Displaying 1 - 50 of 732

Aboriginal Transition Programs - Literature Review

Documents & Presentations
Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux
Victoria Bolduc
Reviews research regarding transitional models as well as interviews of students to determine success and gaps in the transition experience. Presents recommendations.
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Aboriginal Women's Movement; A Quest for Self-determination

Alternate Title
Commentary, Aboriginal Women's Movement; A Quest for Self-determination
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ellen Gabriel
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 2011, pp. 183-188
Discussion of feminism, women's equality and Indigenous women in contemporary times.
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Aboriginal Women 'Working' at Play: Canadian Insights

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Vicky Paraschak
Janice Forsyth
Ethnologies, vol. 32, no. 1, 2010, pp. 157-173
Using a two eyed seeing approach looks at how Aboriginal women shape sports around them and presents findings from interviews held at an Aboriginal women in Canadian sport national roundtable held in 2008.
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ACWS in Conversation with Lewis Cardinal

Alternate Title
Alberta Councial of Women's Shelters in Conversation with Lewis Cardinal
Building Relations Part 2: Stories from Community
Building Relationships Part 1: Lessons From Lewis
Circle Process
Foundations of Indigenous Worldviews
Indigenous Women in Indigenous Societies
Indigenous Women's Leadership
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Inquiry and Action
Treaty Relations: Spirit, Intent, and First Nations Perspectives
[In Coversation with Lewis Cardinal]
Media » Film and Video
Lewis Cardinal
[Tina Fox
Stephanie Harpe
Tracy Bear
Karen MacKenzie
Betty Letendre
Cora Voyageur
Ruth Scalp Lock]
Series of eight hour-long videos developed to educate women's shelter workers, but equally applicable to general audiences. Videos cover wide range of topics such as: treaty relationships; Indigenous worldviews; missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls; Indigenous women in Indigenous societies; women's leadership; and building relationships.
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Adolescent Girls and Classroom Discourse

Alternate Title
McDowell Foundation Research Project ; no. 10
[Teaching and Learning Research Exchange]
Documents & Presentations
Heather A. Blair
Agnes Rolheiser
Susan Reschny
McDowell Foundation Research Project
Looks at gender construction of adolescent girls in two grade eight classrooms in a multicultural urban school in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
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"Affecting History" : Impersonating Women in the Early Republic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lorrayne Carroll
Early American Literature, vol. 39, no. 3, 2004, pp. 511-552
Critical analysis of subjectivity and identity reveals determining whether a women or man authored, dictated or created a text is a difficult task.
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African Indigenous Women in the 21st Century

Articles » General
Lucy Mulenkei
Indigenous Affairs, no. 3, Indigenous Women, July/August/September 2000, pp. 42-45
Article explores discrimination and challenges still faced by Indigenous women in Africa. To access this article scroll down to page 42.
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Alcohol Treatment in Native North America: Gender in Cultural Context

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Eric Prussing
Joseph P.Gone
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 4, Women and Alcohol: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives, 2011, pp. 379-402
Examines the problem of cultural competence in substance abuse services and how gender plays within psychotherapeutic interventions in two community based programs.
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American Indian Female Leadership

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mary Jo Tippeconomic Fox
Eileen M. Luna-Firebaugh
Caroline Williams
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 30, no. 1, Spring, 2015, pp. 82-99
Looks at how ethnicity and culture influence American women in leadership roles.
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American Indian Women Managers: Living in Two Worlds

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Helen Juliette Muller
Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 7, no. 1, March 1998, pp. 4-28
Look at links between gender and racio-ethnicity, historical and cultural patterns and switching techniques strategies. Concludes with recommendations for further research.
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Andeans and Spaniards in the Contact Zone: A Gendered Collision

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Karen Vieira Powers
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 4, Fall, 2000, pp. 511-536
How Spanish colonialism at the end of the 16th century, changed the gender roles and relations, and sexuality of Indigenous men and women in Inca societies.
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The Arctic: Gender Issues

Alternate Title
Info Series (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; PRB 08-09E
Documents & Presentations
[Clara Morgan]
Looks at relationship between gender issues and the environment, economic conditions, domestic violence, health, housing, homelessness and politics.
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Arctic Human Development Report

Book Reviews
Bruce Forbes
Arctic, vol. 59, no. 2, June 2006, pp. 223-226
Book review of: Arctic Human Development Report by Níels Einarsson, Joan Nymand Larsen, Annika Nilsson, Oran R. Young.
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As I Knew Them: Navajo Women in 1940

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dorothea C. Leighton
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1/2, Spring-Summer, 1982, pp. 34-51
Taking an anthropological psychiatric approach to discuss Navajo women's role in their culture related to cultural requirements and habits.
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Being an Indigenous Carer

Articles » General
Tony Pearce
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, January/February 2000, pp. 21-22
Author comments on the preconceived notions that non-Indigenous Australians have regarding gender roles in the Indigenous community in Australia.
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The Benefits and Challenges of Girl-focused Indigenous SDP Programs in Australia and Canada

Alternate Title
Beyond Sport for Development and Peace: Transnational Perspectives on theory, Policy and Practice
E-Books » Chapters
Lyndsay M. C. Hayhurst
Audrey R. Giles
Jan Wright
Looks at initiatives for girls and the impact from sport for development and peace. Chapter in the book: Beyond Sport for Development and Peace: Transnational Perspectives on Theory, Policy and Practice edited by L.M.C. Hayhurst, T. Kay and M. Chawansky.
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The 'Berdache'/'Two-Spirit': A Comparison of Anthropological and Native Constructions of Gendered Identities Among the Northern Athapaskans

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean-Guy A. Goulet
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 2, no. 4, December 1996, pp. 683-701
Examines reincarnation of gender among the Dene Tha of northern Alberta and how dual gender identities may be created through dream interpretation and socialization.
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