1979 La Ronge Winter Festival

Articles » General
1979 La Ronge Winter Festival with competition results. Page one: pictures of buckskin parade entrants, contestants for 'Festival Queen', log sawing, and winter golf. Page two: pictures of log chopping, traditional dance, and flour packing competition. Page three: pictures of dogs from a sled team with children, and a dog sled race. Page four: pictures of snow mobile race, and hockey.
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1992 Elders Conference: Moose Hide Preparation and Birch Bark Basket Making, Cree Version

Media » Film and Video
Harry Opekokew
Sam Hardlotte
Allan Adam
The video, titled 1992 Elders Conference: Moose Hide Preparation and Birch Bark Basket Making (Cree Version), records these two activities at the elders gathering. Camera by Harry Opekokew and Allan Adam, Cree translator Abel Charles, post production by Sam Hardlotte.

Historical note:

A video produced in 1994 by Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment, Northern Education Services Branch and Pahkisimon Nuye?ah Library System recording parts of the 1992 Elders Conference north of La Ronge.
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1993 Gathering of Elders - Cree

Media » Film and Video
Sam Hardlotte
Abel Charles
The 30-minute video records the activities at the 1993 Gathering of Elders near La Ronge.

Historical note:

A video entitled '1993 Gathering of Elders' was recorded in 1993 by Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment and shows the activities of the gathering. Camera was by Sam Hardlotte, Glen Markwart and R.J. Morin, narration was by Abel Charles, and post-production was by Sam Hardlotte.
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1993 Gathering of Elders - English

Media » Film and Video
Sam Hardlotte
Abel Charles
The 30-minute video records the activities at the 1993 Gathering of Elders near La Ronge.

Historical note:

A video entitled '1993 Gathering of Elders' was recorded in 1993 by Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment and shows the activities of the gathering. The footage was edited into a finished video in 1994. Camera was by Sam Hardlotte, Glen Markwart and R.J. Morin, narration was by Abel Charles, and post-production was by Sam Hardlotte.
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Aboriginal Co-operatives in Canada: A Sustainable Development Strategy Whose Time Has Come

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
L. Hammond Ketilson
I. MacPherson
The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 3, no. 1, Special Issue on Sustainability, Summer, 2002, pp. 45-57
Looks at the current state of Aboriginal co-ops, their characteristics, sector distribution and contributions to community economic and social development.
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Aboriginal Family by Teepee

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Family by Tipi
Images » Photographs

A photograph of a Metis? man with a Cree? woman and her child standing outside a teepee. Picture possibly taken by George Mann family who worked with Cree people in Onion Lake, Saddle Lake and Hobbema reserves between 1883 and 1916. Members of the family were known to continue to visit these areas well into the 1920s.


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Aboriginal Family Outside Teepee

Images » Photographs
A photograph of an Aboriginal man, woman and child outside their teepee. Picture possibly taken by George Mann family who worked with Cree people in Onion Lake, Saddle Lake and Hobbema reserves between 1883 and 1916. Members of the family were known to continue to visit these areas well into the 1920s.
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Aboriginal Group Photo

Images » Photographs
A photograph of a group of Aboriginal (Cree) people standing in a row. Two of the women hold infants. They are well dressed in western style clothing: long dresses on the women and jackets and vests for the two men. Most of them have braided hair. A tent and wagon are visible in the background.
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The Aboriginal Male in the Enlightenment World

Book Reviews
Victoria Grieves
Aboriginal History, vol. 37, 2013, pp. 137-138
Book review of: The Aboriginal Male in the Enlightenment World by Shino Konishi. Scroll down to page 137 to read review.
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Aboriginal People Inside Ceremonial Lodge

Images » Photographs
George Mann Jr. (photographer)
A photograph of a group of Aboriginal men, women and children sitting inside a ceremonial lodge possibly near Onion Lake, Saskatchewan. Picture probably taken by George Mann Jr. family who homesteaded in the area. Mann Jr was a telegraph line man for the Government of Canada and would often visit Onion Lake when he checked the line.
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Aboriginal Research Resources

Web Sites » Organizations
Portal "brings together inter-disciplinary sources and information relating to Indigenous Studies and Native-newcomer relations at the University of Saskatchewan". Contains links to library & archive holdings, other collections, scholarly output, etc.
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[Aboriginal Rights and Self-Government]

Book Reviews
Sarah Pocklington
Native Studies Review, vol. 14, no. 1, 2001, pp. 127-130
Book review of: Aboriginal Rights and Self-Government edited by Curtis Cook and Juan D. Lindau.
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Aboriginal Seniors in Canada

