Displaying 1 - 43 of 43

Developing the Indigenous Language and Wellbeing Survey: Approaches to Integrating Qualitative Findings into a Survey Instrument

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leda Sivak
Seth Westhead
Graham Gee
Michael Wright
Alan Rosen
Stephen Atkinson
Emmalene Richards
Jenna Richards
Harold Dare
Ngiare Brown ... [et al.]
AlterNative, vol. 19, no. 3, 2023, pp. 656-668

Examines an quantitative method to measure the social well being of Indigenous language use and revival in Australian.

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The Development of an Indigenous Knowledge Program in a New Zealand Maori-Language Immersion School

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Barbara Harrison
Rahui Papa
Anthropology & Education Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 1, Indigenous Epistemologies and Education: Self-Determination, Anthropology, and Human Rights, March 2005, pp. 57-72
Looks at the development of a traditional knowledge program, background of the community and self-determination for schools.
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He Rua Ora: Good Practice in Māori Language Revitalisation: Literature Review

Alternate Title
He Rua Ora: Good Practice in Māori Language Revitalisation: Annotated Bibliography
He Rua Ora: Good Practice in Māori Language Revitalization: Annotated Bibliography
He Rua Ora: Good Practice in Māori Language Revitalization: Literature Review
Documents & Presentations
Nicola Bright
Maraea Hunia
John Huria

Includes books, reports, journal articles, grey literature and theses focused on New Zealand, but includes other locations where there are known active revitalization groups or communities. Related Material: Annotated Bibliography.

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Indigenous Māori and Tongan Perspectives on the Role of Tongan Language and Culture in the Community and in the University in Aotearoa-New Zealand

Alternate Title
Indigenous Maori and Tongan Perspectives on the Role of Tongan Language and Culture in the Community and in the University in Aotearoa-New Zealand
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mere Kēpa
Linitä Manu'atu [Mere Kepa
Linita Manu'atu
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 1/2, Indigenous Languages and Indigenous Literature, Winter - Spring, 2006, pp. 11-27
Article describes a grass-roots initiative to integrate Indigenous language and cultural learning for Indigenous students into the mainstream education system in order to improve outcomes for students.
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Language Issues in Māori Chemistry Education

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Language Issues in Maori Chemistry Education
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Georgina Stewart
AlterNative, vol. 6, no. 1, 2010, pp. 66-71
Discusses the challenges of language revitalization and current discourses relevant to Pūtaiao, or Māori-medium science education.
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Linking Early Childhood Learning in Aotearoa With Practices & Possibilities in Inuit Nunangat

Articles » General
Mary Caroline Rowan
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 2, Special Issue 2014: Revitalizing Education in Inuit Nunangat, 2014, pp. 42-[48]
Considers how aspects of three Maori concepts could be beneficial for Inuit: Kohanga Reo (language nests), early childhood curriculum Te Whāriki, and playcentres. Entire issues on one pdf. Scroll to page 41 to read article.
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Māori Language Revitalization: A Vision for the Future

Alternate Title
Maori Language Revitalization: A Vision for the Future
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Deslie McClutchie Mita
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 30, no. 1, Indigenous Approaches to Early Childhood Care and Education, 2007, pp. 101-107
Looks at the philosophical principles and foundations of the Te Kohanga Reo (language nests) programs of Aotearoa / New Zealand.
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Measures to Preserve Indigenous Language and Culture In Te Reo Kuki Airani (Cook Islands Māori Language): Early-childhood Education Models

Alternate Title
Measures to Preserve Indigenous Language and Culture In Te Reo Kuki Airani (Cook Islands Maori Language): Early-childhood Education Models
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ali Glasgow
AlterNative, vol. 6, no. 2, Ngaahi Lea a e Kakai Pasifika: Endangered Pacific Languages and Cultures, 2010, pp. 122-133
Examines initiatives and constraints in the development of educational programmes which aim to regain traditional Cook Islands language and cultural practices.
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Ngā Nekehanga o te Whakahua i te Reo Māori i roto i te Rautau kua Hipa nei

Alternate Title
Nga Nekehanga o te Whakahua i te Reo Maori i roto i te Rautau kua Hipa nei
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter Keegan (Waikato-Maniapoto
Ngati Porou)
Jeanette King
Ray Harlow
Margaret Maclagan
Catherine Watson
AlterNative, vol. 4, no. 2, 2008, pp. 179-197
Examines the influence of the English language on the pronunciation of the long and short vowels of Māori.
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Piecing Together Māori, Word by Word

Alternate Title
Piecing Together Maori, Word by Word
Articles » General
Erin McArdle
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 1, The Electronic Drum: Community Radios Role in Indigenous Language Revitalization, March 2013, p. [?]
Discusses the efforts to revitalize culture and language through community-based radio and television.
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Te Kōrerotia o te reo Māori

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Ngā Whakakitenga a Te Kura Roa Whaibua ; Pūrongo ; 2
Te Korerotia o te reo Maori
Rawinia Higgins
Poia Rewi
Vincent Olsen-Reeder
Findings from project involving Maori language.
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Te Reo Māori me ōna Ratonga

Alternate Title
Ngā Whakakitenga a Te Kura Roa Whaibua ; Pūrongo 7
Rawinia Higgins
Poia Rewi
Vincent Olsen-Reeder
Findings from project involving Maori language.
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Te Reo Māori me te Hapori

Alternate Title
Ngā Whakakitenga a Te Kura Roa Whaibua ; Pūrongo 4
Rawinia Higgins
Poia Rewi
Vincent Olsen-Reeder
Findings from project involving Maori language.
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Te Reo Māori me te Tuakiri Ā-Motu

Alternate Title
Ngā Whakakitenga a Te Kura Roa Whaibua ; Pūrongo 6
Rawinia Higgins
Poia Rewi
Vincent Olsen-Reeder
Findings from project involving Maori language.
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Te Reo Māori me te Wāhi Mahi

Alternate Title
Ngā Whakakitenga a Te Kura Roa Whaibua ; Pūrongo 5
Rawinia Higgins
Poia Rewi
Vincent Olsen-Reeder
Findings from project involving Maori language.
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Te Reo Māori me te Whānau

Alternate Title
Ngā Whakakitenga a Te Kura Roa Whaibua ; Pūrongo 3
Rawinia Higgins
Poia Rewi
Vincent Olsen-Reeder
Findings from project involving Maori language.
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Te Whanake Animations

Web Sites » Organizations

Series of animated online modules for learning the Māori language. Site also includes links to a Māori-English dictionary, podcasts, streamed television programmes and associated online activities.

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