenten Regulations. Catholic Directory of British Columbia, Present Bishop: Right Reverend Paul Durieu, O.M.I., D.D. Includes list of seven parishes and their residents for the province. Miniature Chinook; Chinook shorthand for the Sun, Moon, and planets in our solar system; St.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 136

Documents & Presentations
Role of Wawa to teach Indians to read and write shorthand and its role as a "civilizing agent"; discussion of other shorthand systems and related publications; asks for letters of feedback. More Chicago Skyscrapers such as the new Fisher Office Building and others.; Editorial Notes; An Earthquake in Chicago; Duployan Phonography - English Method (pp. 4-10); Our Monthly Budget; St. Peter's, Rome (with illustrations); New books, Wawa 1895-95; Bishop Durieu's New Testament (pp.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 136 Specimen

Documents & Presentations
Introduction same as regular Issue 136. Testimonials in English on ease of learning shorthand, use among the Indians of BC and worlwide and history of the Wawa. Duployan Phonography - English method; reproduction of first pages of the first issue.

Historical note:

Photoengraving: The Indian Chiefs of British Columbia (p. 7).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 137

Documents & Presentations
Christmas Week at the Indian Reserve, Kamloops, with visit from Bishop Grouard and Father Fouquet. Description of number of Indians assembled; mention of greeting from Chief Louis; description from Bishop Brouard of his travels in the "extreme north of the diocese" - description of igloos, different tribes. Editorial notes describing Magic Lantern show and different observances throughout the Christmas week; A Wonderful Stenographer; The Wawa Shorthand (pp.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 138

Documents & Presentations
Introductory page includes description of LeJeune's traveling itinerary for February through May. Editorial Notes; The Wawa Shorthand includes columns in Chinook longhand, English, and Chinook shorthand (pp. 50-58); Gilmour Bible History in Chinook shorthand (p. 58); Our Monthly Budget; Hymn to St. Joseph; The Way of the Cross; Bishop Durieu's New Testament, Chapters 68 to 76.

Historical note:

Illustrations: St. Peter's Church, Rome (p. 59); Brooklyn Bridge (p. 60).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 139

Documents & Presentations
Introductory page contains postcard from Liege, Belgium in Chinook shorthand; describes how Oblate priests in Rome use Chinook shorthand to correspond with Aboriginal people in area communities; 130 letters sent from Kamloops to Rome and Liege; priests found women's letters were better than those from men. Description of contests being held for Chinook shorthand proficiency in the region.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 140

Documents & Presentations
Introductory page includes LeJeune's discussion of the "Wawa Shorthand Instructor" and a second "Graduated Primer" yet to be completed. Opening of Church at Williams Lake - Williams Band at Sugar Cane. Editorial Notes: "Indians of Kenim Lake soon followed them" and raised funds to pay for a church; in Halowt the community sells firewood to pay for their church; Upper Shushwap through timber production; ceremony to be held June 7th, mentions Chief Francois Shilpahan; also a new church at Bonaparte.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 141

Documents & Presentations
Introductory page includes an anecdotal story of 60 year old Chief Andrew (North Thompson) learning to read Chinook shorthand with spectacles; description of how some Aboriginal people pay for their Wawa subscription - this is followed by ad for Maggie Lytton's handcrafted work in Quilchena, BC. Editorial Notes: brief description of voyages of first Oblate missionaries from Europe to the Northwest Coast and the Interior, including Father D'Herbomez.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 142

Documents & Presentations
Introduction describes correction to timeline of arrival of first missionaries (in previous issue) and an account of the reception of four Sisters from Puy, France to Williams Lake. Editiorial Notes: Continuation of acccount of the Sisters; Anecdotal account from Father Marchal describing how his house at the Osoyoos Indian Reserve "had been selected as the dwelling place" for rattlesnakes. The Wawa Shorthand; The Imitation of Christ; Indian Calendar for 1896-1897; Our Monthly Budget; Jamie Falardeau; St. Mary Magdalene; St.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 143

