Displaying 1 - 50 of 3132

The 1990 Alberta Metis Settlements Legislation: An Overview

Articles » General
Letha MacLachlan
Resources (Canadian Institute of Resources Law), vol. 33, Winter, 1991, pp. [1]-8
Comments on the first time in Canada that the Metis people have ever been granted ownership over lands on a collective basis.
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20 Years Later: RCAP's Legacy in Indigenous Health System's Governance - What About the Next Twenty?

Alternate Title
[Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future Forum, November 2016]
Documents & Presentations
Yvonne Boyer
Josee Lavoie
Derek Kornelson
Jeff Reading
Paper given at the Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future: Realizing the Promise, Facing the Challenge of Reconciliation" Forum, dialog and conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, November 2-3, 2016.
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2011 Métis Law in Canada

Alternate Title
Métis Law in Canada 2011
Documents & Presentations
Jean Teillet
Provides overview of Métis history, reviews significant agreements and legislation, indexes case law summaries and discusses new developments.
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2022 Silas E. Halyk, QC Visiting Scholar in Advocacy Lecture: Presentor: Donald Worme

Alternate Title
2022 Silas E. Halyk, QC Visiting Scholar in Advocacy Lecture: Presenter: Donald Worme
Media » Film and Video
Donald Worme
First Nation lawyer discusses social justice advocacy for Indigenous peoples, how lawyers can best advocate those who are discriminated against in the civil and criminal justice system and the tools that are available to address judicial inequities. Duration: 52:43.
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Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: A Continuing Systematic Abuse

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chris Cunneen
Social Justice, vol. 33, no. 4 (106), Deaths in Custody and Detention, 2006, pp. 37-51
Looks at Aboriginal over-representation in all aspects of the criminal justice system in Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Uses the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody to focus on deaths in police custody and prison in Australia.
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Aboriginal Education: Fulfilling the Promise

Frances Abele
Carolyn Dittburner
Katharine A. Graham
Mark Fettes
Ruth Norton ...
Gail Guthrie Valaskakis
Brenda Tsioniaon LaFrance
Sheila Watt-Cloutier
Lorna Williams
Marlene Brant Castellano
Louise Lahache
Marie Battiste
John Dorion
Ethel B. Gardner
Eber Hampton
Kathy L. Hodgson-Smith
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Aboriginal Health Human Resources: A Matter of Health

Articles » General
Emily Lecompte
Journal of Aboriginal Health, vol. 8, no. 2, Connecting Place, People, and Health, March 2012, pp. 16-22
Statistics reveal that the number of Aboriginal people trained to work in health careers over a ten year period exceeds the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
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Aboriginal Health in the Aftermath of Genocide: Healing and Reconciliation after the Indian Residential Schools Experience in Canada

Documents & Presentations
David B. MacDonald
Looks at a claim concerning the violation of the United Nations Genocide Convention in the Indian Residential Schools system, some of the effects of genocide on survivors and their families, and concludes by suggesting ways to move forward. Article located by scrolling down page.
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[Aboriginal Justice College: Discussion Paper]

Documents & Presentations
Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission
Examines recommendations relating to the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry report of 1991 for the establishment of an Aboriginal Justice College.
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Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Justice Inquiry
Public Inquiry into the Administration of Justice and Aboriginal People
Web Sites » Governmental
Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission
Government of Manitoba created this Commission as a result of the Public Inquiry into the Administration of Justice and Aboriginal People. The Public Inquiry was a response to the deaths of Helen Betty Osborne in The Pas and John Joseph Harper in Winnipeg. Includes links to: Final Report, Quarterly Reports, Recommendations and Consultation Papers from the Implementation Commission.
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The Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission of Manitoba, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paul Chartrand
Indigenous Law Bulletin, vol. 5, no. 13, November / December 2001, p. 76
Establishment of a Manitoba commission, to review the report and recommendations of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry, in order to determine what the province was responisble for implimenting in the recommendations. The report contained over 400 recommendations.
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Aboriginal Justice in Saskatchewan 2002-2021: The Benefits of Change: A Report Presented to the Commission on First Nations and Metis Peoples and Justice Reform

Alternate Title
Final Report from the Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform
Legacy of Hope: An Agenda for Change ; vol. 1
Documents & Presentations
Isobel M. Findlay
Warren Weir
Report designed to support the mandate of the Commission by presenting evidence to negotiate visions for the criminal justice system and redefine justice for all. Excerpt from Legacy of Hope: An Agenda for Change, vol. 1.
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Aboriginal Law and Legislation

Web Sites » Organizations
Bill Henderson
Discusses federal laws, court decisions and specific land claims commissions in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia.
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Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal Relations and Sustainable Forest Management in Canada: The Influence of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Deborah McGregor
Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 92, no. 2, 2011, p. 300–310
Examines the extent to which advances in Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal relationships and Aboriginal forestry have been made over the past decade; and looks at the co-existence as a framework for Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal relations in sustainable forest management.
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"Aboriginal People & the Criminal Justice System in Saskatchewan: What Next?"

