First Nations Ways of Knowing: The Circle of Knowledge

Articles » General
Mark Aquash
First Nations Perspectives Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013, pp. 25-36
Comments on this unique research project, which stresses the demonstration of positive teaching strategies for Anishinaabe language fluency.
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First Nations Weather

Documents & Presentations
Lua Young
Teachers' guide looks at how First Nations survived the weather extremes of Saskatchewan and includes personal narratives and legends.
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First Peoples Hall: A Walk through a Rich History

Book Reviews
Andrea Laforet
David A. Morrison
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 85, no. 2, June 2004, p. 357
Book review of: First Peoples Hall by Andrea Laforet and David A. Morrison, curators at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Hull, P.Q.
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First Voices: An Aboriginal Women's Reader

Patricia D. Monture
Patricia D. McGuire
Beverley Jacobs
Alice Olsen Williams
Nora Bothwell
Lana Whiskeyjack ...
Kim Anderson
Renée E. Mzinegiizhigo-kwe Bédard
Lina Sunseri ...
Joane Cardinal-Shubert
Alex Wilson ...
Rita Joe ...
Deborah McGregor ...
Winona LaDuke ...
Monique Mojica ...
Michelle Cameron
Mary Sillet
Patti Doyle-Bedwell
Carol Leclair ...
Rosemarie Kuptana
Caroline L. Tait ...
Apryl Gladue ...
Sharon D. McIvor
Fran Sugar ...
Shirley Ida Williams-Pheasant
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First Voices: An Aboriginal Women's Reader

Book Reviews
Judy Iseke
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 30, no. 2, 2010, pp. 429-430
Book review of: First Voices edited by Patricia A. Monture, Patricia C. McGuire.
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Fish Drying Racks

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
Photograph of racks for drying fish at Middle Lake, Saskatchewan.
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Fish for the Family

Images » Photographs
Lois Dalby (photographer)
A set of 36 photographs of Lydia and Napthelie McKenzie and their family catching, preparing, and cooking fish.
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Fish Pluralities: Human-Animal Relations and Sites of Engagement in Paulatuuq, Arctic Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Zoe Todd
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 38, no. 1-2, Cultures Inuit, Gouvernance et Cosmopoliqitues / Inuit Cultures, Governance and Cosmopolitics, 2014, pp. 217-238
Looks at two case studies that demonstrate how the Inuvialuit employ multiple ways of knowing and defining fish to negotiate the complexity of the environment.
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Fish Soup for the Indigenous Soul: A Tool Kit For Siem Smun'eem Research and Training Network For Indigenous Well-Being. "Honoring Indigenous Knowledge and Practice"

Documents & Presentations
Jacquie Green
Rebecca Taylor
Looks at a research network developed through the collaboration of universities, agencies and communities in British Columbia to provide research training and resources for Indigenous people working in Indigenous child well-being and research.
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Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
An Inuk man fishing in the traditional style; location unknown. Part of the "Inuit of Keewatin" series (#22).
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The Fishweirs at Atherley Narrows, Ontario

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard B. Johnston
Kenneth A. Cassavoy
American Antiquity, vol. 43, no. 4, October 1978, pp. 697-709
Underwater survey reveals structures dating from Late Archaic period.
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Five Lessons From Five Weeks in Ulukhaktok

Articles » General
Linnaea Jasiuk
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 2, no. 1, The Arctic Council, September 2013, p. [?]
Author talks about experiences living in the Ulukhaktok, NWT while working for the Canadian Institute For Health Research.
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Flooding in Kashechewan First Nation: Is it an Environmental Justice Issue?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arshi Shaikh
Carol Kauppi
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 37, no. 2, 2017, pp. 105-130
Examines the reoccurring flooding in Kashechewan as a case study; finds that the repeated flooding and the corresponding damage to housing and community resources is a result of colonial practices, disregard for traditional knowledge, and forced relocations of First Nations people to flood zones.
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The Flux of Trust: Caribou Co-Management in Northern Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anne Kendrick
Environments, vol. 31, no. 1, 2003, pp. 43-59
Examines a joint management scenarios between traditional Aboriginal caribou hunters, government managers and biologists to share multiple perspectives on what is known about caribou systems and to identify the kinds of changes that are culturally and socially acceptable to traditional caribou hunting societies.
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Focus Inuit Research Agenda on Best Outcomes

