Displaying 1 - 50 of 351

Aboriginal Father Involvement Programs National Scan

Alternate Title
Inventory of Programs for Aboriginal Fathers
Documents & Presentations
Sarah Moselle
Jessica Ball
Provides overview of organizations working to support fathers and father-figures and the practices being used to encourage participation in programs.
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Aboriginal Labour Force: Some Documents

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
G.S. McIlroy
W.E.H. Stanner
Donald Thomson
Aboriginal History, vol. 16, no. 2, 1992, pp. 117-127
Presents a letter followed by replies from the recipients and minutes of a meeting regarding the use of Aboriginal men as civilian labourers.
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Aboriginal Policy Reform and the Subsidiarity Principle: A Case Study of the Division of Matrimonial Real Property on Canadian Indian Reserves

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christopher Alcantara
Canadian Public Administration, vol. 51, no. 2, June 2008, pp. 317-333
Examination of differences in equality rights, due to the Indian Act, as to why Aboriginal women do not have the same rights as Aboriginal men living on-reserve and non-Aboriginal women living off-reserve.
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Addressing Domestic Violence in Indian Country: Introductory Manual

Alternate Title
Mending the Sacred Hoop Technical Assistance Project
Documents & Presentations
Jenny Gilberg
Jeremy Nevilles-Sorell
Tina Olson
Beryl Rock
Babette Sandman
Barry Skye
Rebecca St. George
Victoria Ybanez
Examines significant historical events, the developments in activism, the current situation, advocacy for women and children and options for dealing with men who use violence.
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Because It's 2017: An Indigenous Feminist Commemoration of Canada 150

Alternate Title
Weweni Indigenous Scholars Speakers Series
Media » Film and Video
Kim Anderson
Speaker discusses stereotypes of both Indigenous men and women, Canada 150 celebrations, and reactions to the statue of Sir John A. Macdonald erected on the Wilfred Laurier University Waterloo campus, including the video she made, Canadian Conversation. Duration: 34:22.
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Beloved Uncle Was Not Just Another 'Homeless Bum'

Articles » General
Shelley Mike
Eagle Feather News, vol. 10, no. 1, January 2007, p. 9
Looks at the social issue of homelessness across Canada and a committee trying to set up a Men's Shelter in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Article located by scrolling to page 9.
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Best Practices and Available Tools for the Use of Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Practices for Adaptation, and the Application of Gender-Sensitive Approaches and Tools for Understanding and Assessing Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change: Technical Paper

Documents & Presentations
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Includes extensive literature review and examples from different regions and sectors and from different adaptation contexts based on submissions from relevant organizations.
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Better Health For Aboriginal Men - A Personal View

Articles » General
Peter Lake
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, January-February 2000, pp. 16-17
Author, who is the Senior Medical Officer, Port Adelaide (Australia) Community Health Service feels that Aboriginal health workers should become more assertive to influence positive health outcomes.
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Beyond the All Blacks Representations: The Dialectic Between the Indigenization of Rugby and Postcolonial Strategies to Control Māori

Alternate Title
Beyond the All Blacks Representations: The Dialectic Between the Indigenization of Rugby and Postcolonial Strategies to Control Maori
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Domenica Gisella Calabro
Contemporary Pacific, vol. 26, no. 2, Fall , 2014, pp. 389-408
Explores the Māori relationship with rugby and non-Māori of European descent.
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Bidwewidam: Indigenous Masculinities, Identities & Mino-bimaadiziwin

Documents & Presentations
Sylvia Maracle
Magda Smolewski
Katherine Minich
Lance Logan-Keye
Jessica Danforth ... [et al.]
Twelve Elders who participated project were asked questions about men's traditional roles and responsibilities, changes which occurred due to colonization, and what is needed to see men achieve the good life.
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Bridging the Indigenous Health Divide: Football and Men Engaging

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brian F. McCoy
Sport in Society, vol. 15, no. 7, Indigenous People, Race Relations and Australian Sport, 2012, pp. 952-964
Evidence shows that the relationship between young men and football can make a difference to their short and long-term health.
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Buffering Effects of Social Support for Indigenous Males and Females Living with Historical Trauma and Loss in 2 First Nation Communities.

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sharon Bernards
Samantha Wells
Melody Morton-Ninomiya
Sara Plain
Tracey George ... [et al.]
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 78, no. 2, Collaborative approaches to wellness and health equity in the Circumpolar North..., 2019
Study uses survey data from 207 males and 279 females from 2 Ontario First Nations to examine whether or not social support can offset the negative results of perceived racism, historical trauma and loss on depression and/or anxiety.
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Building Healthier Communities: Final Report on Community Recommendations for the Development of the Saskatchewan Prevention / Intervention Street Gang Strategy

Documents & Presentations
Robert Henry
Discusses typology of gangs with four levels of progression through violence and intention. Makes recommendations based on five themes which emerged: infrastructure and leadership; addressing trauma, colonization, and settler colonialism; knowledge translation and mobilization; addressing systemic oppression and structural issues of poverty and homelessness; and institutional supports.
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Canada's Missing and Murdered Indigenous People and the Imperative for a More Inclusive Perspective

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John G. Hansen
Emeka E. Dim
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, January 2019, p. Article 2
Explores the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry (MMIWG), and questions the exclusion of Indigenous males. Discusses the need for a more comprehensive and holistic model of inquiry that honours the voices of Indigenous communities.
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Cancer in the Métis Nation of Ontario: Lay Report

Documents & Presentations
Julie Klein-Geltink
Refik Saskin
Mike Manno
David R. Urbach
David A. Henry
Statistics on frequency of cancers newly diagnosed during 2005-2007 and incidence of each of seven types: prostrate, breast, lung, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, uterine, ovarian and cervical. Data sources: Métis Nation of Ontario Citizenship Registry and the Ontario Cancer Registry.
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Civilized, Roughly: Gender, Race, and the politics of Leisure in Colonial British Columbia, 1860-1871

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alice Gorton
BC Studies , no. 200, 50th Anniversary, Winter, 2019, pp. 273-299
Article examines the construct of white masculinity in the interior of British Columbia during the Cariboo Gold Rush; discusses how the intersection with the settler-colonial agenda created a socially enforced code of behavior that demanded that men both subscribe to Victorian values, but also present with a roughness or heartiness about their person. Also illustrates how this construct of white masculinity justified violence towards women and racialized persons.
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Clinical and Genetic Associations With Hypertriglyceridemic Waist [HTGW] in a Canadian Aboriginal Population

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
R.L. Pollex
A.J.G. Hanley
B. Zinman
S.B. Harris
R. A. Hegele
International Journal of Obesity, vol. 30, no. 3, March 2006, pp. 484-491
Study findings indicate that HTGW is prevalent in Oji-Cree, especially in men. The odds ratio (OR) for type 2 diabetes were similar for individuals with either HTGW or hepatic nuclear factor-1. These two independent risk factors were synergistic in conferring an even greater risk of type 2 diabetes.
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The Collaborative Research Center for American Indian Health’s Partnership River of Life: Special Issue Introduction

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
DenYelle Baete Kenyon
Melissa Buffalo
Jessica Heinzmann
Michaela Seiber
Dorothy Castille
Amy Elliott
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 26, no. 2, The Collaborative Research Center for American Indian Health’s Partnership River of Life, 2019, pp. 1-14
In this piece the authors discuss the funding, structure, goals, and vision of The Collaborative Research Center for American Indian Health’s (CRCAIH) Partnership River of Life to provided context for the rest of the special issue which shares some of the research and community results which came out of the partnership.
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