Documents & Presentations
Introductory pages: advertising the Wawa Shorthand Instructor; prayer book in Shushwap language to be made available soon (will contain no Chinook); and other prayer books in local languages will be forthcoming. LeJeune describes his itinerary for September 1896 to January 1897. Editorial Notes: Historical passage which features account by Father Gendre of the May 1864 gathering of thousands of Aboriginal people at New Westminster.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 143

Documents & Presentations
Introduction includes LeJeune's story of flooding on the Cariboo Wagon Road between Yale and Lytton in 1880-1882; this was followed by biggest run of salmon surpassed only in 1894 when there was damage on a CPR line and four bridges were carried away. Aboriginal people continued to worship in churches flooded with in six inches of water. The Wawa Shorthand: correspondence between Indigenous people in North Thompson and Denver, Colorado; 2000 copies printed of the new "Wawa Shorthand Instructor." 200 word list and key on p. 178.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 145

Documents & Presentations
First page describes smoke that "covered the whole country" during July, August and September, death of the editor's brother, the just arrived Sister's of St. Ann and their pupils and converts, and how many white women were present in the colony. Editorial Notes: distances from Ashcroft and the Wawa Shorthand. The Catechism (pp. 213-218); Our Monthly Budget; Supplement to the New Testament (History of the Apostles), Chapters 110 to 114; Tracts from Early Church History; Our Lady of the Salette.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 146

Documents & Presentations
Cover is the same as for Issue 133. Introduction reminds readers to renew subscriptions and in so doing help ensure their path to heaven. Brief note concerning the Bonaparte Indians' contagion that killed 10 people in September. A Visit to Seshel; Editorial notes (illustration of a women wearing a crown and standing on a pedestal). Shorthand Reading (pp. 233-241): Includes St. Andrew, Apostle; I. Lourdes, etc.; and II. First Apparition.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 147

Documents & Presentations
Exhorts subscribers to renew subscriptiosn and discusses heavenly work of the Wawa. Trip to Seton Lake Mission with Father Thomas where LeJeune wrote down vocabulary, prayers, hymns, catechism in the Lillooet language. Origins of the name Lillooet. Describes trip and weather. What Is Said of the Kamloops Wawa: includes testimonials from Chicago Sunday Herald and elsewhere. Also a description of plans for future publications.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 148

Documents & Presentations
A Happy New Year; What is Said of the Wawa Shorthand (same as Issue 136); To our French Subscribers; Monthly News in Chinook; History of the Apostles, Chapters 7 to 9; Our Lady of Lourdes, IV - Third Apparition; English Shorthand Exercise; Indian Calendar.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 148[a]

Documents & Presentations
A Happy New Year; What is Said of the Wawa Shorthand (same as Issue 136); To our French Subscribers; Monthly News in Chinook; History of the Apostles, Chapters 7 to 9; Our Lady of Lourdes, IV - Third Apparition; English Shorthand Exercise; Indian Calendar.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 148[b]

Documents & Presentations
A Happy New Year. Editor suggests that the Wawa is now "popular throughout the country."; What Is Said of the Kamloops Wawa? What is Said of the Wawa Shorthand?; Elements of Phonography, Lessons 1 to 14; The Creation of the World; back page is a thank you letter to Revered Clergy for their encouragement and support.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 149

Documents & Presentations
Describes Wawa's editors, contributors and readers contributions and prizes from French shorthand conferences, exhibitions and competitions. A Lesson in Shorthand; English Shorthand reading; Our French Page; Monthly News in Chinook; Early Church History, Chapters 10 to 15; Our Lady of Lourdes, V - Fourth and Fifth Apparitions; Directory for Indians - a description for Indians of what prayers should be given on specific occasions.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 150

