Displaying 1801 - 1850 of 3132

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dean Jacobs, Walpole Island Heritage Centre

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Dean Jacobs of the Walpole Island Heritage Centre. Jacobs delivers a slide presentation with commentary on the history of Walpole Island and the Ojibwa community there. Issues raised include environmental destruction, the fur industry and the detrimental impact of the anti-fur activists on the Aboriginal economy in the area, fisheries and hunting concerns. Following the presentation Commissioner Chartrand and Erasmus make brief comments.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Deanna Grey Eyes, Pat Shirt and Wilson Okeymaw, National Association of Treatment Directors

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Deanna Grey Eyes, Pat Shirt and Wilson Okeymaw focusing on their organization's goals, including relevant and timely program development and delivery; cultural programming to increase awareness of Aboriginal culture and individual self-esteem; using Aboriginal counsellors as role models; and introducing or strengthening their clients' traditional spirituality. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Debbie Foxcraft, Manager USMA Nuu-Chah-Nulth Housing and Related Infrastructure

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Debbie Foxcraft, Manager, USMA Nuu-chah-nulth Housing and Related Infrastructure. Commissioner Georges Erasmus asks Foxcraft a variety of questions related to her organization and its activities in the sphere of child and family services to which Foxcraft replies. Following this are some comments by Commissioner for the day Nelson Keitlah on children's issues.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Debbie Groat, Community Education Liason Co-ordinator, Liard First Nations #3

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Debbie Groat that focuses on the lack of Aboriginal cultural content, a drop-out rate of students and the lack of parental support as roadblocks to improving the educational system for Aboriginal youth. Groat states that the problems continue when students graduate from high school and seek post-secondary education. Following the presentation is a discussion with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Debra Alvisatos, Fredericton, Native Centre (With Comments from Dan Innis)

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Debra Alvisatos, a Mohawk woman and executive director of the Fredericton Native Friendship Centre. Alvisatos presentations deals with her organization whose purpose is to help Aboriginal people (the majority of whom are Micmac and Maliseet) to adjust to urban life. She discusses how urban Aboriginal people have been ignored in the past, and the need to both consult with them and define their rights in order to facilitate self-governance and effective administration.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Debra Hanley

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Debra Hanley. Hanley gives a summary and follow-up of eight commission and inquiry reports on Aboriginal justice issues. These include federally: "Creating Choices, the Task Force on Federally Sentenced Women"; "A Law Refrom Commission Report on Aboriginal People and Criminal Justice"; and, "The Indian Policing Task Force" provincially: "The Marshall Inquiry"; "The Manitoba Justice Inquiry"; "The Saskatchewan Indian and Metis Justice Review Committees"; and "The Alberta Causy (PH) Commission".
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Delbert Majer

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a portion of a transcript of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Regina Friendship Centre, Regina, Saskatchewan. This portion of the Commission includes a presentation made by Delbert Majer in the youth circle on the topic of youth involvement in the Aboriginal Community and the education system after which a discussion of the presentation is recorded.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Della Magurie, Drug and Alcohol Counsellor, Friendship Centre

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Della Maguire, Drug and Alcohol Counsellor at the MicMac Native Friendship Centre. Maguire makes a series of recommendations to the Commission for increased funding, staffing, and assistance. Following Maguire's presentation Commissioners Erasmus and Robinson discuss some of the issues raised with her.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Delores Trudeau, Educational Counsellor, Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation

Documents & Presentations
Delores Trudeau
File contains a presentation by Delores Trudeau relating to counselling of Aboriginal students as an integral part of the education process. Trudeau recommends that counsellors be given adequate resources to fulfill their duties, be given the opportunity to acquire a university degree, and that a salary grid be based on experience and qualification. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Deninu Kue First Nation, Closing Prayer