Alternate Title
A Portrait of Seniors in Canada 2006
E-Books » Chapters
Martin Turcotte
Grant Schellenberg
Statistics on demographic trends, culture and language, continuous learning, work and participation in society, living arrangements and housing, and health and well-being. Chapter six of A Portrait of Seniors in Canada 2006. Scroll to page 221 to read chapter.
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Aborigines and Change: Australia in the '70s

Book Reviews
C. D. Rowley
Aboriginal History , vol. 3, no. 2, 1979, pp. 152-154
Book review of: Aborigines and Change edited by R. M. Berndt. Chapters are papers presented at symposium of the Institute of Aboriginal Studies. To access review, scroll down to page 152.
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Aborigines and Change: Australia in the '70s

Book Reviews
Beverley Kingston
Aboriginal History, vol. 3, no. 2, 1979, pp. 154-155
Book review of: Aborigines and Change edited by R. M. Berndt. Collection of papers from symposium of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. To access review, scroll down to page 154.
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Aborigines in Colonial Victoria 1835-86

Book Reviews
K. R. Howe
Aboriginal History, vol. 4, no. 2, 1980, pp. 205-206
Book review of: Aborigines in Colonial Victoria 1835-86 by M. F. Christie. To access review, scroll down to page 205.
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"Ac. Chim" - Portrait

Images » Photographs
E.N. Davis (photographer)
Portrait of man identified as "Ac. Chim."
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All Saints Grade VIII Grads

Images » Photographs
File contains 1 image of Grade Eight graduates from the All Saints Residential School in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan on June 6, 1962.
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Along The Line. British Columbia

Archival » Archival Items
Letter from Rev. G.F. Hopkins, dated 30 August 1888, relating to missionary experiences among the Aboriginal population of the Port Essington area of BC. Letter in The Missionary Outlook newsletter.
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Along The Line. British Columbia.

Articles » General
Letter from Rev. J. Calvert, dated 3 February 1885 from Ladner's Landing, relating to Ladner's Landing church construction once spring arrives, and the success of missionary meetings in the Parry Island area.
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American Indian and Alaska Native Resilience Along the Life Course and Across Generations: A Literature Review

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christina E. Oré
Nicolette I. Teufel-Shone
Tara M. Chico-Jarillo
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 23, no. 3, Strength-based Approaches to Wellness in Indian Country, 2016, pp. 134-157
Review looks for a solution to address health inequities for American and Alaskan Natives.
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The Arctic: Gender Issues

Alternate Title
Info Series (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; PRB 08-09E
Documents & Presentations
[Clara Morgan]
Looks at relationship between gender issues and the environment, economic conditions, domestic violence, health, housing, homelessness and politics.
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The Art of Snowshoe Making

Media » Film and Video
Department of Northern Saskatchewan
The 25-minute black-and-white video filmed and produced by staff of the Department of Northern Saskatchewan in 1978 at Deschambault Lake It records the making of snowshoes, from the splitting of a log to the completed snowshoes.
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Aspects of Traditional Aboriginal Australia

E-Books » Chapters
Stephanie Fryer-Smith
Provides overview of society including spirituality, organization. kinship, culture, customs, ceremony, ritual, and law. Chapter 2 from: Aboriginal Benchbook for Western Australia Courts by Stephanie Fryer-Smith. Chapter 2 located by scrolling to page 2:1.
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Authentic First Peoples Resources: K-9

Documents & Presentations
Jo-Anne (Jo) L. Chrona
Sara Florence Davidson
Roberta Edzerza
Nadine McSpadden
Joanne Moiese
Trena Lynn Sutton
Anne Tenning
Lynne Wainwright ... [et al.]
Annotated list of material includes reading level, curriculum areas, themes and topics, publication dates and number of pages. Updated version. Originally published in 2011.
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Averkieva, Julia, "The Tlingit Indians" (Barron's notes).

Documents & Presentations
Julia Averkieva
Barron's notes on Julia Averkieva's article "The Tlingit Indians" from North American Indians in Historical Perspective / edited by Eleanor Burke Leacock & Nancy Oestreich Lurie. Published New York: Random House, c1971, page 317 to 342. Barron's notes break the article down into sections. These include origins, economic base, transition from a clan community to a class society etc. The article appears to be a fairly comprehensive look at the history of the social life of the Tlingit as explained by the stratification of their society.
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Awabakal Voices: The Life and Work of Percy Haslam

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Maynard
Aboriginal History, vol. 37, December 2013, pp. 77-92
Overview of noted journalist and scholar's life and research on Aboriginal culture based on information from the Haslam Collection at the University of Newcastle.
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