Aspect and the Chipewyan Verb
Athabaskan Language Studies: Essays in Honor of Robert W. Young
Chipewyan Texts
Dene/Cree ElderSpeak: Tales From the Heart and Spirit
Dëne Dédlıné Yatıé Ɂerehtł'ıscho ́Denınu Kuę ́Yatıé: Chipewyan Dictionary
Dene Kede: Education: A Dene Perspective: Curriculum Document Grade 7
The Déné Languages: Considered in Themselves and Incidentally in Their Relations to Non-American Idioms
Dëné Sǫłıné Yatıé Ɂerehtl'ıs Łuskëlk'e ́ T'ıné Yatıé: Chipewyan Dictionary
Dene Traditional Knowledge
Dene Yatıé K'ę́ ę́ Ahsı́ ı Yats'uuzı Gha Edı̨ htł'éh Kátł'odehche: South Slavey Topical Dictionary Kátł'odehche Dialect
Dene Yatie - South Slavey
Annotated list of books written in South Slavey which are suitable for use in the classroom.
Documenting Conversations in Tsuut’ina
An audio-visual collection of Tsuut'ina language speakers to preserve the proper pronunciations and speaking patterns for future generations to learn from.
Dÿne Suåin Yati Chipewyan
Annotated list of Chipewyan language books suitable for use in the classroom.
The Effects of Language Preference and Multitrial Presentation upon Free Recall of Navajo Children
An Exploration of American Indian Students' Perceptions of Patterning, Symmetry and Geometry
First Nations Labour and Employment Development Survey (FNLED) Survey: 2022 Report: [Dene Nation]
Results organized under six headings: demographics, language and culture, education and training, skills and work readiness, labour market indicators, and workplace wellbeing and culture.
Formative Evaluation of a Software Prototype with Grades Five and Six Students Attending School in the Northwest Territories
Fortis and Lenis Fricatives in Tanacross Athapaskan
Glaciers and Climate Change: Perspectives from Oral Tradition
The Grammatization of Telicity and Durativity in Dëne Suliné (Chipewyan) and German
A Healing Narrative
[Jeopardy Language Games]
Individual games for teaching Dakota, Cree, Ojibwe, Oji-Cree and Dene.
Language, Legends, and Lore of the Carrier Indians
A Lexical Semantic Study of Dene Suliné, and Athabaskan Language
Lingít Yoo X̲ʼatángi Beginning Tlingit Workbook
Monograph of the Dènè-Dindjié Indians
The Na-Dene Languages, A Preliminary Report
The Na-Dene Middle Voice: An Impersonal Source of D-Element
Native Words, Native Warriors
The Navajo Verbal System: An Overview
North Slavey [Bibliography]
Annotated list of books written in or about the North Slavey which are suitable for use in the classroom.
Northern Dene Languages: Use Them or Lose Them: Arctic Athabaskan Language Revitalization Plan
Northwest Passage: Northern Athabaskan Copulas and Auxiliaries
Notes on the Indian Tribes of the Yukon District and Adjacent Northern Portion of British Columbia
Older Programs in Navajo Area Progressing, New Ones Promising
Origins of the Denes¶øiné
Personal Names Among the Sarcee Indians
A Phonic Reading Program for Navajo Students
The Post-Contact Chipewyan: Trade Rivalries and Changing Territorial Boundaries
Problem Solving by Navajo Children in Relation to Knowledge of English
Proto-Athapaskan-Eyak and the Problem of Na-Dene: The Phonology
Reclaiming Land and Spirit in the Western Apache Homeland
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Archie Patrick and Linda Prince, Yinka Dene Language Institute
Saad Kaakih Bee'enootilji Na'Alkaa: Restructuring the Teaching of Language and Literacy in a Navajo Community School
Sayisi-Dene First Nation: Nu Ho Ni Yeh (Our Story)
Singing, Laughing and Playing: Three Examples from the Inuit, Dene and Yupik Traditions
Some Steps for a Beginning Teacher of Navajo Students
Tháıdene Yatı Hóneneltën (Ancestral Dene Language Pedagogies) — Dene Dedlıne Yatı Acquisition, Revitalization and Reclamation
Communications Capping Project MA) -- University of Alberta, 2020.
Tłı̨chǫ Dogrib
Annotated list of books in written in Dogrib that are suitable for use in the classroom.