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation Chief Bernadette Unka of the Deninu Kue First Nation. Chief Unka discusses the history of her people who reside at Fort Resolution, NWT. Chief Unka discusses how Treaty, Metis, and Euro-Canadian people were at one time united in one government at the community, but how her people re-established band governance in 1990 due to their Treaty rights being slowly eroded.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Deninu Kue First Nation, Irvin Norn

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Irvin Norn of the Deninu Kue First Nation. Norn, the Band Administrator, discusses the historical background, the concerns, and the day-to-day issues that his band experiences with respect to membership. Norn discusses Treaty Eight, social services, education, justice, housing, health, renewable and non-renewable resources, and taxation. Following the presentation Commissioners Georges Erasmus and Paul Chartrand discuss some of the issues raised with Norn.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Denis Tardif, President, L'Association Canadienne Francaise de L'Alberta

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Denis Tardif that begins with a brief history of Aboriginal and Francophone relations in Alberta. He states that "Canadian society consists of three major national communities; the native national community, the Francophone national community and the anglophone national community." These groups must work together "to succeed in the great goal of building a just Canadian society." A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dennis Cleaver and Cliff Dezell

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Prince George, British Columbia. This part includes a presentation by Dennis Cleaver and Cliff Dezell of the Prince George Regional Hospital on the topic of educational opportunities in the health care system with potential of employment for the Aboriginal Community.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dennis Gedeon, New Brunswick Aboriginal People's Council

Documents & Presentations
File contains a wide-ranging presentation by Dennis Gedeon, New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples' Council, with brief remarks by Carol Wortman of the same organization. Gedeon discusses the history of his organization, its aims, his views on the Constitution, intergovernmental relations, non-status Indians, self-governance, economic development, the Indian Act, Bill C31, Justice and Education issues.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dennis Riehl, Manitoba Hydro

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Dennis Riehl, Manitoba Hydro. Riehl makes a presentation on behalf of Manitoba Hydro discussing its composition and operations, its' relations with Aboriginal communities, project impacts, environmental issues, employment issues, and a series of plans being pursued to deal with past issues. Following the presentation Commissioners Chartrand and Wilson discuss some of the issues raised with Riehl and his colleague, Fred Wonnick.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dennis Sapp and Victor Cote Representing Disabled Aboriginal Persons

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Dennis Sapp and Victor Cote describing the difficulties of being disabled in Saskatoon. They believes changes in the disabled transit service, and in policies for housing, education and employment would benefit all Aboriginal disabled people. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dennis Thorne

Documents & Presentations
Dennis Thorne
File contains a presentation by Dennis Thorne. Thorne, whose Oglala Lakota (Sioux) name is Tungan Cikala, speaks on the topic of "Protection of Traditional Spiritual Beliefs." Included in his presentation are problems with the Canadian border and the guards measures there against Aboriginal holy people (Thorne argues that the Jay Treaty enshrines freedom of movement for Aboriginal people across the Canada-U.S.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Denny Grisdale, District No. 70 School Board

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Denny Grisdale, District No. 70 School Board. Grisdale discusses the trust and relationship between his School District and the Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council. He relates several anecdotes about the importance of First Nations language instruction, First Nations teaching approachs, and respect for First Nations culture in a more general sense. Grisdale then introduces the next presenter who is also from his school board, Donna Brett.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Deputy Minister Joe Hanly on behalf of the NWT Minister of Renewable Resources

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Deputy Minister Joe Hanly on behalf of Titus Alooloo, Minister of Renewable Resources for the Government of the Northwest Territories. Hanly discusses "Aboriginal people's need to use natural resources to sustain themselves," and the "involvement of Aboriginal people in resource management." Hanly discusses co-management agreements and how government can form relationships with Aboriginal peoples to effectively manage natural resources. Following the presentation the assembled Commissioners discuss some of the issues raised with Hanly.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Desmond Peters

