Displaying 4251 - 4300 of 4938

Suicide Ideation and Suicide Attempt Among American Indian and Alaska Native Boarding School Adolescents

Alternate Title
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, [Monograph No. 4, pp. 167-188]
Calling From the Rim: Suicidal Behavior Among American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents
[Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health] ; Monograph 4
Articles » General
Norman G. Dinges
Quang Duong-Tran
Looks at the uses of baseline data obtained from school-based screening surveys.
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Suicide in Circumpolar Regions: An Introduction and Overview

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
T. Kue Young
Boris Revich
Leena Soininen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, Special Issue: Suicide and Resilience in Circumpolar Populations , 2015, p. article no. 27349
Editorial introducing the special section on suicide and resilience in circumpolar regions which focuses on the extent and magnitude of the problem of suicidal behaviours. Special section: Suicide and Resilience in Circumpolar Populations
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Suicide in Inuit Nunaat: An Analysis of Suicide Rates and the Effect of Community-Level Factors

Documents & Presentations
Christopher Penney
Sacha Senécal
Eric Guimond
Ellen Bobet
Sharanjit Uppal
Looks at the results of a study which indicate that some of the relationships between suicide risk and explanatory variables are more complex then they appear. "Position paper for the 5th NRF open Assembly, September 24th-27th 2008", Anchorage, Alaska.
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Suicide Prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: A Critical Review of Programs

Articles » General
Denise L. Middlebrook
Pamela L. LeMaster
Janette Beals
Douglas K. Novins
Spero M. Manson
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, vol. 31, no. S1, Spring, 2001, pp. 132-149
Framework identifies the following areas of need: data development, risk factors for youth suicide, evaluation of interventions to prevent youth suicide, suicide prevention services, public information and education, and broader approaches to preventing youth suicide.
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Suit the Situation: Comparing Urban and On-Reserve Aboriginal Youth Preferences for Effective HIV Prevention Messaging

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean-Paul Restoule
Amy Campbell McGee
Sarah Flicker
June Larkin
Christine Smillie-Adjarkwa
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-based HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 3, Winter, 2010, pp. 5-16
Contends that increased success of HIV prevention programs will be achieved by targeting the programs to specific audiences.
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Summary of the Clinical Review of the Cases of Infant Misidentification at Norway House Hospital

David Creery
Maura Davies
Investigated how two pairs of babies born at the hospital came to be misidentified and were therefore raised by their non-biological parents. Concluded that the identification process was flawed, identification band procedure was not applied consistently and bands were not placed on the babies in the room where they were delivered.
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Summary Report: A Shared Voice: Engaging First Nation and Inuit Communities in the Development of Culturally Appropriate Asthma and Allergy Education Materials and Resources for Youth and Their Families

Alternate Title
A Shared Voice
Documents & Presentations
Asthma Society of Canada
Looks at the relevance of existing asthmas education materials and identifies how these materials could be adapted to better suit the needs of the communities.
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Summary Report of the Case Study of South East Child and Family Services Politics and Program: A Case Study of a First Nations Child and Family Service Agency by Pete Hudson

Alternate Title
Politics and Program: A Case Study of a First Nations Child and Family Service Agency
Documents & Presentations
Joyce B. Timpson
Pete Hudson
Examines internal and intergovernmental relationships through review of documents produced by the agency, its governing body and non-First Nations governments, and key informant interviews.
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Summative Evaluation of the Elementary/Secondary Education Program on Reserve. Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Performance Measurement
and Review Branch
Audit and Evaluation Sector
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Objective of the programming is to provide eligible students living in a First Nations community with education programs comparable to those that are required in provincial schools.
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Sun Dance: Why & How They Have the Sacrifice Altars

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
Dave Melting Tallow
Joanne Greenwood
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with George First Rider where he tells the story of the origin of the first Holy Lodge. (A continuation from AA.027) He also tells of the modifications to the Holy Lodge ceremony, the origins of the Group Smoking ceremony and gives the story of Po-Po who foresaw the death of a young man at a Holy Lodge.Note: Dave Melting Tallow, interpreter. Joanne Greenwood, transcriber.
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Supporting Native Indian Preschoolers and Their Families: Family, School, Community Partnerships

Articles » General
M. Susan McWilliams
Tami Maldonado-Mancebo
Paula S. Szczepaniak
Jacqueline Jones
Young Children, November 2011, pp. 34-41
"This article briefly reviews the status of urban indigenous families and discusses an innovative all-Native-American preschool, an early childhood initiative created to address the achievement gap."
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Supporting the Next Generation

Articles » General
Marianne Lepa
EQ: Equity Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 1, Spring, 2008, pp. 10-11
Looks at the youth initiatives of the theatre companies, including the Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company, Full Circle, and Native Earth Performing Arts, Inc. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p. 10.
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Surveillance Systems Monitoring HIV/AIDS and HIV Risk Behaviors Among American Indians and Alaska Natives

Alternate Title
Surveillance Systems Monitoring HIV / AIDS and HIV Risk Behaviors Among American Indians and Alaska Natives
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jeanne Bertolli
A. D. McNaghten
Michael Campsmith

Lisa M. Lee
Richard Leman ... [et al.]
AIDS Education and Prevention, vol. 16, no. 3, June 2004, pp. 218-237
Examined data from the national surveillance systems and found that youth and women are particularly vulnerable to the continued spread of HIV infection.
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Surviving the Storm

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ozaawi Bineziikwe
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 2, no. 1, 2005, pp. 9-20
Author relates her early childhood and residential school experiences.
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Symbolic Burn Rekindles Spirits

Articles » General
Carmen Pauls Orthner
Eagle Feather News, vol. 15, no. 8, August 2012, p. 1,5
Comments on a ceremony that includes residential school survivors sharing their painful stories and a symbolic boat burning. Article located on page 1 and by scrolling to page 5.
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Systematic Review of Community-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents With ADHA and Their Families

Alternate Title
Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP)
Documents & Presentations
Donna Fitzpatrick-Lewis
Helen Thomas
Reviews successful multi-component programs which include behavioural parent training, self-instructional training and school-based contingency training, that could be incorporated to treat Aboriginal children and youth with FASD.
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A Systematic Review of Physical Activity Levels in Native American Populations in Canada and the United States in the Last 50 Years

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
H. J. A. Foulds
D. E. R. Warburton
S. S. D. Bredin
Obesity Reviews, vol. 14, no. 7, July 2013, pp. 593-603
Review investigates if Native American populations achieve the recommended physical activity levels and concludes there is a need to increase physical activity.
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Systems of Conflict Resolution within First Nations Communities: Honouring the Elders, Honouring the Knowledge

Alternate Title
Research Paper (National Centre for First Nations Governance)
Research Paper for the National Centre for First Nations Governance
Documents & Presentations
Patricia L. Tait
Discusses program run by the Prince Albert Grand Council for reintegration of men who have come into conflict with law, program for youth on the Whitefish First Nation, and various initiatives undertaken by the Native Counselling Services of Alberta (NCSA).
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