Displaying 551 - 600 of 1754

Final Report: Family Friendly Housing Initiative

Examines goals and structure of pilot project to provide affordable rental accommodations in Pleasant Hill area of Saskatoon. Report forms part of the Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.
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Final Report: Improving Housing Outcomes for Aboriginal People in Western Canada: National, Regional, Community and Individual Perspectives on Changing the Future of Homelessness

Documents & Presentations
Wilfreda E. Thurston
Nelly D. Oelke
David Turner
Cynthia Bird
Study included developing a database organizations providing housing services and their policies, procedures, and practices, case studies of effective organizations, and identification of best practices.
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Final Report: Profile of the State of Indian Children and Youth in Support of the Domestic Policy Council Workgroup on Indian Youth

Alternate Title
Profile of the State of Indian Children and Youth in Support of the Domestic Policy Council Workgroup on Indian Youth
Documents & Presentations
Michael H. Trujillo
Leo J. Nolan
Deborah Melton
Walter Hillabrant
Judy Earp ... [et al.]
"The goal of this study was to collect and organize existing information and to develop a set of recommendations to assist in the development of coordinated Federal policy."
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Finding Our Way Home: Research on Indigenous Homelessness in Surrey: Part 1: Research Report on Indigenous Homelessness in Canada

Alternate Title
Finding Our Way Home: Research on Indigenous Homelessness in Surrey: Part 2: What We Heard Report
Finding Our Way Home: Research on Indigenous Homelessness in Surrey: Part 3: Data Summary
Finding Our Way Home: Indigenous Homelessness in Surrey: Executive Summary
Documents & Presentations
Urban Matters

Related Material: Part 2: What We Heard Report; Part 3: Data Summary; Executive Summary.

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Findings From a Process Evaluation of an Indigenous Holistic Housing Support and Mental Health Case Management Program in Downtown Toronto

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michelle Firestone
Jessica Syrette
Teyohá:te Brant
Marie Laing
Steve Teekens
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 16, no. 2, Wisdom of the Elders: Honouring Spiritual Laws in Indigenous Knowledge, 2021, pp. 139-150

Looks at the Mino Kaanjigoowin (MK) program at Na-Me-Res (Native Men’s Residence) as model to provide help for the health of urban Indigenous people. 

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Fire Prevention in Aboriginal Communities

Alternate Title
Research Highlight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Highlight. Socio-economic Series ; 07-009
Documents & Presentations
[Policy and Research Division]
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Highlights from research report of same name.
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A First Nation Framework for Emergency Planning: A Community-Based Response to the Health and Social Effects from a Flood

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephanie Montesanti
Wilfreda E Thurston
David Turner
Reynold Medicine Traveler
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 14, no. 1, Physical Activity and Cultural Safety, May 28, 2019, pp. 85-106
Researchers in a community-university partnership evaluate the Siksika First Nations response to severe flooding in Southern Alberta in 2013; using what was learned then, alongside research literature from other First Nations Communities the team has created a framework for disaster response planning in First Nations Communities.
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The First Nation Governance System: A Brake on Closing the Community Well-being Gap

Alternate Title
Policy Brief (Institute on Governance) ; no. 36
Documents & Presentations
John Graham
Policy Brief (Institute on Governance)
Argues that current governance practices are responsible for the widening gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities, as measured by the Community Well-being Index (CWB). Scores are based on four factors: education, housing, labour force and income.
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First Nation Mold Remediation Case Study: Tsartlip First Nation

Alternate Title
First Nation Mould Remediation Case Study: Tsartlip First Nation
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Looks at effective solutions to moisture and mold problems in housing. Revised version. Originally published 2011.
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First National Conference on Injury Prevention and Control: Indigenous Workshop Report

Alternate Title
National Conference on Injury prevention and Control ; 1st, 1995
Articles » General
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 19, no. 4, July/August 1995, pp. 20-21
Very brief description of major issues and existing strategies, including substance abuse, stress through overcrowding, poor housing, and the effect of levels of mental health and social health. Concludes with recommendations.
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First Nations and Inuit Health: Health Status of First Nations On-Reserve in Atlantic Canada 2012