Documents & Presentations
Describes creation of the English and Chinook Manual and its contents; other publications available include the Skwamish, Seshel, Slayamen Manual, Shuswap Manual, Okanagan Manual, Lillooet Manual, Stalo Manual and Thompson Manual. Description of visits to several villages: Skwa in Chilliwack, Lytton, Ashcroft, Fountain Head Indian Reserve, Chief Basil from Bonaparte accompanied to Kamloops, Requiem for Captain Moyse. Too many sick in North Bend, also mentions postponement of Solemnity of St. Joseph's and Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 151

Documents & Presentations
Discusses rush and boom of miners and their affect on Kamloops. Success of Indian prospectors. Describes copies sold of Wawa Shorthand Instructor; Train accident the Editor was involved in. A Lesson in Shorthand; Our French Page (news from a dozen local locations); Monthly News in Chinook; Early Church History, Chapters 17 and 18; Directory for Indians; Recreative, Fox and Coyooty; Hymn in Shushwap for a deceased child (bars of music with Chinook shorthand lyrics and verses).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 152

Documents & Presentations
Ads in English include California wine for clergy and, in Chinook shorthand and English, an ad for Vancouver Stoves and Hardware seller. Descriptions of illustrations in this issue; Museum Department in Ottawa enquiry about Indian time keeping; describes origins of Indian Calendar in the Wawa. A Lesson in Shorthand; Our French Page; Monthly News in Chinook; Our illustrations; Early Church History (includes illustrations of buildings and arches with Chinook shorthand captions); Pagan Rome; Our Lady of Lourdes; Chinook Hymn (bars of music with lyrics and verses in Chinook shorthand).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 153

Documents & Presentations
Description of new placement of certain clergy; advertises coins to coin collectors that may be received by correspondence with Kamloops Wawa. Relates story of Lytton Indian's first encounter with white men and alcohol. Editorial Notes; St. Linus - Successor of St. Peter; A Lesson in Shorthand; Our French Page; The News in Chinook; Early Church History; Pit's Winter; Indian Calendar 1897-1898.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 154

Documents & Presentations
First page describes other publications by author and story about an Aboriginal man at a trading post who took salt instead of flour. Editorial Notes - St. Clement, Third Pope 64-76; A Lesson in Shorthand includes table of the 240 most common words in English and their CSH correspondent (not all 240 listed); Our French Page - Fort Langley, Fraser; The News in Chinook; Early Church History, Chapter 22; Early Church History Illustrated; centre two page foldout of "Map of the World" advertisement by the Canadian Pacific Railway.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 155

Documents & Presentations
First page lists publication available in Native languages and back issues of Kamloops Wawa; also discusses high costs of food and lodging in Yale district during mine craze. St. Dionysius the Areopagite: First Bishop of Paris; Editorial Notes - St. Cletus, Fourth Pope AD 77-83; A Lesson in Shorthand ("commonest" words in English continued from previous issue); Our French Page; The News in Chinook; Early Church History, Chapters 23 to 25; Early Church History (illustrated); Our Lady of Lourdes; two page ad "Map of the Cariboo Country" included by the Canadian Pacific Railway.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 156

Documents & Presentations
St. Anacletus, Fifth Pope AD 83 to 96; Roman Emperors and Popes of the First Century. Editorial Notes - British Columbia's Material Wealth.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 157

Documents & Presentations
Discusses consecration of Right Reverend Bishop Augustine Dontenwill at New Westminster. Gathering of 2000 Aboriginal people for consecration. Editorial describes Golden Jubilee of first Priest ordained on the Pacific Coast, Father Tayol, and death of Bishop Lemmens of Victoria at Guatemala. Pictorial Bible History; Our French Page; Monthly News in Chinook Early Church History, Chapters 27 to 29; Early Church History, Illustrated; Our Lady of Lourdes.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 158

