Kamloops Wawa, Issues 118[c] and 119

Documents & Presentations
Calendar; Archbishop Tache; President Carnot; Father Soullier at St. Mary's Mission (pages 134-143); Clergy of the Diocese of New Westminster (pages 143-145). Names of clergy for the following diocese: New Westminster, Vancouver, Mission City, Kamloops, William's Lake, Stewart's Lake, Okanagan Mission, and St. Eugene Mission. Our Itinerary (dates and list of places): New Westminster, North Bend and Spuzzum, Kamloops, Shushwap, Lytton, Bonaparte, Clinton, Quichema, Otter Valley, Coldwater, Mameit Lake, North Thom[p]son, Deadman's Creek, Hallowt.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 120[a]

Documents & Presentations
Informs readers in delay in regular arrival of September issue due to problems with photo engraving. Editor outlines new format including archived pages of the Kamloops Wawa, Chinook-English vocabulary, Royal Mass and religious music, prayers in Chinook shorthand, Thompson and Shushwap.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 120[b]

Documents & Presentations
Front and inside cover are the same as for Issue 118[a]. Includes reproduction from Issue 1 of the Wawa. Bishop Durieu's Bible History: History of the Old Testament from the Creation to The Virtues of Abraham (pages 152-155). Bishop Durieu's Via Crucius; Prayers in Thompson; Offering of the Mass; Royal Mass in Plain Chant; Condensed Chinook Vocabulary. Advertisements for Chinook publications and Catholic books and items.

Historical note:

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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 121

Documents & Presentations
Our Monthly Budget; News from here and there; Condensed Chinook Vocabulary - purely Chinook words and Chinook words borrowed from English; Chinook and French vocabulary; Vocabulaire Chinook-Francais; French and Chinook method; Version Chinook; Chinook Bible History, from Abraham's Hospitality to Joseph in Prison (pages 171-174); Okanagan Prayers (pages 175-178); The Rosary; Night Prayers; Precepts of the Church; Seven Capitol Sins; Night Offering; Prayers for Communion.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 122

Documents & Presentations
Catholic event and 'visits' in November; St. Cecelia, Virgin and Martyr; reproduction of the first edition 2 May 1891 (pages 185 to 187); Condensed Chinook Vocabulary (same as in Issue 121). Pages of music: Royal Mass in Plain-Chant; Requiem in Plain-Chant. Bishop Durieu's Bible History: Old Testament continued from Joseph's Greatness to Joseph's Silver Cup (pages 194-195).

Historical note:

Page 182 includes illustration of Father Louis Souiller, Superior General of the O.M.I.
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Kamloops Wawa, Supplement to Issue 159

Documents & Presentations
Chinook Marseillaise; Marseillaise du whisky; music notation in detail with Chinook shorthand subscript/lyrics; Indian Calendar for Nov. to Dec. 1897; Indian Calendar 1898; Indian Temperance Regulations.
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Kathlamet Texts

Alternate Title
Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 26
Franz Boas
no. 26
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Kaurna in Tasmania: A Case of Mistaken Identity

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rob Amery
Aboriginal History, vol. 20, 1996, pp. [24]-50
Contends that a list of eighty words are Kaurna, the language of Adelaide and Adelaide Plains, rather than belonging to the languages of Tasmania.
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Know Your Speech Community: I. Fear and Anxiety

Articles » General
Rodney D. Morice
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, March 1977, pp. 4-9
Describes the challenges non-Aboriginal health care providers in Australia have communicating with their patients.
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Know Your Speech Community: IV. Serious Mental Illness

Articles » General
Rodney D. Morice
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 1, no. 4, December 1977, pp. 10-15
Talks about compilation of Aboriginal language glossary of medical terms common across many language families in order to assist health care providers.
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Koorified: Aboriginal Communication and Well-Being

Documents & Presentations
School of Nursing and Midwifery at LaTrobe University
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)

Compilation of common words and sentences used by Aboriginal English speakers in the Australian state of Victoria.

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Land and Language: The Struggle for National, Territorial, and Linguistic Integrity of the Oneida People

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John H. Johnsen
Bartosz Hlebowicz
Harry Schüler
Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, vol. 11, no. 1, 2012, pp. 117-141
Discusses the history, programs, goals and desires concerning Oneida language and culture pertaining to three communities in New York State, Ontario and Wisconsin.
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Language and Culture Immersion Programs Handbook

Documents & Presentations
First People's Heritage
Language & Culture Council
Includes language teaching and learning tips, ideas for immersion games and activities and teaching methods and approaches.
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Language and Identity: An Inuit Perspective

Alternate Title
PAMAPLA 23: Papers From the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association ; 1999
E-Books » Chapters
Shelley Tulloch
Comments, from interviews with representatives, show that Inuktitut is an important part of Inuit identity and culture. Chapter from PAMAPLA 23: Papers From the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association edited by Wendy Burnett and Robert Adlam. Chapter located by scrolling to page 106.
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Language Barriers Restricting Access to Health Care for Indigenous Populations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paul Webster
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 190, no. 24, June 24, 2018, pp. E754-E755
Article examines the obstacles to obtaining quality health care faced by non-English speaking Inuit and First Nations; notes that speaking one’s Indigenous language is a protective factor all mental health outcomes and recommends that the profession focus on recruiting and training professionals that speak Indigenous languages.
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The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492-1800: a Collection of Essays

Book Reviews
Benjamin R. Kracht
History (Washington): Reviews of New Books, vol. 29, no. 1, Fall, 2000, p. 19
Book review of: The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492-1800: A Collection of Essays edited by Edward G. Gray and Norman Fiering. Volume 1 of the European Expansion and Global Interaction series.
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The Language Gulper: Native North American Languages

Web Sites » Personal
Alejandro Gutman
Beatriz Avanzati
Webpage provides an overview of North American, Meso-American and South American languages spoken in Canada, the United States and Mexico. Links to main language families, language areas and language maps.
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Articles » General
Canadian Journal of Women & the Law, vol. 11, no. 1/2, 1999, pp. 352-354
Presents a series of article summaries on feminism and language published between 1988 and 1998.
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Language Learning in the American Southwestern Borderlands: Navajo Speakers and Their Transition to Academic English Literacy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gloria Dyc
Bilingual Research Journal: The Journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education, vol. 26, no. 3, Fall, 2002, pp. 611-630
Research conducted on regional language learners at the University of New Mexico examines language attitudes. Data will be used in the further development of bilingualism.
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