Michael Grandjambe Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Michael Grandjambe
Richard Lightning
Indian History Film Project
Mr. Grandjambe, 80 years old when interviewed, was formerly a trapper. He describes his understanding of the treaty promises.
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Minding the Gaps: Property, Geography, and Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brian Egan
Jessica Place
Geoforum, vol. 44, Global Production Networks, Labour and Development, January 2013, pp. 129-138
Discusses fee simple ownership on Indigenous lands, getting land rights through modern treaties, and matrimonial real property rights on reservations.
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Minutes of the North-West Council 1873-74

Articles » General
Alexander Morris
North-West Council
Saskatchewan History, vol. 13, no. 1, Winter, 1960, pp. 25-30
Includes speech by the Lieutenant-Governor, and minutes of the four meetings which took place March 8, 1873 – March 12, 1874. Includes recommendations for treaty-making with the First Nations (“Indians”) and the Métis (“Half Breeds”) and other issues pertaining to settling the North-West Territories. Entire issue on one pdf file, scroll to page 25.
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Misatim Pimasew: The Flying Horse

Alternate Title
Mistatim Pimasew: The Flying Horse
Freeda A. H. Dickey (Freeda A. Hart Dickey)
Traditional Knowledge Thesis (Ph.D.)--California Institute of Integral Studies, 2002.
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"Miss J. M. Morton, Edwin Wuttunee, Sam Swimmer, Dr. P. W. Head, Archdeacon H. E. Hives."

Images » Photographs
One photograph taken at North Battleford Indian Hospital that appeared in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, 22 December 1953. It is found on page 13 of the scrap book (A-792-2). The caption reads: "Chief Swimmer is shown here addressing the assembly before the initiation. Left to right are: Miss J. M. Morton, RN, head of the nursing staff; Edwin Wuttunee, Red Pheasant reserve, interpreter; Chief Sam Swimmer; Dr. P. W. Head, superintendent of the Indian hospital; Archdeacon H. E. Hives, Bishop-elect of Keewatin."
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Mission To The Micmac

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John G. Reid
The Beaver, vol. 70, no. 5, October/November 1990, pp. 15-?
Describes Peter Capon's 1715 investigation of the seizures of New England fishing vessels by the Micmac.
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Mistawasis First Nation Inquiry 1911, 1917, and 1919 Surrenders

Indian Claims Commission
Historical background and submission to Indian Claims Commission (ICC) regarding three land surrenders from certain portions of IR 103. ICC suspended its inquiry because they successful concluded the Settlement Agreement. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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MNDM Policy: Consultation and Arrangements with Aboriginal Communities at Early Exploration

Alternate Title
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines' Policy: Consultation and Arrangements with Aboriginal Communities at Early Exploration
Documents & Presentations
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM)
Examines the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines' operation policy for implementing section 78 of the Mining Act and its regulations and consultation requirements.
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The Moccasin Identifier Education Kit

Web Sites » Organizations
The Moccasin Identifier
Contains links to a set of lesson plans with links to extensive lists of resources and supporting documents for Grades 1 through 8 which focus on treaty-making, history of Indigenous-settler relations, the Indian Act, residential schools, and Indigenous worldviews. Although designed for Ontario, much of the material is applicable to Canada as a whole or easily adaptable.
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Multiculturalism Policy Index: Indigenous Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Adrienne Davidson
Veldon Coburn
Nine indicators used: recognition of land/title, self-government rights, cultural rights, and customary law, upholding historic treaties and/or signing new treaties, guarantees of representation/consultation in central government, affirmation of distinct status, support/ratification for international instruments, and affirmative action. 2nd edition.
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Multiculturalism Policy Index: Indigenous Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Veldon Coburn
Nine indicators were used: recognition of land/title, self-government, customary law, and culture; legal affirmation of distinct status, support/ratification for international indigenous rights instruments, affirmative action, upholding and/or signing new treaties, and guarantees of representation/consultation in central government.
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Myths and Facts about First Nations Peoples

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Information Series ; pamphlet no. 28
Documents & Presentations
Office of University Accessibility
[University of Manitoba]
Debunks 10 commonly-held misconceptions.
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Nationalism in the North: Exploring Land Claims and Treaties with the Historical Timeline of the Northwest Territories: A Resource Guide for Teachers of Social Studies 20-1 and 20-2

Alternate Title
Nationalism in the North Teacher's Guide
Documents & Presentations
Mindy Willett
Resource for teachers of Grade 11 Social Studies. For use with the textbooks: Perspectives on Nationalism and Exploring Nationalism and Understanding Nationalism.
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Native American Land Rights in Southern Arizona

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elliot McIntire
Aboriginal History, vol. 19, no. 2, 1995, pp. 126-140
Comments on the conflicts regarding land ownership in the southwestern United States due to different interpretations of treaties and agreements.
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Native History on Trial: Confessions of an Expert Witness

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arthur J. Ray
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 84, no. 2, June 2003, pp. 253-273
Discusses the history of cultural/historical research related to treaty and claims litigation and its presentation in court.
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Native Images: Images of Treaty Negotiations, Annuity Payments and Treaty Days - Treaties 1 to 10

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sheldon Krasowski
M. Bastien
S. Hall
Native Studies Review, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 97-112
Discussion of images of archival treaty illustrations and photographs. Plates are divided into three groups: Plates 1-4 are treaty negotiations from 1871 to 1899; Plates 5-8 are treaty annuity payments; Plates 9-12 are treaty days dealing with post-treaty issues.
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Native Land Digital

Web Sites » Organizations
Native Land Digital
The Land You Live On: An Education Guide
Getting to Native Land

Maps Indigenous territories around the world. Can be filtered by location, language, and treaties and superimposed with settler labels. Includes links to resources such as teacher's guide, mobile apps, and lists of territories, languages, and treaties. 

Related Material: The Land You Live On Education Guide.

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Native People in Areas of Internal National Expansion

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
D.E. Sanders
Saskatchewan Law Review, vol. 38, no. 1, 1974, pp. 63-87
Examines issues of native land claims affected by different projects like the Bennett Dame in the Peace-Athabasca Delta area.
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Native Rights in Canada (Second Edition)

Book Reviews
Peter J. Usher
Arctic, vol. 28, no. 1, March 1975, pp. 78-80
Book review of: Native Rights in Canada (Second Edition) edited by Peter A. Cumming and Neil H. Mickenberg.
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Native Settlements and Native Rights. A Comparison of the Alaska Native Settlement, the James Bay Indian/Inuit Settlement, and the Western Canadian Inuit Settlement

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J.S. Frideres
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 1981, pp. 59-89
Three 1970s agreements between Indigenous peoples and governments are compared: the Alaska Native Claims Settlement of 1971, the James Bay Settlement (1975) and the Committee for Original People's Entitlement (COPE) Agreement-in-Principle (1978).
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Native Treaties: 1871-1897

Alternate Title
1871-1897 Native Treaties
Documents & Presentations
Excerpted from A Country by Consent. Information is intended for elementary school audiences.
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Native Twilight

Book Reviews
Blair Stonechild
The Beaver, vol. 80, no. 3, June/July 2000, pp. 48-[?]
Book review of: Indian Fall: The Last Great Days of the Plains Cree and the Blackfoot Confederacy by D'Arcy Jenish.
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