Documents & Presentations
File contains a brief presentation by Desmond Peters focuses on community development. He mentions government policy aimed at assimilation and particularly Bill C-31 that has left Aboriginals "in a dysfunctional state in our own communities. He then introduces the next speaker, Leonie Rivers.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Diane Dokkie, Education Coordinator, Saulteau First Nation

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Diane Dokkie. Dokkie discusses Aboriginal education concerns in Fort St. John. She emphasizes the need for curriculum changes, greater understanding and awareness on the part of non-Aboriginal educators, and related concerns. Dokkie also discusses band schools. Following the presentation the assembled Commissioners engage Dokkie in a discussion on some of these issues.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Diane Ludwig and Elaine Boucher, Native Education Committee of Lac La Biche

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Diane Ludwig and Elaine Boucher relating to educational issues concerning Aboriginal students in Lac La Biche and area. Both women address a number of concerns with students, such as assisting those in unstable family situations or those who are abusing drugs and alcohol. Ludwig feels that if a co-ordinator was hired, then the small groups and committees within the Native Education Program would be streamlined and thus serve the students better. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Diane Schribe-MacPherson, Brandon University Native Organization

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Diane Schribe-MacPherson, relating the apathy of Aboriginal students towards improving campus life and the lack of co-operation between the Students Union and the BU Native Organization. She also deals with several issues personally affecting her life as a post-secondary student. A discussion with the Commissioners follows the three Brandon University presentations.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dick MacKenzie, President, Sioux Lookout Chamber of Commerce

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by President Dick MacKenzie of the Sioux Lookout Chamber of Commerce. MacKenzie discusses a pilot project for Aboriginal participation and interaction with the Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Chartrand discusses the project with MacKenzie, after which the other assembled Commissioners offer comments and thanks. Following this MP Robert Nault offers thanks to the day's participants, and Charles Fox and Stan Beardy make closing remarks to end the day's sitting.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dokis First Nation, Chief Tim Restoule

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Tim Restoule
File contains a presentation by Chief Tim Restoule of the Dokis First Nation. Chief Restoule discusses land rights, hunting and fishing, economic development, education and health concerns. Following the presentation the assembled Commissioners discuss some of the issues raised with Chief Restoule.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dolores Andre, Debbie Dedam and Veronique Thusky, Les femmes autochtones en milieu urbain

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Dolores Andre, Debbie Dedam and Veronique Thusky focusing on the view that "urban Aboriginal women should have inherent rights like all of the First Nations." Their group offers the following recommendations for urban Aboriginal women: Access to social, health and child care services equal to those of the communities; construction of a network of housing co-operatives be developed in Montreal, Quebec City and Hull, which would be accessible to all Aboriginal people; and that greater financial resources be allocated to the Pathway to Success program to provi
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dominic Eshkakogan

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Dominic Eshkakogan
The file contains a presentation by Dominic Eshkakogan. Eshkakogan, an Elder from the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation, discusses the legacy of residential schools, the need for spiritual healing, the impact of diabetes on Aboriginal people, language issues, problems getting funding to community level programs. Eshkakogan references the personal impact these issues have had on him as a First Nations politician, residential school survivor, and someone dying of diabetes-related illnesses.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Don Auger, Nisknawbe-Aski Legal Services

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Don Auger relating to the legal system and an Aboriginal system of justice. He provides background on the justice system Aboriginals used pre-contact and states that the present Canadian justice system "does not address problems specific to Aboriginal people." Auger leaves with the Commission a glossary of legal terms translated into Ojicree, Northwest Ojibwe and Cree. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Don McLean

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Don McLean, a status Indian Micmac man who lives off reserve. McLean lists two issues he would like the Commission to discuss: namely, the allocation of federal funding to bands not reaching off-reserve members, and compensation for women who lost their status by marrying non-Aboriginal men. Following the presentation are a few brief remarks by Georges Erasmus.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Don Robertson, Director, Brandon University Teacher Education Program (BUNTEP)

