A Critical Analysis of the Impact of Colonisation on the Māori Language Through an Examination of Political Theory
Māori Development Thesis (MA) -- Auckland University of Technology, 2011
Māori Development Thesis (MA) -- Auckland University of Technology, 2011
Human Computer Interaction Design Capstone Thesis (MS)--Indiana University Bloomington, 2012
Examines an quantitative method to measure the social well being of Indigenous language use and revival in Australian.
Education Thesis (PhD) -- University of Canterbury, 2016.
Includes books, reports, journal articles, grey literature and theses focused on New Zealand, but includes other locations where there are known active revitalization groups or communities. Related Material: Annotated Bibliography.
Literature published about parents/caregivers choosing to use Maori as the main language in the home. Looks at factors relevant to parents/caregivers and children and some information relating to the extended family.
Education Thesis (PhD) -- University of Auckland, 1999.
Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao Thesis (PhD) -- University of Waikato, 2017.
Indigenous Development Thesis (PhD) -- Auckland University of Technology, 2016
Highlights the role of the New Zealand government in the decline and revitalization of the te reo Maori language.
Linguistics Thesis (PhD) -- Victoria University of Wellington, 2020.
Linguistics Thesis (PhD) -- Victoria University of Wellington, 2008.
Looks at the integration of Māori knowledge and customs into Aotearoa (New Zealand) libraries.
2nd edition.
Series of animated online modules for learning the Māori language. Site also includes links to a Māori-English dictionary, podcasts, streamed television programmes and associated online activities.