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chris Cunningham
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 182, no. 3, February 23, 2010, pp. 228-229
Comments on research articles by Luo Zhong-Cheng on birth outcomes and food insecurity by Grace M. Egeland.
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Follow the Drum

Articles » General
Pamela Sexsmith
Windspeaker, vol. 21, no. 3, June 2003, p. Suppl.3

Highlights Gerald Okanee, lead singer of Saskatchewan's Big Bear Singers, who shares his knowledge about the drum and how the beat pits the powwow dancer's style against that of the the drummer's, sometimes "bucking off" the dancer.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.19.

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Following the Trails of Our Ancestors: Re-Grounding Tłįchǫ Knowledge on the Land

Alternate Title
Following the Trails of Our Ancestors: Re-Grounding Tlicho Knowledge on the Land
Articles » General
John B. Zoe
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 6, no. Special Issue 1, The Pan-Territorial on-the-Land Summit, July 2018, pp. 18-23
Author uses traditional stories of Yamozha to talk about the relationship that the Tłįchǫ (Tlicho) have historically had and are rebuilding with the land; draws on teachings of Elders to discuss the importance of language, sacred place names, and people “living in spirit with the environment, with the animals.” Video of conference presentation: Trails of our Ancestors Duration: 47:22
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Food Security in a Northern First Nations Community: An Exploratory Study on Food Availability and Accessibility

Articles » General
Teresa Socha
Mehdi Zahaf
Lori Chambers
Rawnda Abraham
Teri Fiddler
Journal of Aboriginal Health, vol. 8, no. 2, Connecting Place, People, and Health, March 2012, pp. 5-14
Looks at solutions to the crises of food insecurity and ill health including a food subsidy program and increased access to traditional foods.
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Food Sovereignty, Biopiracy and the Future

Alternate Title
Dodge Lecture ; 2012
Media » Film and Video
Winona LaDuke
Speaker discusses the importance of agro-diversity, how genetic engineering is eradicating heritage varieties by concentrating seed ownership, and activism to protect traditional food crops. Duration:1:31:23.
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Food the Indians Ate

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 5, no. 16, August 30, 1975, p. 16
A history of traditional dietary intake derived from hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering.
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For Indigenous Eyes Only: A Decolonization Handbook

Book Reviews
Ramona Peters
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 1, Burma Burning, Spring, 2008
Book review of: For Indigenous Eyes Only: A Decolonization Handbook edited by Waziyatawin Angela Wilson, Michael Yellow Bird, and Angela Cavender Wilson.
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For the Love of Our Children: An Indigenous Connectedness Framework

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jessica Saniguq Ullrich
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 2, June 2019, pp. 121-130
Author outlines a framework for well-being rooted in the concept of connectedness; the idea that wellness for Indigenous people comes from them being connected to their families, their communities, and the natural world.
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Forests for the Future: The View for Gitkxaala

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Wuyee Wi Medeek (John Lewis)
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 28, no. 1/2, Transformative Sites of Indigenous Education, 2004, pp. 8-14
Advocates a more collaborative, inclusive approach to natural resources management research.
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Fostering Indigeneity: The Role of Aboriginal Mothers and Aboriginal Early Child Care in Responses to Colonial Foster-Care Interventions

Alternate Title
Until Our Hearts Are on the Ground: Aboriginal Mothering, Oppression, Resistance, and Rebirth
E-Books » Chapters
Margo Greenwood
Sarah De Leeuw
Suggests that educating Aboriginal families in Indigenous ways of knowing and being would reduce child welfare interventions by territorial, provincial and federal governments. Chapter from Until Our Hearts Are on the Ground: Aboriginal Mothering, Oppression, Resistance, and Rebirth edited by Jeanette Corbiere Lavell and Dawn Memee Lavell-Harvard. Scroll down to read chapter.
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Four Directions: An Indigenous Educational Model