Alternate Title
Aboriginal People and the Criminal Justice System in Saskatchewan: What Next?
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paul L. A. H. Chartrand
Saskatchewan Law Review, vol. 68, no. 2, 2005, pp. 253-292
Summarizes the Conference held in Saskatoon at the Delta Bessborough Hotel in 2005, as well as the background and work of two commissions: Commission of First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform and the Commission of Inquiry into Matters Relating to the Death of Neil Stonechild.
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Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Criminal Law: Rethinking Justice

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
P.A. Monture-Okanee
M.E. Turpel
Patrick Macklem
Noel Lyon
A. Wayne MacKay
Bruce H. Wildsmith
Donna Greschner
University of British Columbia Law Review, Special Edition: Aboriginal Justice, 1992, pp. [239]-279
Various contributors give the "Aboriginal perspective" on the current applications of the Criminal Code, workings of the justice system in general, and required improvements.
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Aboriginal Self-Government

Alternate Title
Current Issue Review ; 96-2E
Documents & Presentations
Jill Wherrett
Summary of the background, analysis and federal processes related to self-government. Based on the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP).
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Aboriginal Self-Government

Alternate Title
In Brief (Parliamentary Research Branch) ; PRB 99-19E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Jill Wherret
Revised version. Originally published 1999.
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Aboriginal Women: An Issues Backgrounder

Documents & Presentations
Michelle M. Mann
Highlights some of the main issues faced taking into account the diversity between non-status First Nations, Inuit and Métis women.
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Academic Nominated to Truth Commission

Articles » General
Anglican Journal, vol. 133, no. 7, September 2007, p. 8
Looks at the nomination of J. Rich Ponting, professor emeritus of the University of Calgary, to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
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Access and Equity Inquiry

Articles » General
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, July/August 1993, p. 38
Inquiry into the Commonwealth's Access and Equity Strategy regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
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Accessing Justice and Reconciliation: Cree Legal Summary

Alternate Title
Cree Legal Traditions Report
Documents & Presentations
Indigenous Law Research Unit
University of Victoria
Provides a framework for communities to begin or continue their own ongoing research to identify the rich intellectual and practical resources within their own legal traditions. Part of: Cree Legal Traditions Report: Community Partner: Aseniquche Winewak Nation.
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ACWS in Conversation with Lewis Cardinal

Alternate Title
Alberta Councial of Women's Shelters in Conversation with Lewis Cardinal
Building Relations Part 2: Stories from Community
Building Relationships Part 1: Lessons From Lewis
Circle Process
Foundations of Indigenous Worldviews
Indigenous Women in Indigenous Societies
Indigenous Women's Leadership
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Inquiry and Action
Treaty Relations: Spirit, Intent, and First Nations Perspectives
[In Coversation with Lewis Cardinal]
Media » Film and Video
Lewis Cardinal
[Tina Fox
Stephanie Harpe
Tracy Bear
Karen MacKenzie
Betty Letendre
Cora Voyageur
Ruth Scalp Lock]
Series of eight hour-long videos developed to educate women's shelter workers, but equally applicable to general audiences. Videos cover wide range of topics such as: treaty relationships; Indigenous worldviews; missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls; Indigenous women in Indigenous societies; women's leadership; and building relationships.
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Addressing the Legacy of Residential Schools

Alternate Title
Background Paper (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; no. 2011-76-E
Documents & Presentations
Shauna Troniak
Chronicles the history and impact on the estimated 150,000 First Nation, Inuit and Métis children that attended schools in Canada.
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Advancing Reconciliation Resource for School Councils

Documents & Presentations
Alberta Regional Professional Learning Consortium
Basic information on terminology, cultural diversity, history of First Nation peoples in Alberta, Alberta treaties and treaty relationships, legacy of residential schools, theTruth and Reconciliation Commission and respectful ways to interact with Elders.
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After the Apology

Articles » General
Catherin Rolfsen
This Magazine, Sept.-Oct. 2008, p. [?]
Through personal interviews, discusses what Canadians can do to repair what’s been broken.
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Alexis First Nation Inquiry: TransAlta Utilities Rights of Way Claim

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Historical background and submissions to Indian Claims Commission (ICC) concerning the federal Crown's granting of three rights of way to Calgary Power on Alexis IR133 during 1950s and 1960s. ICC concluded no effort was made to provide annual payments to the Band and recommended the claim be accepted for negotiation under Canada's Specific Claims Policy. Commissioners include: Roger J. Augustine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, Sheila G. Purdy. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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