Displaying 701 - 750 of 1754

Honouring Lives: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Marie Laing
Michelle Firestone
Jessica Syrette
Authors conducted key informant interviews with people who had known five homeless individuals who had died within the previous three years to develop a "lifeline map" of the subject's experiences from childhood to death. Significant events such as family separation and apprehension by child welfare agencies, relationships, instances of violence, incarceration, and hospitalizations were tracked to gain a picture of their lives and insight into the events leading up to their deaths.
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Hot Lunch Program One of Many Services to Community

Articles » General
Joan Black
Windspeaker, vol. 16, no. 12, April 1999, p. 13 s

Brief profile of Elder Theresa Stevenson, recipient of the National Aboriginal Achievement Award for Community Development. Theresa is recognized for her devotion to humanitarian causes such as advocating for Aboriginal role models in schools, hot lunch programs, and low income housing.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.33.

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House at Batoche used as a Barracks by the Metis in 1885

Images » Photographs
Image of a house used as a barracks by the Metis during the Northwest Resistance. On back of photo: "House built in 1879 and Â’80 by Xavier Batoche. Used as store and dwelling. In 1885 used as barracks by the Metis."
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House at Battleford

Images » Photographs
Original description reads: "A house at Battleford remaining from the Riel Rebellion days."
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Household Crowding and Food Insecurity among Inuit Families with School-Aged Children in the Canadian Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Maria Ruiz-Castell
Gina Muckle
Éric Dewailly
Joseph L. Jacobson
Sandra W. Jacobson
Pierre Ayotte ... [et al.]
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 105, no. 3, March 2015, pp. e122-e132
Study conducted between 2005 and 2010 with 292 participants living in 14 Nunavik communities found that likelihood of reducing size of children's meals was higher in crowded households.
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Housing Adequacy for Aboriginal Households in First Nations Communities by Degree of Community Accessibility

Alternate Title
Research Insight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Insight. Housing Indicators and Analytics ; October, 2016
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Combines statistics on housing needing only regular maintenance or minor repairs with degree of accessibility by road. Data from 2011 National Household Survey and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada's First Nations communities geography.
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Housing as Northern Community Development: A Case Study of the Homeownership Assistance Program (HAP) in Fort Good Hope, Northwest Territories

Alternate Title
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Report. External Research Program
Documents & Presentations
William E. Rees
J. David Hulchanski
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Evaluates success of program, identifies key strengths and weaknesses, recommends improvements, and suggests how positive aspects could be shared with other communities.
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Housing Characteristics and Conditions

Articles » General
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 22, no. 2, March/April 1998, pp. 24-25
Describes the publication on the housing status of Australia's Indigenous people. Less than 30% of Indigenous people owned their home compared to a 70% home ownership rate of non-Indigenous Australians.
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Housing Conditions and Respiratory Hospitalizations among First Nations People in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gisèle M. Carrière
Rochelle Garner
Claudia Sanmartin
Health Reports, vol. 28, no. 4, April 2017, pp. 9-15
Even after adjusting for housing conditions, household income and residential location, odds were three times higher for on-reserve First Nations and two times higher for off-reserve First Nations than for non-Aboriginals. Data from the 2006 Census linked to the Discharge Abstract Database were used.
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Housing Conditions in 2 Canadian First Nations Communities

Alternate Title
First Nations Housing
Housing Conditions in Two Canadian First Nations Communities
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Linda Larcombe
Peter Nickerson
Matthew Singer
Robert Robson
Joseph Dantouze
Lloyd McKay
Pamela Orr
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 70, no. 2, 2011, pp. 141-153
Looks at the association between poor housing, crowded living conditions, and self-reported tuberculosis.
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Housing Conditions of Aboriginal Households Living On-reserve, Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2011, [2006 and 2001]

Alternate Title
Canadian Housing Observer
[Aboriginal Housing Conditions]
Data » Tables
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Statistical table broken down into living in/able to access adequate and suitable housing, and living below adequacy and suitability standards and unable to access acceptable housing for owners, renters and band housing in Canada as whole, as well as each province/territory. Each Census year on separate tab. Source: CMHC (National Household-based housing indicators and data).
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Housing Conditions of Aboriginal Households Living Outside Reserves, Canada, All-CMA [Census Metropolitan Area] Total, and Non-CMA/CA Areas 2011, [2006, 2001]

Alternate Title
Canadian Housing Observer
[Aboriginal Housing Conditions]
Data » Tables
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Statistical table broken down into living in/able to access acceptable housing, and living in core housing need by type of need. Each Census year on separate tab. Source: CMHC (National Household-based housing indicators and data).
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Housing Conditions of Aboriginal Households Living Outside Reserves, Canada, Provinces, Territories and Metropolitan Areas, 2011, [2006 and 2001]

Alternate Title
Canadian Housing Observer
[Aboriginal Housing Conditions]
Data » Tables
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Statistical table broken down into living in/able to access acceptable housing and living in core housing need by type of need for owners and renters in Canada as a whole, as well as provinces/territories. Each Census year on separate tab. Source: CMHC (National Household-based housing indicators and data).
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The Housing Conditions of Aboriginal People in Canada

Alternate Title
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series ; no. 27, 1996
Research and Development Highlights. Socio-Economic Series
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Research and Development Highlights (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Socio-economic Series
Combines data from the 1991 Census and Aboriginal Peoples Survey and applies the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation's core housing need model. Compares Aboriginal to non-Aboriginal households.
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The Housing Conditions of Off-Reserve Aboriginal Households

