"Halfbreeds at Batoche"

Images » Photographs
Note: The title and description of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. Two Metis men at Batoche. On the back of the photo is written: "Halfbreeds at Batoche. Gabriel Dumont's brother on the right and One of the leaders in the Rebellion of 1885." Probably taken in the late nineteenth century.
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Harry Tremayne Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Harry Tremayne
Victoria Racette
Indian History Film Project
Interviewee discusses the role of his family in the Riel Rebellion; and gives a general account of his life.
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The Health and Well-being of Aboriginal People in British Columbia

Alternate Title
Report on the Health of British Columbians: Provincial Health Officer’s Annual Report 2001
Documents & Presentations
Office of the Provincial Health Officer [British Columbia]
Looks at health status, community environments, healthy growth and development, physical environment, health services, and disease and injury prevention. Identifies areas where significant health benefits can be made. Related material: Pathways to Health and Healing (Second Report).
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Health, Education, Language, Dialect, and Culture in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Communities in Canada: An Overview

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, vol. 35, no. 2, Service Delivery to First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada: Part 1, Summer, 2011, pp. 110-124
Provides a broad overview of relevant information intended to stimulate further exploration by the reader about the distinctive features, needs and goals of First Nations, Inuit and Métis clients and families.
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Health Research, Entitlements and Health Services for First Nations and Métis Women in Manitoba and Saskatchewan

Articles » General
Margaret J. Haworth-Brockman
Kathy Bent
Joanne Havelock
Journal of Aboriginal Health, vol. 4, no. 2, Aboriginal Womens Health, December 2009, pp. 17-23
Discusses significant differences in access to health care services based on treaty and historical entitlements and the importance of taking these differences into account for health research.
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The Heart of One-ness: The Art of Christi Belcourt

Articles » General
Joyce Green
Canadian Dimension, vol. 38, no. 6, Nov/Dec 2004, pp. 31-32
Overview of the Métis artists' uses of flowers and beads in her designs to represent identity, diversity, fluidity and authenticity.
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Helen Adelaide Ouellette Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Helen Adelaide Ouellette
Judy M. Thibodeau
Indian History Film Project
Interview covers recollections of childhood family experiences and school; and comments on economic conditions, racial attitudes, church and politics.(NOTE: There is a very loud hum on Side A of this tape for the first 9 pages, frequently making it impossible to decipher what is being said.)
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Helen E. & Joe Wheaton Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Helen E. Wheaton
Joe Wheaton
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Helen and Joe Wheaton lived in Prince Albert where Joe worked for the Saskatchewan government. They were active in the CCF party and became friends of Malcolm Norris and Jim Brady.
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Helga M. Reydon Interview

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Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Helga M. Reydon
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Helga Reydon worked for many years for the Department of Natural Resources in Prince Albert. She knew Malcolm Norris, Jim Brady and Pete Tomkins.
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Henry Pelletier Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Henry Pelletier
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Mr. Pelletier moved from Lestock to the Green Lake area under the Metis resettlement program.
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High Level Indicators: Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2012

Documents & Presentations
Statistics Canada
Lists questions asked under the themes of identification, household composition, mobility, education, language, labour market activities, traditional activities, income, health and housing.
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An Historical Introduction to Métis Claims in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Leonard Taylor
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, 1983, pp. 151-181
Historical overview of government responses to claims and discussion of the recognition of Métis rights and interest in land.
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Hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions among Urban Métis Adults

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gisèle M. Carrière
Mohan B. Kumar
Claudia Sanmartin
Health Reports, vol. 28, no. 12, December 2017, pp. 3-11
Used data from 2006/2007 to 2008/2009 Discharge Abstract Database linked to the 2006 Census. Found rate for Métis twice that of non-Aboriginals, with most common conditions requiring admission being diabetes or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
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House at Batoche used as a Barracks by the Metis in 1885

Images » Photographs
Image of a house used as a barracks by the Metis during the Northwest Resistance. On back of photo: "House built in 1879 and Â’80 by Xavier Batoche. Used as store and dwelling. In 1885 used as barracks by the Metis."
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Housing Conditions of Aboriginal Households Living Outside Reserves, Canada, All-CMA [Census Metropolitan Area] Total, and Non-CMA/CA Areas 2011, [2006, 2001]

Alternate Title
Canadian Housing Observer
[Aboriginal Housing Conditions]
Data » Tables
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Statistical table broken down into living in/able to access acceptable housing, and living in core housing need by type of need. Each Census year on separate tab. Source: CMHC (National Household-based housing indicators and data).
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Housing Experiences in Canada: Métis in 2016

Alternate Title
Housing Statistics in Canada
Documents & Presentations
Zachary Thurston
Jeff Randie
Includes information on: tenure status of household, shelter costs, affordability and suitability, condition of dwelling, core housing need, and living arrangements for people living in private dwellings. Differentiates between those living in urban and rural areas. Data from 2016 Census.
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Housing Need among the Métis in Canada, 1991

Alternate Title
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series ; no. 36, 1997
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series
Data derived from Aboriginal Peoples Survey and 1991 Census was applied to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's core housing need model. Households that fail to meet one or more standards for adequacy, suitability or affordability and whose income is insufficient to afford rental housing that meets standards are considered to be in need.
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The Housing Needs of the Métis People

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Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Documents & Presentations
David A. Boivert
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Discusses Métis identity, numbers and locations where they live, data about social and economic conditions with particular attention to income data and analysis of distribution by household type, and review of information on major housing problems in different regions of Canada, numbers in core housing need and the importance of social housing programs.
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Howard Adams Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Howard Adams
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Howard Adams, the first Metis in Canada to obtain a Ph.D., was at one time the president of the Metis Association of Saskatchewan. He was impressed by the political awareness of the people and attributes this to the work of Malcolm Norris.
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Identifying and Quantifying Métis 'Élite': An Analysis of Relative Wealth, Based on Red River Settlement Censuses of 1835

Alternate Title
A Casualty of Colonialism
Documents & Presentations
Norma J. Hall
Uses primary source which recorded heads of households, their age, religion, country of origin, martial status, number of offspring, and agricultural data (livestock numbers, kind and number of buildings and number of cultivated acres). Concludes that at that point in time, the socio-economic structure of the Red River Settlement was not necessarily arranged in a hierarchy with a powerful settler élite at its apex.
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Media » Film and Video
e Counselling Services of Alberta
Murray Jurak
Greg Miller
Patti Laboucane-Benson
Explores question of what it means to be an Indigenous person in the 21st century by talking to people from Dene, Cree, Blackfoot and Métis communities in Alberta. Duration: 26:05.
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