- BC Negotiation Process
- Douglas Treaties
- Manitoulin Island Treaties
- Peace & Friendship Treaties
- Robinson Treaties 1850
- Royal Proclamation of 1763
- Selkirk Treaty
- Taxation
- Treaty 1
- Treaty 10
- Treaty 11
- Treaty 2
- Treaty 3
- Treaty 4
- Treaty 5
- Treaty 6
- Treaty 7
- Treaty 8
- Treaty 9
- United States
- Williams Treaties
CRRF Facts About ... Leading Aboriginal Treaty Rights Cases
Discusses noted cases in Canada: The Queen v. Sikyea (1964) The Queen v. Taylor and Williams (1981) Simon v. The Queen (1987) The Queen v. Sioui (1990) The Queen v. Horseman (1990) Badger v. The Queen (1996) Marshall v. The Queen (1999).
Cultural Genocide Masked as Education: U.S. History Textbooks' Coverage of Indigenous Education Policies
Cultural Performance as Strategic Essentialism: Negotiating Indianness in a Western Canadian Rodeo Festival
Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto
Daniel, Richard C., "A History of Native Claims Processes in Canada, 1867-1979," 1980 (prepared for Research Branch, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs).
Deal of the Century?
Deal? Or No Deal? Explaining Comprehensive Land Claims Negotiation Outcomes in Canada
A Declaration of Indian Rights. The B.C. Indian Position Paper
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Decolonizing & Indigenizing = Moving Environmental Education Towards Reconciliation
Decolonizing Mi'kmaw Memory of Treaty: L'Sitkuk's Learning With Allies in Struggle for Food and Lifeways
Decolonizing the Master Narrative: Treaties and Other Myths
Defining Aboriginal Identity: What the Courts Have Stated
Defining Aboriginal Rights to Water in Alberta: Do They Still "Exist"? How Extensive are They?
Defining Parameters: Aboriginal Rights, Treaty Rights, and the Sparrow Justificatory Test
Dene Declaration - 21 August 1975.
Historical note:
The Dene Tha' Consultation Pilot Project: An "Appropriate Consultation Process" With First Nations?
Dene Treaties, Anthropology and Colonial Relationships
Deninu K'ue Ethno-history Report
Deteriorating Classrooms Concern Montreal Band
Diamonds are for Dogribs; Canada's First Nations
A Different Current: Alternative Theoretical Propositions to Guide Aboriginal Fisheries Policy-Making in British Columbia
The Diminishment of the Great Sioux Reservation: Treaties, Tricks, and Time
Dinosaurs and Indians: Paleontology Resource Dispossession From Sioux Lands
Discussion of the Paper on "Shopping in the Early '80s" / Given by Mr. J. Clinkskill Before the Saskatoon Historical Society.
Disinherited Generations: Our Struggle to Reclaim Treaty Rights for First Nations Women and Their Descendants
Disinherited Generations: Our Struggle to Reclaim Treaty Rights for First Nations Women and Their Descendants
[Disinherited Generations: Our Struggle to Reclaim Treaty Rights for First Nations Women and Their Descendants]
The Disputed Boundaries of the 1923 (Williams) Treaties
Disrupting Ignorance and Settler Identities: The Challenges of Preparing Beginning Teachers for Treaty Education
The Divided Ground: Upper Canada, New York, and the Iroquois Six Nations, 1783-1815
Do Better Property Rights Improve Local Income?: Evidence From First Nations' Treaties
Do Firearms Provisions Protect Treaty Hunting Rights?
Dǫ nàke làànı̀ nàts’etso: A Critical Review of Self-Government Implementation in Canada’s North
Indigenous Studies Thesis (PhD) -- University of Manitoba, 2022.
Document 1: The Office of the Treaty Commissioner: Challenges and Changes in First Nations Law: Speaking Notes of David Arnot, Treaty Commissioner for the Province of Saskatchewan to Canadian Bar Association, Saskatchewan Branch, Native Law Section 11 April 1997
Document 2: Memorandum of Agreement between Canada and FSIN
Document 3: Protocol Agreement between Canada, Saskatchewan and FSIN
Document - Lord Selkirk's Treaty with the Indians, July 18, 1817
Document One: Memorandum for the Hon[uorable] the Indian Commissioner Relative to the Future Management of Indians
Memorandum written July 20, 1885 by Hayter Reed, Assistant Indian Commissioner to Indian Commissioner, Edgar Dewdney outlining policies appropriate to the post-rebellion era. The document is divided in two parts: on the right is text of the memorandum and on the left comments written by Edgard Dewdney.See also Document Two: Reply to the Above Memorandum
Document Two: Reply to the Above Memorandum
Documenting Tradition: Territoriality and Textuality in Black Hawk’s Narrative
Documents [Introduction to Documents and Commentaries]
Focuses on the Treaty Alliance of North American Aboriginal Nations which is a mutual defense pact. Includes supportive commentaries.