Displaying 1 - 50 of 295

Aboriginal Peoples and Resource Development in Northern Alberta

Alternate Title
CIRL Occasional Paper ; no. 12
Documents & Presentations
Monique M. Ross
CIRL Occasional Paper
Discusses Treaty 8, provincial government policies and initiatives to accommodate Aboriginal rights and interests, and initiatives of the resource sector.
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Aboriginal Talks Key to Energy Push

Articles » General
Mark Lowey
Business Edge, vol. 4, no. 40, November 11, 2004
Discusses problems being reported by Aboriginal communities concerning the expansion of oil and gas developments and the need for consultation with Aboriginal people.
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Aboriginal Title and Mining in Canada: More Questions Than Answers

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute
E-Books » Chapters
Robin M. Junger
Discussion of the ramifications of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia. Chapter 17A from Proceedings of the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute published by the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation.
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Adam Boucher Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Adam Boucher
J. Deranger
Indian History Film Project
80-year-old Adam Boucher discusses the scene of Treaty #8 negotiations ; and choice of treaty or scrip.
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Adhesion to Canadian Indian Treaties and the Lubicon Lake Dispute

Articles » General
Thomas Flanagan
Canadian Journal of Law and Society, vol. 7, 1992, pp. 185-206
Discusses the dispute as to whether Lubicons are included in Treaty Eight or live on unceded land and are therefore entitled to an external adhesion. A commentary on this article appears in the Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 7, 1992, pp. 207-212.
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Advancing Reconciliation Resource for School Councils

Documents & Presentations
Alberta Regional Professional Learning Consortium
Basic information on terminology, cultural diversity, history of First Nation peoples in Alberta, Alberta treaties and treaty relationships, legacy of residential schools, theTruth and Reconciliation Commission and respectful ways to interact with Elders.
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Aime Joseph Dumont Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Aime Joseph Dumont
Victoria Racette
Indian History Film Project
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Alfred (Albert) Mishibinijima 1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Alfred (Albert) Mishibinijima
Tony Snowsill
Christine Welsh
Ernest Debassigae
Indian History Film Project
An interview with Alfred Mishibinijima who recounts his life working on farms and in lumber camps, the origin of some Ojibway words and the aftermath of the War of 1812. Transcribed by Joanne Greenwood.
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Ambrose Houle Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ambrose Houle
Alfred J. Beaver
Indian History Film Project
Mr. Ambrose Houle, aged 61, a non-treaty person, tells his story of loss of treaty status, and promises of reserve at Trout Lake.
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Ambrose Houle Interview 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ambrose Houle
Linda Littlechild
Indian History Film Project
Interview focuses on this man's loss of treaty status.
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Antoine Ferguson Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Ferguson
Carol Pearlstone
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he talks about his memories of Gabriel Dumont, the causes of the Riel Rebellion of 1885 and the present day treatment of Metis people.
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Antoine Lonesinger 6 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Indian History Film Project
Interview with Mr Lonesinger who tells stories of Indian agents both good and bad. He also tells of the Battle of the Cut Knife Hill and the banning of the Sundance.
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As Long as the Sun Shines ...

Media » Film and Video
Tasha Hubbard
Comments on the foundations on which treaty was based and that treaties were to be honoured forever. Duration: 9:55
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Athabasca Denesuliné Inquiry Into the Claim of the Fond du Lac, Black Lake, and Hatchet Lake First Nations

Indian Claims Commission
Indian Claims Commission (ICC) considered whether Canada wrongly denied Treaty rights north of the 60th parallel, beyond Treaty 8 and Treaty 10 boundaries. ICC concluded Treaty boundaries did not extend into the traditional lands north of 60; however harvesting rights do extend beyond Treaty boundaries. Recommended the parties negotiate resolution. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Athabasca Denesuline Special Report on the Treaty Harvesting Rights of the Fond Du Lac, Black Lake and Hatchet Lake First Nations

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Final, special report examines the legal review of the Athabasca Denesuline claim for formal recognition of treaty harvesting rights north of the 60th parallel. Commissioners were Daniel J. Bellegarde and P.E. James Prentice. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
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August Auger Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
August Auger
Ernest Crane
Indian History Film Project
Interview relates to understanding of Treaty #8 promises; the establishment of Wabasca Reserves; and the loss of treaty status by many people in the area.
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Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.

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Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.

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Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.

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Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.

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Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.

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Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.

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Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.

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Bigstone Cree Nation Inquiry: Treaty Land Entitlement Claim

Indian Claims Commission
Final report examines historical background, analyses, and recommendation from Indian Claims Commission (ICC) hearings on the claim by the First Nation that the amount of acreage allotted was less than they were entitled to under the provisions of Treaty 8. Due to new Treaty Land Entitlement policy, the two parties agreed to negotiate a settlement and no determination was made by the ICC. Commissioners include : Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.
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Billy Simpson Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Billy Simpson
J. Deranger
Indian History Film Project
Interviewee recounts stories told to him by his father about the signing of Treaty #8;denial of Indian requests for reserve; and traditional lifestyle.
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Billy Simpson Interview 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Billy Simpson
J. Deranger
Indian History Film Project
A brief account of the treaty negotiations at Fort MacKay and of the subsequent failure to obtain a reserve at Peace Point.
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Blanket Exercise Treaty 8 and Métis (Alberta) Adaptation: Facilitator Guide

Documents & Presentations
Alberta Teachers' Association
Adapted for the Alberta context from the KAIROS Blanket Exercise, an interactive learning experience focusing on the historical and contemporary relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of Canada. Themes explored are: assimilation, discrimination, Indigenous rights and reconciliation.
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Blueberry River First Nation, Doig River First Nation: Highway Right of Way IR 172 Inquiry

Indian Claims Commission
Historical background and issues involved in Indian Claims Commission (ICC) hearing regarding 1995 claim that the Crown transferred land to province of British Columbia without notification or compensation. No determination by the ICC as Canada accepted the specific claim for negotiation. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Building Harmony

Media » Film and Video
Cynthia Block
Looks at the three main objectives of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner: recognize the past, resolve outstanding treaty issues and revive the treaty relationship through education. Duration: 11:59.
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Canada - The Lubicon Lake Cree

Alternate Title
The Lubicon Lake Cree
Articles » General
James G. E. Smith
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 3, Militarization and Indigenous Peoples: Part 1 The Americas and the Pacific, Fall, 1987
Discussion of the opposition to the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary by the Lubicon Lake Cree.
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Caroline Vandale Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Caroline Vandale
Carol Pearlstone
Indian History Film Project
Mrs. Vandale was born in Carlton in 1902. She shares what her father told her about the cause of the Riel Rebellion. She also talks about the Metis people in relation to the Depression, WWI, WWII, and the attitudes of police, teachers, government agencies, etc. towards the Metis people.
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Charlie Chief 1 Interviewer

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Charlie Chief
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview of Charlie Chief who discusses the a Grass Dance, Round Dance and Sioux Dance (including songs). Also included are songs. The discusses the difference between old and new ways. Alphonse Littlepoplar is the intterpreter
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Chief John James Courtoirelle Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
John James Courtoirelle
Richard Lightning
Indian History Film Project
The chief of the Beaver Ranch Reserve describes how the establishment of Wood Buffalo National Park has affected the Indians.
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Chief John James Courtoirelle Interview 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
John James (Chief) Courtoirelle
Richard Lightning
Indian History Film Project
The chief of Beaver Ranch Reserve discusses unsuccessful attempts to have Beaver Ranch and Tall Cree Reserves expanded.
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