Displaying 1 - 23 of 23

Aboriginal Languages of Canada

Alternate Title
Contemporary Linguistics Analysis: An Introduction
E-Books » Chapters
Eung-Do Cook
Darin Flynn
Discusses Canada's First Nations nine language families, the separate language family of the Inuit and the mixed language of the Métis. Chapter nine from Contemporary Linguistics Analysis: An Introduction by William O'Grady, John Archibald.
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Alaskan Haida Stories of Language Growth and Regeneration

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jeane Breinig
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 1/2, Indigenous Languages and Indigenous Literature, Winter - Spring, 2006, pp. 110-118
Article explores the successes and challenges of a Haida Language preservation and revitalization program administered by Sealaska Heritage Institute on the Northwest Coast.
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Chíin: Salmon

Documents & Presentations
Jordan Lachler
Cherilyn Holter
Linda Schrack
Julie Folta

Science unit also teaches Haida vocabulary. Intended for use with Grades K-1.

Accompanying Material: Teacher Resources.

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First Nations Languages of British Columbia

Web Sites » Organizations
Yinka Déné Language Institute (YDLI)
Website includes links to bibliographies on languages and language families, Chinook jargon, classified list, ethnobiology, and index of variant language names. .
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Gáan: Berries

Documents & Presentations
Jordan Lachler
Cherilyn Holter
Linda Schrack
Julie Folta

Primary science unit also teaches associated words and phrases in Haida. Suitable for Grades K-1.



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Gin Xilaa: Plants

Documents & Presentations
Jordan Lachler
Cherilyn Holter
Linda Schrack
Julie Folta

Ethnobotany lesson plan also teaches associated Haida words and phrases. Suitable for Grades K-2.

Accompanying Material: Teacher Resources.

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Gyaahlaangee diinaa iijang: Here Is My Story

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jasḵwaan [Kun Gwaanad
Amanda Bedard]
BC Studies , no. 200, 50th Anniversary, Winter, 2019, pp. 111-121
Author shares her personal narrative of cultural resilience and resurgence; discusses family history in the context of government prohibition of cultural and religious practices, and describes the cultural reclamation and language learning that has taken place since that prohibition ended.
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Haida Texts: Masset Dialect

Alternate Title
Memoir[s] of the American Museum of Natural History ; [v. 14]
[Publications of] the Jesup North Pacific Expedition ; v. 10, pt. 2
E-Books » Chapters
John R. Swanton
Forms part of Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 14 (p. [273]-812).
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Haidawood: A Social Media Approach to Indigenous Language Revitalization

Alternate Title
Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology ; 22nd,
Unity, Diversity and Culture
Documents & Presentations
Kenneth Rajan Leslie
Describes the unique project which makes stop motion animations featuring Haida words, phrases and stories, using carved puppets and sets made from readily available materials. The project also incorporates a 5-step community animation process: script, pre-production, production, post production and distribution.
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Handbook of American Indian Languages, Part 1

Alternate Title
Bulletin (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology) ; 40
Franz Boas
Pliny Earle Goddard
John R. Swanton
Roland B. Dixon
William Jones
William Thalbitzer
Truman Michelson
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Lessons in Immersion Instruction From the American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI)

Alternate Title
American Indian Language Development Institute: Thirty Year Tradition of Speaking From Our Heart
E-Books » Chapters
Ivan Ozbolt
Comments on a course teaching the language and strategies on how to teach in immersion settings. Chapter from American Indian Language Development Institute: Thirty Year Tradition of Speaking From Our Heart edited by Candace K. Galla, Stacey Oberly, G.L. Romero, Maxine Sam, Ofelia Zepeda.
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On the Haida Indians of the Queen Charlotte Islands

Alternate Title
Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands
Vocabulary of the Haida Indians of the Queen Charlotte Islands
George M. Dawson
Appendix A and B from Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands published as part of the Geologic Survey of Canada.
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Wahlgidouk, Giver of Gifts

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jeane Breinig
Atlantis, vol. 29, no. 2, [Indigenous Women: The State of Our Nations], 2005, pp. 97-102

Comments on a elderly Kasaan Haida woman and her efforts to document her family and village history.

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