Displaying 2851 - 2900 of 4878

Montana Indians: Their History and Location

Alternate Title
Indian Education for All
Documents & Presentations
Division of Educational Opportunity and Equity, Montana Office of Public Instruction
Brief overview of Native Americans in Montana including a chronology of important events and dates and information on the contemporary status of Indians in Montana.
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Montreal Urban Aboriginal Health Needs Assessment

Alternate Title
MUAHC 2012 Needs Assessment
Documents & Presentations
Chantal Robillard
Eva Monson
Jennifer Mavritsakis
Study carried out to assess gaps approporate services and provide evidence to support establishment of holistic health centre.
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Morbidity and Mortality Rates in a Nova Scotia First Nations Community, 1996-1999

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Duncan Webster
Swarna Weerasinghe
Peter Stevens
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 95, no. 5, September/October 2004, pp. 369-374
Data gathered from Eskansoni, a large Mi'kmaq community located on Cape Breton, suggests that health promotion should target respiratory ailments, circulatory disease and diabetic management.
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Mortality Caused by Chronic Liver Disease among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999- 2009

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anil Suryaprasad
Kathy K. Byrd
John T. Redd
David G. Perdue
M. Michele Manos ... [et al.]
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 104, no. S3, Supplement 3, June 2014, pp. S350-S358
Comparison of chronic liver disease deaths between American Indians and Alaska Natives with other groups.
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Mortality in the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut, 1987-1996

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alexander Macaulay
Pamela Orr
Sharon Macdonald
Lawrence Elliott
Rosemary Brown ... [et al.]
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, Supplement 2, 2004, pp. 80-85
Looks at patterns of mortality and shows the leading cause of infant death was prematurity and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
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Mortality of Métis and Registered Indian Adults in Canada: An 11-Year Follow-up Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michael Tjepkema
Russell Wilkins
Sacha Senécal
Éric Guimond
Christopher Penney
Health Reports, vol. 20, no. 4, December 2009, pp. 1-21
Compares statistical patterns to those found in the non-Aboriginal population. Follow-up study to the 1991 Census. Data was tracked from June 4, 1991 to December 13, 2001.
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Mortality Trends Among Alaska Native People: Successes and Challenges

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter Holck
Gretchen Ehrsam Day
Ellen Provost
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, Supplement 1, 2013, p. article no. 21185
Examines mortality rates from the 2004-2008 time period for Alaska Natives/American Indians (AN/AI) and compares them to the overall population. Findings showed a 33% higher mortality rate compared to the rest of the population.
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Motor Vehicle Crashes and Alcohol Among American Indians and Alaska Natives

Alternate Title
The Surgeon General's Workshop on Drunk Driving: Background Papers
E-Books » Chapters
Philip A. May
Discusses the necessity of a comprehensive program which addresses both general conditions and specific prevention and intervention tasks. Excerpt from The Surgeon General's Workshop on Drunk Driving: Background Papers.
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Multiple Jeopardy: A Socio-economic Comparison of Men and Women among the Indian, Metis and Inuit Peoples of Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Linda M. Gerber
Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. 22, no. 3, Special Issue: First Nations: The Politics of Change and Survival, 1990, pp. 69-84
Uses 1986 census data to show disadvantages across all three Aboriginal groups and especially for women who are behind on socio-economic measurements.
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Multistate Assessment of Public Health Surveillance Relevant to American Indians and Alaska Natives, 2007

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jeanne Bertolli
Ed Chao
Michael Landen
Eden Wells
John Mosely
Zeenat Mahal
Ralph T. Bryan
Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, vol. 5, no. 1, Summer 2011, pp. 99-109
Uses online survey of State Epidemiologists to assess relationship between state health departments, Tribes and agencies.
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Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Housing Committee: Survey of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Band Members to Support the Design of an Affordable Housing Program: Final Report

Affordable Housing Program Development Committe
Outlines the results of initial survey conducted to gather information on urban band members' wants, needs and abilities in the area of home ownership. Report forms part of the Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.
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Narragunnawali Research Report #5: Preliminary Data Collection Findings

Documents & Presentations
Nicholas Biddle
Hannah Paddon
Karen Kellard
Updates the analysis of the factors associated with participation in a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and outlines preliminary findings from the qualitative and quantitative data collection. Includes five case studies.
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A Narrative of Research With, By, And For Aboriginal Peoples

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Angelina Baydala
Cheryl Placsko
Mary Hampton
Carrie Bourassa
Kim McKay-McNabb
Pimatisiwin, vol. 4, no. 1, Spring, 2006, pp. 47-65
Account of principled research practices using community based research methods, community involvement and traditional knowledge.
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Narratives of Social Justice: Learning in Innovative Clinical Settings

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sheryl Reimer Kirkham
Lynn Van Hofwegen
Catherine Hoe Harwood
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, vol. 2, no. 1, 2005, pp. 1-14
Looks at a study that examined undergraduate nursing students in innovative clinical placements, and how they bear witness to poverty, inequities, critical awareness, critical engagement, and social change.
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National Assessment of First Nations Water and Wastewater Systems: National Roll-Up Report: Final

Documents & Presentations
Neegan Burnside

Purpose of research was to define current deficiencies and operational requirements of systems, identify long-term needs for each community and review sustainable, long-term infrastructure strategies for the next ten years. Recommendations grouped by infrastructure needs, operations and capacity, and regulations and guidelines. Ninety-seven percent of First Nations participated in study.

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[National Atlas of Canada]: Indian and Eskimo Population, 1961

Alternate Title
Historical Changes in the Indian and Eskimo Population, 1800-1969
The Atlas of Canada, 4th Edition
Documents & Presentations
Mines and Resources Canada]
Shows the Indian and Inuit population as a percentage of the total national population by census division as of 1961.
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A National COVID-19 Pandemic Issues Paper on Mental Health and Wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Documents & Presentations
[Patricia Dudgeon
Kate Derry
Kerry Arabena
Tom Brideson
Sheree Cairney … [et al.]]
Details five key recommendations in the areas of the right to self-determination, health and mental health workforce, social and cultural determinants of health, digital and telehealth inclusion, and Indigenous data sovereignty.
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The National Crime Information Center (NCIC)--Missing Person File

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Russell J. Myers
Department of Justice Journal of Federal Law and Practice, vol. 69, no. 1, Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons: Law Enforcement and Prevention, January 2021, pp. 43-45
A description of the National Crime Information Center database and how to submit a missing person record. Entire issue on one PDF. To access article, scroll down to page 43.
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