Displaying 751 - 800 of 1754

Housing Issues in Nuuk (Greenland) and How To Get Students Involved

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jane Buus Sørensen
Ulla Willumsen
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 37, no. 1, Reconstructions du passé inuit / Reconstructions of the Inuit Past, 2013, pp. 175-193
Describes attempts to increase student engagement through the technology of a GIS program.
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A Housing Loan: Things To Know

Articles » General
Roy Simon (Koorie Dhoulagarle)
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, June 1981, pp. 46-47
Self described rehabilitating alcoholic describes his family's struggle to achieve home ownership by his encounters with the various additional costs to acquiring a house.
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Housing, Long Term Care Facilities, and Services for Homeless and Low-Income Urban Aboriginal People Living with HIV/AIDS

Alternate Title
Research Highlight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Highlight. Socio-economic Series; 04-019
Documents & Presentations
[Policy and Research Division]
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Summary of study which conducted survey of service providers and facilities in select Canadian cities, and five individuals with the disease. Found that existing facilities were under-utilized and more culturally relevant options were needed. Originally published in 2004, revised in 2010.
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Housing Mismatch for Métis in Northern Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Katherine L. Chislett
Milford B. Green
Robert M. Bone
Canadian Geographer, vol. 31, no. 4, June 1987, pp. 341-346
Used the 1976 Northern Saskatchewan Housing Needs Survey to evaluate Dept. of Northern Saskatchewan's Northern Housing Program; argues that problems of high mortgage arrears,vandalism, abandonments and rapid deterioration of housing indicates that the dwellings provided do not match the needs of the occupants.
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Housing Need among North American Indians without Indian Status in Canada, 1991

Alternate Title
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series ; no. 38, 1997
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series
Data derived from Aboriginal Peoples Survey and 1991 Census was applied to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's core housing need model. Households that fail to meet one or more standards for adequacy, suitability or affordability and whose income is insufficient to afford rental housing that meets standards are considered to be in need.
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Housing Need among Off-Reserve Aboriginal Lone Parents in Canada

Alternate Title
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series ; no. 34, 1997
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series
Data derived from Aboriginal Peoples Survey and 1991 Census was applied to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's core housing need model. Households that fail to meet one or more standards for adequacy, suitability or affordability and whose income is insufficient to afford rental housing that meets standards are considered to be in need.
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Housing Need among Off-Reserve Status Indian Households in Canada, 1991

Alternate Title
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research and Development Highlights. Socio-economic Series ; no. 37, 1997
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Data derived from Aboriginal Peoples Survey and 1991 Census was applied to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's core housing need model. Households that fail to meet one or more standards for adequacy, suitability or affordability and whose income is insufficient to afford rental housing that meets standards are considered to be in need.
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Housing Need among the Inuit in Canada, 1991

Alternate Title
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series ; no. 35, 1997
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series
Data derived from Aboriginal Peoples Survey and 1991 Census was applied to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's core housing need model. Households that fail to meet one or more standards for adequacy, suitability or affordability and whose income is insufficient to afford rental housing that meets standards are considered to be in need.
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Housing Need among the Métis in Canada, 1991

Alternate Title
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series ; no. 36, 1997
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series
Data derived from Aboriginal Peoples Survey and 1991 Census was applied to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's core housing need model. Households that fail to meet one or more standards for adequacy, suitability or affordability and whose income is insufficient to afford rental housing that meets standards are considered to be in need.
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Housing Need in Metropolitan Areas, 1991 Canada's Aboriginal Peoples

Alternate Title
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series ; no. 21, 1995
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series
Uses data from the 1991 Census and applies the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation's core housing need model. Compares Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal households.
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Housing Needs in First Nations Communities

Articles » General
Stewart Clatworthy
Canadian Issues, Journeys of a Generation: Broadening the Aboriginal Well-being Policy Research Agenda, Winter, 2009, pp. 19-24
Provides an overview of the housing needs and estimates of the financial resources required to address those needs. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article, scroll to page 19.
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Housing Needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives in Tribal Areas: A Report from the Assessment of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs

Alternate Title
Housing Needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives in Urban Areas: A Report from the Assessment of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs
Housing Needs of Native Hawaiians: A Report from the Assessment of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs
Mortgage Lending on Tribal Land: A Report from the Assessment of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs
Documents & Presentations
Nancy Pindus
G. Thomas Kingsley
Jennifer Biess
Diane Levey
Jasmine Simington ... [et al.]

