Displaying 2751 - 2800 of 4878

Mapping the Economic Potential of Canada’s North

Alternate Title
Report (Conference Board of Canada) ; December 2010
[Publication (Conference Board of Canada) ; 11-092]
Documents & Presentations
Centre for the North
Conference Board of Canada
Examines the current and potential economic contributions of the oil and gas, mining, forestry, fishing, utilities, and construction industries in the Northern Regions of Canada.
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Marijuana Initiation in 2 American Indian Reservation Communities: Comparison With a National Sample

Alternate Title
Marijuana Initiation in Two American Indian Reservation Communities: Comparison With a National Sample
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nancy Rumbaugh Whitesell
Janette Beals
Christina M. Mitchell
Douglas K. Novins
Paul Spicer
et al.
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 97, no. 7, July 2007, pp. 1311-1318
Found disproportionate risk for marijuana initiation among young people on reserves, and suggests that aggressive prevention efforts are needed.
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Mass Testing and Underdevelopment of Inner-City Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rick Hesch
Alberta Journal of Educational Research, vol. 46, no. 1, Spring, 2000, pp. 49-64
Discusses how standardized testing contributes to class polarization and underdevelopment in Manitoba's core neighbourhoods.
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Maternal and Umbilical Cord Blood Levels of Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, and Essential Trace Elements in Arctic Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jody Butler Walker
Jan Houseman
Laura Seddon
Ed McMullen
Karen Tofflemire
Carole Mills
André Corriveau
Jean-Philippe Weber ... [et al.]
Environmental Research, vol. 100, no. 3, March 2006, pp. 295-318
Argues for vigilance for monitoring populations as 3% of Inuit women participants’ methylmercury (MeHg) exposure was in Health Canada's level of concern (20–99 μg/L), and 56% of Inuit cord samples exceeded the revised United States Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.
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Maternal Ethnicity and Risk of Neural Tube Defects: a Population-based Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joel G. Ray
Marian J. Vermeulen
Chris Meier
David E. C. Cole
Philip R. Wyatt
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 171, no. 4, August 17, 2004, pp. 267-285
Findings showed First Nations women are at an increased risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) compared to other ethnic groups.
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Math and Science Instructors’ Perceptions of Their American Indian Students at a Sub-Baccalaureate Technical College: A Delphi Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carsten Schmidtke
Journal of Career and Technical Education, vol. 25, no. 2, Winter, 2010, pp. 8-16
Study surveyed seven teachers from the Great Plains Technical College in an effort to see if their attitudes might influence the high retention rate at the institution.
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Matrimonial Real Property Rights in First Nations Communities: A Statistical Profile

Alternate Title
Report (Conference Board of Canada)
Documents & Presentations
Adam Fisher
Kala Pendakur
Includes explanation of the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act, information on communities which have developed and ratified their own laws pursuant to the Act and statistics on factors that may affect victims of domestic violence ability to access their rights such as proximity of courthouses, police stations, law offices and health services, and access to broadband internet.
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Measurement Equivalence of Osteoporosis-specific and General Quality-of-life Instruments in Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Women

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lisa M. Lix
Colleen Metge
William D. Leslie
Quality of Life Research, vol. 18, no. 5, June 2009, pp. 619-27
Discusses a First Nations Bone Health study that looks at different types of measurement equivalence in two HRQOL instruments among Canadian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women from rural and urban sites in Manitoba.
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Measuring Low Income and Poverty in Canada: An Update

Alternate Title
Income and Labour Dynamics Working Paper Series
[Income Research Paper Series (Statistics Canada) ; no. 13]
Documents & Presentations
Maryanne Webber
Examines low income rates based on Low Income Cutoff (LICO) or Low Income Measure (LIM), neither are intended as a poverty line, but they are sometimes used as such.
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Measuring the Well-Being of Aboriginal People: An Application of the United Nations Human Development Index to Registered Indians in Canada, 1981-2001

Alternate Title
Setting the Agenda for Change ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 1st, 2002
E-Books » Chapters
Martin Cooke
Daniel Beavon
Mindy McHardy
vol. 1

Examines data from census years 1981 to 2001 to identify whether any progress had been made in narrowing disparities in education, life expectancy, and income.

Chapter three from Setting the Agenda for Change, vol. 1, which is vol. 1 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series.

Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2002.

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Media Consumption, Media Preferences and Communication Channels of Remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Audiences: Summary

Alternate Title
Radio: Audience, Preferences and Technologies
Remote Indigenous Media and Communications: Radio Listenership Summary
Documents & Presentations
Indigenous Remote Communications Association (IRCA)
Statistics for the remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander radio service such as: stations listened to regularly, rates of listenership, rates by population groups, language and content preferences, impact of mobile connectivity, sources of Government information, and listener demographics.
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Medical Survey of Nutrition among the Northern Manitoba Indians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
P.E. Moore
H.D. Kruse
F.F. Tisdall
R.S.C. Corrigan
Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 54, no. 3, March 1946, pp. 223-233
Study conducted by assessing records of purchases of staple food from the Hudson's Bay Company and physical examination of 400 individuals for diseases, concluded that malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies existed. Authors concluded characteristics of the "Indian race" such as"shiftlessness, indolence, improvidence and inertia" might be attributable to lack of suitable food.
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The Medicine Wheel Nutrition Intervention: A Diabetes Education Study With the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

Articles » General
Kendra K. Kattelmann
Kibbe Conti
Cuirong Ren
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, vol. 109, no. 9, September 2009, pp. 1532-1652
Description of a study to determine if Northern Plains Indians with type 2 diabetes mellitus, introduced to the medicine wheel concept, had better control of their diabetes than those who received the usual dietary education.
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Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Preference among American Indian People in the Northern Midwest

Articles » General
Melissa L. Walls
Kurt D. Johnson
Les B. Whitbeck
Dan R. Hoyt
Community Mental Health Journal, vol. 42, no. 6, December 2006, pp. 521-535
Study conducted through interviews with a sample of 865 individuals found that adults strongly preferred traditional informal services; recommendations for integrating these services into current medical models.
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Mental Health Study at a Major City Hospital

Articles » General
Michael Wright
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 20, no. 3, May/June 1996, pp. 19-22
Survey at the underlying factors for Aboriginal people re-presenting to the emergency department on numerous occasions within a short time period.
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