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Loriene Roy
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 13, no. 2, Fall, 1998, pp. 59-69
Describes activities to date of a five year educational program set up to train teachers in developing culturally appropriate curricula through technology.
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Four More Indigenous Projects for the Native American Humanities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Matthew Herman
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 31, no. 1-2, Spring-Summer, 2019, pp. 31-53
Builds on Linda Tuhiwai Smith's short essay "Twenty-Five Indigenous Projects," and in acknowledgement of the essay and its 20th anniversary offers four more projects specific to Native American Humanities: • Continuing • Reknowing • Sociologizing • Valuing
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Web Sites » Organizations
National Indigenous Literacy Association
Invert Media
Interactive website features teachings about the Indigenous knowledge and culture of five cultural groups: Blackfoot, Cree, Ojibwe, Mohawk and Mi'kmaq. Contains links to transcripts of the presentations and free curriculum packages for grades1-12.
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Framework for Aboriginal Capacity-Building in the Forest Sector

Documents & Presentations
Harry M. Bombay
Looks at the Aboriginal capacity in natural resources management involving issues that encompass governance, institutional arrangements with other levels of government, and human resource development and that promote forest sustainability, contribute to social and cultural well-being, and respond to major environmental matters such as climate change mitigation.
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Free Knowledge: Confronting the Commodification of Human Discovery

Alternate Title
[Gnaritas Nullius (No One's Knowledge): The Essence of Traditional Knowledge and Its Colonization through Western Legal Regimes]
[Indigenous Knowledge: A K’iche-Mayan Perspective]
[Renegotiated Relationships and New Understandings: Indigenous Protocols]
Joel Westheimer
Sally Mahood
Arthur Schafer
Claire Polster … Lorenzo Barreno
Gregory Younging
Jane Anderson … [et al.]
See Part 3: "Knowledge Sovereignty: Indigenous Resistance and Resiliencies".
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From Cognitive Imperialism to Indigenizing "The Learning Wigwam"

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lynn Gehl
World Indigenous Nations High Education Consortium Journal, [Indigenous Voices, Indigenous Research], 2010, pp. 11-25
Overview of Indigenous ways of knowing, education assimilation policy, first Nations control of education and post-secondary Indigenous Studies programs. Entire issue on one pdf. To read article scroll to p. 11.
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From Colonized Region to Globalized Region?: Challenges to Addressing Social Issues in Nunavik in the Transition to Regional Government

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nicole Ives
Oonagh Aitken
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 20, no. 3, Fall, 2009
Outlines globalization in a social context and examines how a new regional government can influence more traditional practices and values to address social issues and develop a strong economic, social, and cultural environment.
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From Expert to Acolyte: Learning to Understand the Environment from an Anishinaabe Point of View

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leanne R. Simpson
Paul Driben
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 3, 2000, pp. 1-19
Explains how to conduct land use research studies that meet the demands of academic requirements and simultaneously respects the Aboriginal communities participating. The article focuses on one specific example, that of the Long Lake First Nation.
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From Isotopes to TK Interviews: Towards Interdisciplinary Research in Fort Resolution and the Slave River Delta, Northwest Territories

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brent B. Wolfe
Derek Armitage
Sonia Wesche
Bronwyn E. Brock
Michael A. Sokal
et al.
Arctic, vol. 60, no. 1, March 2007, pp. 75-87
Discusses how integrating natural and social sciences and traditional knowledge can improve the understanding of how natural ecosystem functions and responds to various environmental stressors.
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From JSTOR to Jiní: Incorporating Traditional Knowledge in Teaching Information Literacy at Tribal Colleges

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rhiannon Sorrell
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 31, no. 1, The New Information Age, Fall, Aug 11, 2019
Discusses the challenges faced by tribal librarians as they work to teach information literacy in both mainstream news and social media outlets while incorporating traditional or Indigenous knowledge and teachings.
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