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The Housing Needs of the Métis People

Alternate Title
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Documents & Presentations
David A. Boivert
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Discusses Métis identity, numbers and locations where they live, data about social and economic conditions with particular attention to income data and analysis of distribution by household type, and review of information on major housing problems in different regions of Canada, numbers in core housing need and the importance of social housing programs.
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Housing Outcomes for Rural and Urban (Off-Reserve) Indigenous Peoples

Alternate Title
Research Insight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Documents & Presentations
Big River Analytics
Using data from Census of Population, the Aboriginal Peoples Survey, and the Canadian Community Health Survey, authors analyze socio-economic outcomes in relation to household and dwelling characteristics and in relation to identity group, geography, and demographic characteristics.
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Housing Status and Health Outcomes in Aboriginal People Living with HIV/AIDS in Ontario: The Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
LaVerne Monette
Sean B. Rourke
Ruthann Tucker
Saara Greene
Michael Sobata
et al.
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 2, Winter, 2009, pp. 41-60
Contends that the situation for all Aboriginal people living with HIV is worse than for others living with HIV based on a study of 80 Aboriginal people living both on and off reserve.
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Housing Suitability for Aboriginal Households in First Nations Communities by Degree of Community Accessibility

Alternate Title
Research Insight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Insight. Housing Indicators and Analytics ; October, 2016
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Combines statistics on extent of crowding (fewer bedrooms than household requires) with degree of accessibility by road. Data from 2011 National Household Survey and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada's First Nations communities geography.
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Housing the Homeguard at Moose Factory: 1730-1982

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carol Judd
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, 1983, pp. 23-37
Traces the historical and social aspects of a housing site initially built by employees of the Hudson Bay Company post, which became a Metis settlement.
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How to Build an Igloo

Alternate Title
Arctic Notebook No. 1
Media » Film and Video
Douglas Wilkinson
Short "how to" video reveals the skills needed to construct an igloo. Duration: 10:32.
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How to Improve First Nations Housing

Alternate Title
Policy Brief (Institute on Governance) ; no. 31
Documents & Presentations
John Graham
Gail Motsi
Policy Brief (Institute on Governance)
Argues that communities cannot look to others to provide successful housing strategies but must approach the problem from the perspective of political will and governance.
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“I feel safe just coming here because there are other Native brothers and sisters”: Findings from a Community-based Evaluation of the Niiwin Wendaanimak Four Winds Wellness Program

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michelle Firestone
Jessica Syrette
Tessa Jourdain
Vivian Recollet
Janet Smylie
Canadian Journal of Public Health , vol. 110, no. 4, August 2019, pp. 404-413

Study evaluates community services available to homeless and at risk Indigenous people in Toronto. Found that the collaborative services model currently in place used inclusive and harm reduction models to create a non-judgmental space; identified program strengths, challenges, and gaps and makes policy recommendations.

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I’taamohkanoohsin (everyone comes together): (Re)connecting Indigenous people experiencing homelessness and substance misuse to Blackfoot ways of knowing

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janice Victor
Melissa Shouting
Chelsey DeGroot
Les Vonkeman
Mark Brave Rock
Roger Hunt
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 14, no. 1, Physical Activity and Cultural Safety, May 28, 2019, pp. 42-59
Assesses the impact of a culture-centered healing program for urban Indigenous people living with addictions and homelessness. Results indicate that attendees experienced a safe space which in which relationships were strengthened, and felt connected to others and to their own spirits; program was informed by a two-eyed seeing approach and provided meaningful activities away from substance.
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Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
An igloo; location unknown. Part of the "Innuit of Keewatin" series (#6).
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Ilisagvik Students Build Sustainable Arctic Home

Articles » General
Elise Sereni Patkotak
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 21, no. 2, K-12 Education, Winter, 2009
Reports on a pilot project by students of an Alaskan College to build affordable and sustainable homes for the Arctic.
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Impacts of a Peer Support Program For Street-Involved Youth

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cheryl L. Curries
Patti LaBoucane-Benson
Pimatisiwin, vol. 9, no. 1, Summer, 2011, pp. 177-191
Looks at a program that brings together university students with homeless youth to share information and experiences in a safe, supportive environment.
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Implementing Indigenous Youth Peer Mentorship: Insights from the By Youth For Youth Project

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jessie I. Lund
Christopher J. Mushquash
Hugette Carty
Tina Bobin-ski
Sidney Lichtenstein ... [et al.]
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 17, no. 2, 2022, pp. 64-81

Examines the effectiveness of Indigenous youth who once experience homelessness serving as peer mentors to other homeless Indigenous youth.

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