Documents & Presentations
The use of Latin throughout history of Christianity. Editorial describes showing of Wawa and fifty Indian competitors at the Concours Stenographique in France; Movements of the Right Reverend Bishop Dontenwell in Diocese of New Westminster; Pictorial Bible History; Our French Page (discusses Queen Victoria and Pope Leon XIII); Monthly News in Chinook; Early Church History, Chapters 30 to 31; Early Church History (Illustrated); Our Lady of Lourdes, Chapters 14 to 16.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 159

Documents & Presentations
Introduction includes list of Catholic texts that have been translated into Chinook shorthand; also an exchange of the Wawa for publication in Algiers in the Luganda language; list of Catholic ceremonial dates for 1898. Editorial; Pictorial Bible History; Our French Page (Indian customs); Monthly News in Chinook; Early Church History, Chapter 32; Early Church History (Illustrated); Our Lady of Lourdes, Chapters 17 to 18; Indian Calendar for 1898.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 160

Documents & Presentations
Advertisements for Kamloops businesses and California wines for clerical use; Indian Prayer Book (description of languages and availability); Shorthand-Chinook Rudiments; The Wawa Shorthand Instructor; Opening of new Church in Kenim Lake District by Bishop Dontenwill; Death announcements of Kamloops Indian Constable and Captain Gabriel; description of scarcity of missionaries and their work load. Editorial; Monthly News in Chinook; Daily Prayers; Early Church History, Chapters 33 to 34; Our French Page; Phonetic Alphabet; Phonetic Syllables.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 160, Specimen Copy

Documents & Presentations
Phonetic Alphabet; What is said of the Wawa Shorthand; Phonetic Syllables; Chinook Marsellaise; Marseillaise du whisky (bars of music with Chinook shorthand lyrics).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 161

Documents & Presentations
Editorial includes description of work with the Wawa, annual winter journey through the interior and mention of "Klondike excitement" ameliorating cattle prices. Complete lists of names for Diocese of; I. New Westminster; II. St. Mary's Mission; III. Williams Lake; IV. Stewart's Lake; V. Kamloops; VI. Kootenay; Secular Priests in the Diocese. Our French Page; Monthly News in Chinook; Early Church History (includes the Emperors of the Second Century); Chinook Vocabulary.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 161, Specimen Copy

Documents & Presentations
The Indian Prayer Book; Polyglott Manual (in eleven languages); Shorthand-Chinook Rudiments; The Wawa Shorthand Instructor; What is Said of the "Wawa" Shorthand; Phonetic Symbols; Phonetic Alphabet; Chinook Marseillaise; Marseillaise du Whisky.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 162[?]

Documents & Presentations
Announcement of deaths of Chief Justice of BC, Theodore Davie, and of Hughie, an Indian boy, after drunken disagreement with a white man. Discusses problems of liquor supply among Indians and problem of using fine as punishment. Editorial then discusses victims of drinking and Temperance establishment. Responds to criticisms from Readers about Wawa content. Monthly News in Chinook; Early Church History, Chapters 39-42; Chinook Vocabulary.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 163

Documents & Presentations
Discussion of brass band formation at Kamloops Industrial School, Indian's religious observances during Holy Week, and the death of Father Soullier and subsequent movement of missionaries. Missionary Work Among the Indians; Editorial describing different types of communities, fervent to bad, that missionaries encounter, and the difficulties in meeting Indians due to new agricultural sedentary lifestyle, etc. Monthly News in Chinook; Letter from St. Onge in Quebec; Early Church History, Chapters 43 to 48.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 164

Documents & Presentations
May 10, 1898: Mentions war between the United States and Spain but also that the Wawa does not care for politics. Mentions Gold Rush to Klondike means flood of people crossing region. Mentions deaths of "old Indians." Missionary Work Among the Indians; discusses hierarchical structure of BC "Indian camps"; Editorial, discusses importance of religion and the character necessary in a missionary; Early Church History, Chapters 44 to 45.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 165

