Displaying 2351 - 2400 of 2521

Truthful Engagement: Making the Witness Blanket, an Ongoing Process of Reconciliation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carey Newman (Hayalthkin’geme)
Engaged Scholar Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, Engaged Scholarship and the Arts, Spring, 2019, pp. 235-243
Interview with artist Carey Newman about the process of creating The Witness Blanket project, a multimedia installation which incorporated items collected from residential schools, churches, government buildings, and traditional structures from across Canada.
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Tuberculosis Mortality Among the Students of St. Joseph's Residential School in 1942-43: Historical and Geographical Content

Alternate Title
Multiplying and Dividing: Tuberculosis in Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand
RA&L-e ; no.3, 2008
Research in Anthropology & Linguistics-e ; no. 3, 2008
E-Books » Chapters
Paul Hackett
Highlights several factors including inability of government and church to protect children and the conflict between economics of running the schools and medical personnel. Chapter 10 from: Multiplying and Dividing: Tuberculosis in Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand edited by Judith Littleton, Julie Park, Ann Herring and Tracy Farmer. Scroll down to page 113 to read chapter.
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La Tuque School — Quebec

Alternate Title
Anglican Residential Schools
Documents & Presentations
General Synod Archives
Anglican Church of Canada
Discusses the history of La Tuque School in Quebec, which ran from 1962 to 2006. It was one of the last church run schools to open before the government took over management of residential schools in 1969.
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Turning Around the Intergenerational Impact of Residential Schools on Aboriginal People: Implications for Health Policy and Practice

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dawn Smith
Colleen Varcoe
Nancy Edwards
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 37, no. 4, December 2005, pp. 38-60
Describes the perspectives of community-based stakeholders on their experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating care for pregnant and parenting Aboriginal women and families.
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[Understanding Indigenous Perspectives]: Modules

Web Sites » Organizations
[Jean-Paul Restoule]
Contains links to educational modules on six topics: Indigenous worldviews, Indigenous ways of knowing, stereotypes, history of Indigenous education, reconciliation, and treaties. Intended for a post-secondary audience.
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Unfinished Projects - Whitecap

Documents & Presentations
Folder contains newspaper clippings relating to trade with Indigenous persons near Moose Jaw in 1884, Indigenous weddings,agriculture, and the death of Chief Whitecap.
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The Unfinished Stories of Two First Nations Mothers

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Maryam Moayeri
Jane Smith
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, vol. 53, no. 5, February 2010, pp. 408-417
Looks at the lives of two aboriginal women whose past experiences in residential schools have influenced their present literacy practices.
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Unlearning Colonialism: Storytelling and the Accord

Alternate Title
Adult Education Research Conference ; 54th, 2013
Changing the Landscape of Lifelong Learning: Charting New Territories and Re-defining Education For Adults
Documents & Presentations
Jim Sharpe
Paper presented 54th Adult Education Research Conference, Changing the Landscape of Lifelong Learning: Charting New Territories and Re-defining Education For Adults, May 2013.
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"Unless They Are Kept Alive": Federal Indian Schools and Student Health, 1878-1918

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David H. Dejong
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 2, Spring, 2007, pp. 256-282
Article examines the Indian Residential Schools in the United States during the decades surrounding the turn of the twentieth century; links the conditions in the schools to the failure of American Indian policy in the States.
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"Unlike Their Playmates of Civilization, the Indian Children's Recreation Must be Cultivated and Developed": The Administration of Physical Education at Pelican Lake Indian Residential School, 1926-1944

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Braden Paeora Te Hiwi
Historical Studies in Education, Revisiting the Histories of Indigenous Schooling and Literacies, Spring, 2017, pp. 99-117
Looks at the implementation of sport, exercise and recreation as part of an assimilation policy to provide character traits to the students.
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The Unnatural History of American Indian Education

Alternate Title
Next Steps: Research and Practice to Advance Indian Education
E-Books » Chapters
K. Tsianina Lomawaima
Looks at the legacy of colonial education and the roots of some stereotypical assumptions associated with Native Americans. Chapter one of Next Steps: Research and Practice to Advance Indian Education edited by Karen Gayton Swisher and John W. Tippeconnic.
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[Unreconciled: Family, Truth, Indigenous Resistance]

Alternate Title
Think 2030
Media » Film and Video
Jesse Wente
Author argues that reconciliation is an empty concept and apologies meaningless unless amends are made and a fundamental cultural shift takes place. Duration: 58:30.
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Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide

Media » Film and Video
Kevin Annett
Louie Lawless
Full version (1 hr. 48 min.) of documentary about abuse at residential schools which won Best Documentary at the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival and Best Director for an International Documentary at the New York International Film Festival. Based on Annett's book Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust.
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Unsettling Settler Shame in Schooling: Re-Imagining Responsible Reconciliation in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ryan Koelwyn
McGill Journal of Education, vol. 53, no. 2, Spring, 2018, pp. 276-293
Discusses “shame” in different contexts and explores the experience of shame for individuals and groups. Describes how shame was used as a tool of colonization in Indian Residential Schools and how it might be a transformative influence in the process of reconciliation following the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
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