Documents & Presentations
Amran Wali
Uses information from the 2016 Census and measures of acceptable housing and core housing need (CHN). Includes statistics for rate of improvement, housing standards and CHN need status, rate of CHN, share of households in CHN and standards not met, and income and shelter costs.
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Housing Crunch Taking Its Toll On Saskatoon Families

Articles » General
Andrea Ledding
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 10, October 2008, p. 12
Comments on the many impacts large rent increases are having on low-income people. Article located by scrolling to page 12.
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Housing Discrimination among a Sample of Aboriginal People in Winnipeg and Thompson, Manitoba

Alternate Title
Setting the Agenda for Change ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 1st, 2002
E-Books » Chapters
Irwin M. Cohen
Raymond R. Corrado
vol. 1

Looks at perceived housing discrimination and the reactions and effects.

Chapter six from Setting the Agenda for Change, vol. 1, which is also vol. 1 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series.

Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2002.

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Housing Discrimination among a Sample of Aboriginal People in Winnipeg and Thompson, Manitoba

Alternate Title
Setting the Agenda for Change ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 1st, 2002
E-Books » Chapters
Irwin M. Cohen
Raymond R. Corrado
vol. 1

Looks at perceived housing discrimination and the reactions and effects.

Chapter six from Setting the Agenda for Change, vol. 1, which is also vol. 1 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series.

Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2002.

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Housing Discrimination and Aboriginal People in Winnipeg and Thompson, Manitoba

Alternate Title
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Documents & Presentations
Corrado Research and Evaluation Associates
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Results of survey which asked questions about renting, homeownership and discrimination, perceived discrimination in the last five years, and how it may have impacted social cohesion. Sample size of 300 in Winnipeg and 100 in Thompson.
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Housing Education Program: Eastmain Pilot Project

Alternate Title
Research Highlight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Highlight. Socio-economic Series ; 04-010
Documents & Presentations
[Line Gullison]
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Summary of study involving consultation with Cree Nation of Eastmain about finding solutions to non-payment of rent in its social housing.
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Housing Education Program Phase A: A Summary and Consultation Regarding Existing Rental Housing in Cree Communities (Eastmain Pilot Project) 2001: Final Report

Alternate Title
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Report. External Research Program
Documents & Presentations
Martin Desgagné
Isabelle Champagne
Maïti Chagny
Research Report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Main objective was to identify factors that lead to non-payment of rent and subsequent neglect in housing maintenance, and inform each party (financial/CMHC, Band, tenants) of their responsibilities.
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Housing Experiences in Canada: Inuit in 2016

Alternate Title
Housing Statistics in Canada
Documents & Presentations
Zachary Thurston
Jeff Randie
Includes information on: tenure status of household, shelter costs, affordability and suitability, condition of dwelling, core housing need, and living arrangements for Inuit living in private dwellings. Data from the 2016 Census.
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Housing Experiences in Canada: Métis in 2016

Alternate Title
Housing Statistics in Canada
Documents & Presentations
Zachary Thurston
Jeff Randie
Includes information on: tenure status of household, shelter costs, affordability and suitability, condition of dwelling, core housing need, and living arrangements for people living in private dwellings. Differentiates between those living in urban and rural areas. Data from 2016 Census.
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Housing Experiences in Canada: Status First Nations People in 2016

Alternate Title
Housing Statistics in Canada
Documents & Presentations
Zachary Thurston
Jeff Randle
Includes information on: tenure status of household, shelter costs, affordability and suitability, condition of dwelling, core housing need, and living arrangements for people living in private dwellings. Differentiates between those living in urban and rural areas. Data from 2016 Census.
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Housing for Aboriginal Children & Youth: The Need for a Holistic Approach

Alternate Title
Finding Home: Policy Options for Addressing Homelessness in Canada
E-Books » Chapters
National Council of Welfare
Chapter 6.1 from: Finding Home: Policy Options for Addressing Homelessness in Canada edited by J. David Hulchanski, Phillippa Campsie, Shirley B.Y. Chau, Stephen H. Hwang, Emily Paradis.
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Housing for Aboriginal Youth in the Inner City of Winnipeg

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jason Brown
Dilly Knol
Sonia Prevost-Derbecker
Kelly Andrushko
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 3, no. 2, Special Issue: Adolescent Development, Mental Health, and Promising Research Directions , 2007, pp. 56-64
Found that homeless youth wanted more than just a place to sleep, they wanted a home that was safe, nurturing and long-term. The article also mentions the need for the expansion of community-based and community-driven housing.
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Housing Inadequacy in Rural Saskatchewan First Nation Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shelley Kirychuk
Eric Russell
Donna Rennie
Chandima Karunanayake
Clarice Roberts
Jeremy Seeseequasis
Brooke Thompson
Kathleen McMullin
Vivian R. Ramsden
Mark Fenton
Sylvia Abonyi
Punam Pahwa
James A. Dosman
PLOS GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH, vol. 2, no. 8, 2022

Using surveys to examine the housing conditions for Saskatchewan Indigenous communities. 

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Housing Indian Elders On-reserve

Alternate Title
Research Report (Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation)
Research Report. External Research Program
Documents & Presentations
Randy Pecarski
Margaret Eberle
David Hulchanski
Consists of literature review, review of federal policies and programs, demographic analysis and case study of Lytton First Nation's senior citizen complex.
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