Alternate Title
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Atlantic Region Health Status Report, 2013
FNIHB Atlantic Region Health Status Report, 2010-2012
Documents & Presentations
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Atlantic Region
Health Canada
Data sources: 2007-2011 First Nation and Inuit Health Branch program reports and the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Pharmacy Claims database. Data from 2008-2010 First Nation Regional Longitudinal Health Survey (RHS), Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) and Statistics Canada are also included.
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First Nations and Inuit Health: Health Status of First Nations On-Reserve in Atlantic Canada 2013

Alternate Title
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Atlantic Region Health Status Report, 2013
FNIHB Atlantic Region Health Status Report, 2013
Documents & Presentations
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Atlantic Region
Health Canada
Information from First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (regional and national) program reports and the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Pharmacy Claims database for years 2008 to 2012. Data from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) and Statistics Canada are also included.
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First Nations Economies: A Comparative Perspective: a Socio-Economic Baseline Study between Cities and First Nation Communities [Full Report]

Alternate Title
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Documents & Presentations
Bert Waslander
Tyler Minty
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Compared 239 First Nations communities to similar mainstream communities matched by location and population size using five variables: connection to cities, economic base, local capacity, housing and recent growth.
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First Nations Effective Practices: Getting Things Done in Aboriginal Communities, Businesses and Organizations

Alternate Title
Research and Analysis Directorate Reports
Documents & Presentations
Research and Analysis Directorate
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
Compilation of 14 case study reports of initiatives in areas of education, economic development, community problem-solving, environmental and organizational management, service delivery, housing, and conducting negotiations.
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First Nations Guide to Housing Policy

Documents & Presentations
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Developed to assist and support development and implementation of a community-generated housing policy. Covers topics such as creating the regulatory environment, operation controls, housing program options, and home construction procedures and guidelines.
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First Nations Homeownership

Documents & Presentations
Chris Maracle
Brief discussion of existing government programs, various initiatives such as Revolving Loan Funds, First Nations Market Housing Fund, and Habitat for Humanity Canada's Indigenous Housing Partnership, and the experiences of Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory (TMT), Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, and Kahnawake.
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First Nations Housing Action Plan

Documents & Presentations
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Plan includes both short and long-term recommendations to alleviate problems with quantity and quality of housing and community infrastructure. Six elements: sustainable funding, institutional development, information and research capacity, financing, land management, and human resources.
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First Nations Housing and Building Crises: Management of the Change Process

Documents & Presentations
John Kiedrowski
Presents background information on home inspections in First Nation communities, issues surrounding Chiefs and Councils' failure to exercise governance in terms of the authority having jurisdiction (e.g. not passing by-laws enforcing compliance with National Building Code standards), and what that implies with respect to the construction of homes.
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First Nations Market Housing Fund Evaluation of the Broader Policy Implications for Housing On-Reserve: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Performance Measurement
and Review Branch
Audit and Evaluation Sector
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Study found market-driven initiatives were required, but no evidence of need for fund dedicated to credit enhancement, or that fund had increased home ownership and reduced reliance on federal assistance for social housing.
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First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Regional Longitudinal Health Survey 2002/03: Environmental Health Impact Assessment Survey: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
FNQLHSSC [First Nation of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission] Research Department
Topics included external environment, housing and infrastructure, nutrition, employment and economic development, education, justice and safety, health and social services, identity, and governance.
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First Nations On-Reserve Housing and Related Infrastructure Needs: Technical Report

Documents & Presentations
First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC)
Analysis of 309 responses from seven regions (Yukon, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Atlantic). Questionnaire was intended to gauge respondents experience and data sources, and gather basic information about the community, current housing stock and anticipated future needs.
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First Nations Only Too Familiar With Pandemics

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, May 1, 2009, p. A11
Discusses the long history First Nations people have had with epidemics often due to crowded living conditions and poverty.
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