Documents & Presentations
Missionary work among the Indians; introductory page in English with LeJeune's explanation of how to be successful at missionary work with Aboriginal people. LeJeune stresses importance of learning their language. Differences found between "Indian Chinook" and "Chinook." Editorial, anecdotes showing difficulty in translating words from scriptures like "palm" and "ass" directly into Chinook; instead described journey Jesus took using terms more familiar to local Indians. Monthly News in Chinook; Early Church History, Chapters 51 to 54.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 166

Documents & Presentations
July 10, 1898: discusses gathering for Corpus Christi and visit of the Bishop to Kamloops on June 12. Editorial: discusses Bishop's visit and travels between cities and reserves. Early Church History: Third Century, Chapters 55 to 61; Indian Calendar, 1898-1899.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 167

Documents & Presentations
Indian Gathering at Kamloops in June 1898 description continued from previous issue; confirmation of over forty Aboriginal community members. August 10, 1898, Editorial. Secular ceremonies at locations in BC; discusses children at Kamloops Industrial School during the summer; Aboriginal people often away at canneries in New Westminster; census of North Thompson band included 162 children. From Mgr. Kneipp's Water Cure; How to Care for Children; Early Church History, Chapters 62 to 66; Sixth General Persecution.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 168

Documents & Presentations
Big Fire at New Westminster. Description of fire in city, aid from other cities, and Churches spared. Describes Lady of Lourdes which is already being published seperately. Editorial describes creation of shorthand for Tamil language; and death of Father Sardou in Paris and appointment of his replacement, Father Fayard. Trip of Bishiop Durieu with 'sisters' and other Reverends. Our Lady of Lourdes: Introduction and Chapters 1 to 12, Louis Bourriette, Mgr. Laurence and Prefect Massy.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 169

Documents & Presentations
Description of contents and celebration of first mass at Ashcroft. Also an account of the meeting of 700 Indians to pick hops in Govern General H.E. Lord Aberdeen's property. Indians came from the Okanagan, Similkameen, and Nicola. Mentions celebration of mass at gathering. Death of Alexis announced, the first person to die at the Kamloops Industrial School; movement of sisters into BC and positional changes of clerical ranks. Editorial discusses editor's own movements from Spuzzum to High Bar and promotion for the Indian Prayer Book. Our Lady of Lourdes, Chapters 14 to 31 and Lacassagne.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 17

Documents & Presentations
Calendar; Second Sunday in Lent; Church Directory. Sacred History: XV Jacob at Laban; XVI Jacob's return.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 170

Documents & Presentations
Kamloops, Nov. 15th, 1898: Beginning in January, LeJeune will keep the Bible History as separate supplement of 16 sheets because he claims Aboriginal people are having difficulty following the chronology of these articles in the Wawa. Focus will be on translating The Indian Catechism in shorthand and longhand versions of Chinook, Shuswap, English, Thompson, and Okanagan, but together on the same page. Editorial describes Magic Lantern used for the first time at the "Indian Church" in Kamloops.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 171

Documents & Presentations
St. Anthony's Bread story from Toulon, France; Next Year, 1899 including secular dates, days of Fast and Abstinence; Editorial; Collections During the Year; Transferred Solemnities during 1899, includes discussion of continued improvements made by Kenin Lake Indians on their church; The Holy House of Nazareth, includes illustrations of Virgin Mary and Child, a church interior, etc. some with Chinook shorthand captions.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 172

Documents & Presentations
Change to mimeograph printing with notice in English that there is a delay in printing from the plates due to a lack of paper. LeJeune also appeals earnestly to subscribers.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 174

Documents & Presentations
LeJeune considers postponing the printing of Chinook Bible History for a few months; Studies of the Thompson, Shushwap, Okanagan, and Stalo [Halq'emeylem] languages will be forthcoming; Two Pounds of Bacon (in Chinook shorthand, 10 pages).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 175[b]

Documents & Presentations
English and Chinook edition. Describes secular events of the year along with Holy Week and a number of communions and confirmations. An exercise in Wawa shorthand; and example of abbreviation; Immaculate Conception; Conception 1.
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