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Don Robertson focusing on the negative effects of federal and provincial government funding cuts to the BUNTEP program. He offers four recommendations to the Commissioners, including that funding be made available to advanced training programs in areas that have been identified by northern communities, such as counselling, recreation, community development and adult education. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Donald D. McKinnon

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Donald D. Cameron focusing on the forestry and mining industry. He urges the Commission to "endorse the concept of multi-use of Canada's natural resources, not just by tourist outfitters, trappers, fishermen and mining and forestry companies, but by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal." A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Donald Thompson

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Prince George, British Columbia. This part includes a presentation by Donald Thompson regarding treatment of Metis with hunting and land laws. Questions from the assembled commissioners are also included with the answers that were provided.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Donna Brett, Former Chairperson of School District No. 70

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Donna Brett, Former Chairperson of British Columbia School District No. 70. Brett is introduced by the preceding presenter, Denny Grisdale. Brett presents an artistic picture to the Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council "in Recognition of the Growing Co-operation Between the School District and Its People." Following Brett's brief remarks on the symbol of the two organization's relationship, Danny Grisdale briefly discusses some of the contracts between his School District and the Tribal Council.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Doris Fisher and Jackie Esquimox-Hamelin, Gazhaadaawgamik Native School, Toronto, Ontario

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Doris Fisher and Jackie Esquimox-Hamelin who are employees of the Gazhaadaawgamik Native School, a daycare for Aboriginal children. The purpose of the daycare is to have urban Aboriginal children retain their native languages and cultural identity in a full immersion setting. The presenters state that Aboriginal political leaders need to lobby for permanent responsibility for Aboriginal child care centres across Canada. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Doris Ronnenberg and Richard Long, Native Council of Canada

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Doris Ronnenberg and Richard Long focusing on practical models for the financing of urban self-government, including delivery of services to Alberta off-reserve Aboriginal people. They state that an Aboriginal government should be respected as a form of government, just like that provincial and federal governments. The speakers will submit a written presentation to the Commission at a later date. A brief question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Doris Ronnenberg, Native Council of Alberta

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Doris Ronnenberg and Roy Littlechief focusing on two issues: the perceived lack of fairness and equity of access in dealing with the Tribal Council in Alberta, and a double standard contained in the new off-loading or downloading agreement in Social Services delivery signed in 1991 by the governments of Canada and Alberta. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Doris Young, Founding President, Indigenous Women's Collective

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Doris Young of the Indigenous Women's Collective regarding Aboriginal women's issues/views in the realm of the justice system, schools, the Indian Act, training and employment, political systems, and self-governance. Young also stresses the need for Aboriginal women's participation in the establishment of a Charter of Rights for Aboriginal People should such legislation be enacted.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dorothy Betz, President, Ke Ki Nan Centre

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Dorothy Betz, President of the Ke Ki Nan Centre. Presenting alongside Dorothy is Claire Ross, Property manager of the Ke Ki Nan Centre. The Centre was the first urban Aboriginal senior's home of its kind in Canada, and the presenters talk about its establishment and goals. Some comments are also made by the Commissioners regarding the Centre.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dorothy King, Vice-President, Regional Library Board Services

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Dorothy King discussing the role of libraries in promoting cultural awareness between groups in furthering and enhancing education generally for Labradorians. She calls on the Commission to help stop annual cutbacks in funding which affect the service hours of libraries and the ability to send books to the more remote areas of Labrador. Following the discussion is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dorothy Wynne, Kapuskasing Indian Friendship Centre

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Dorothy Wynne describing the frustration with continuing the operation of the Friendship Centre in Kapuskasing without federal government funding. She also expresses concern with Kapuskasing being a bilingual town and most job opportunism require that English and French are a requirement for employment. Wynne describes the early stages of a tanning program and the construction of a tannery that would establish an economic base for the Friendship Centre. She calls on the Commission to address the Centre's inability to secure federal funding.
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