Displaying 1 - 42 of 42

Aboriginal Languages of Canada

Alternate Title
Contemporary Linguistics Analysis: An Introduction
E-Books » Chapters
Eung-Do Cook
Darin Flynn
Discusses Canada's First Nations nine language families, the separate language family of the Inuit and the mixed language of the Métis. Chapter nine from Contemporary Linguistics Analysis: An Introduction by William O'Grady, John Archibald.
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First Lessons in Makah

Book Reviews
Sheri J. Tatsch
International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. 68, no. 4, October 2002, pp. 490-492
Book review of: First Lessons in Makah by William H. Jacobsen.
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First Nations Languages of British Columbia

Web Sites » Organizations
Yinka Déné Language Institute (YDLI)
Website includes links to bibliographies on languages and language families, Chinook jargon, classified list, ethnobiology, and index of variant language names. .
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First Peoples' Map of B.C.

Web Sites » Organizations
First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC)
Website contains index of languages, First Nations and brief biographies of community leaders. Includes audio links to key phrases in various languages.
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Future of Language Depends on Children

Articles » General
Kathy Blair
Anglican Journal, vol. 125, no. 10, December 1999, p. 3
Residential schools healing fund helps to fund development of Kwak'wala hymn book incorporating both orthography systems so young and old are able to use same book.
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Handbook of American Indian Languages, Part 1

Alternate Title
Bulletin (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology) ; 40
Franz Boas
Pliny Earle Goddard
John R. Swanton
Roland B. Dixon
William Jones
William Thalbitzer
Truman Michelson
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Hesquiaht - A People, A Place and a Language

Articles » General
Karen Charleson
Canadian Geographic, vol. 118, no. 5, July-August 1998, p. 88
Describes the process of a rediscovery program for Hesquiaht people of Vancouver Island.
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Himwic`a: Our Legends: As Told by Our Hupačasath Elders

Documents & Presentations

Retelling of seven traditional stories including: When the Eagle Went to Borrow Eyes from the Snail; The Shadow; Daughter of Sea Cucumber; The Thunderbird Has a Nest on Thunder Mountain; and When the Codfish Was Sad.

Written in English and Hupačasath.

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Kwakiutl Texts I

Alternate Title
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 5. Anthropology ; v. 4
Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition ; v.3, pt. 1
E-Books » Chapters
Franz Boas
George Hunt
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, v.5 (p. [3]-270).
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Kwakiutl Texts II

Alternate Title
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 5. Anthropology ; v. 4
[Publications of] the Jesup North Pacific Expedition ; v. 2, pt. 2
E-Books » Chapters
Franz Boas
George Hunt
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 5 (p. [271]-[402]).
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Kwakiutl Texts III

Alternate Title
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 5. Anthropology ; v. 4
[Publications of] the Jesup North Pacific Expedition ; v. [3], pt. 3
E-Books » Chapters
Franz Boas
George Hunt
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 5 (p. [403]-532).
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The Language Gulper: Native North American Languages

Web Sites » Personal
Alejandro Gutman
Beatriz Avanzati
Webpage provides an overview of North American, Meso-American and South American languages spoken in Canada, the United States and Mexico. Links to main language families, language areas and language maps.
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The North-Western Tribes of Canada: Eleventh Report of the Committee, Consisting of Professor E.B. Tylor (Chairman), Mr. Cuthbert E. Peek (Secretary), Dr. G.M. Dawson, Mr. R.G. Haliburton, and Mr. Horatio Hale ...

Alternate Title
Sixth Report on the Indians of British Columbia
Franz Boas
"Appointed to investigate the physical characteristics, languages, and industrial and social conditions of the people of British Columbia."
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Revitalizing Indigenous Languages

Alternate Title
Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium ; 5th, 1998
Jon Reyhner
Richard Littlebear
Steve Greymorning
Daniel S. Rubin
Stan J. Anonby ... [et al.]
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Scenes and Studies of Savage Life

Gilbert Malcolm Sproat
Focuses on colonists' perspectives of Vancouver Island First Nations including Aht, Nootka, Niinaht, Klah-oh-quots (Claqoquot); includes some Aht vocabulary.
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Sketch of the Kwakiutl Language

Alternate Title
American Anthropologist. New Series ; vol. 2, Oct.-Dec., 1900
Franz Boas
Presents the Kwakiutl or Kwak'wala language which is a Wakashan language of the Northwest Coast (British Columbia).
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Some Aspects of Nootka Language and Culture

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Edward Sapir
American Anthropologist, vol. 13, no. 1, New Series, January-March 1911, pp. 15-28
Description based on ethnological and linguistic data gathered from two groups in British Columbia during 1910.
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Welcoming Churches Embrace Old and New

Articles » General
Leanne Larmondin
Anglican Journal, vol. 129, no. 2, February 2003, p. 4
Presents a general discussion of children's behaviour in church and mentions the release of a hymnal in the Kwak'wala language.
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