Aboriginal and Torres Strait People and Dementia: A Review of the Research
Aboriginal Elders: A Grade 12 Unit Lesson Plan
Discusses the importance of respect for Elders, their role as sources of knowledge, community leaders and carriers of culture, and the value of orality and learning through stories and conversation.
Aboriginal Grandmothers’ Experience with Health Promotion and Participatory Action Research
Aboriginal Seniors' Housing in Edmonton: Final Report
Adult Māori Patients’ Healthcare Experiences of the Emergency Department in a District Health Facility in New Zealand
Aging, Cognition and Dementia in Australian and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: A Life Cycle Approach: A Review of the Literature
Assessment and Prevalence of Dementia in Indigenous Australians
Awareness Tool for the Wellness of Quebec First Nations Elders
BC Elders' Guide
Developing First Nations Dementia Factsheet Material: Methodology Report
Differing Deference: Social Perceptions of Elderly Canadians
Elder Abuse Issues in Indian Country
Presents findings from the Elder Abuse Survey conducted with Tribal Judges, Title VI Program Directors and Tribal Elders and review of elder abuse codes. Also includes a model tribal elder protection code, examples of abuse, and discussion of traditional cultural practices and their impact.
Elder Care Environmental Scan in Sioux Lookout Zone First Nations
Elderly Urban Natives and Survival Literacy
The Elders of Nunavik – A Snapshot of the Socio-Economic Situation
End of Life Care for Inuit Living in Nunavik, Quebec
Evaluation of a Dementia Awareness Resource for Use in Remote Indigenous Communities
The Face Pullers: Ch.4 Images - "Beaver Old Woman"
Falls in Older Aboriginal People: Risk Factors, Burden, and Development of a Culturally Appropriate Fall Prevention Intervention
Family Support Networks among Elders in a Native American Community: Contact with Children and Siblings among the Prairie Band Potawatomi
The Fate of the Eyak Indians in Russian America (1783–1867)
Final Report: Inclusion in Mainstream Spaces, Services and Programs in Vancouver’s Inner City: Comparing the Experiences and Perceptions of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Seniors
First Nations Elders’ Perspectives of Engagement in Community Programs in Nak’azdli Whut’en, British Columbia, Canada
Gender and Personality Correlates Influence on Attitudes Towards the Elderly in Indigenous People
HACC Service Models for People with Younger Onset Dementia & People with Dementia and Behaviours of Concern: Issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders People and People from Culturally Diverse and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds: Final Report
He kāinga pai rawa: Te Kete Mātauranga mō te hanga whare tino pai rawa: A Knowledge Basket to Support Building Affordable and Safe Housing for kaumātua
Examines ways of using Indigenous knowledge to provide care and housing for urban Māori elders.
Health & Indigenous Elders
Brief list of resources.
"Last reviewed December 2019."
Healthcare Needs of North Dakota American Indian Veterans
Healthy Brain Initiative: Road Map for Indian Country
Holistic Retirement Research Paper: Aboriginal Non-Profit (ANP) Sector Workforce Strategy Holistic Retirement Planning and Financial Living as an Elder Curriculum Project
Honouring the Seasons of Your Life: Planning Holistically for Your Retirement and Journey as an Elder: Participant Workbook
“I’m here and I’m going to do what I’m going to do”: What Is an HIV Older?
Discusses using the experience and reflections of long-term Indigenous people living with HIV and AIDS to create culturally sensitive support and interventions for patients.
Income and First Nations Elderly: Policies for a Better Future
Uses data from the 1996 census to make comparison between levels and sources of income for Registered Indians and other Canadians.
Chapter four from Setting the Agenda for Change, vol. 1, which is vol. 1 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series.
Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2002.
Indigenous Elders' Conceptualization of Wellbeing: An Anishinaabe Worldview Perspective
Using interviews with first-language speaking Elders to improve the understanding of Indigenous worldviews on health and well-being in order to improve health programs within Indigenous communities.
Indigenous Peoples and Dementia: New Understandings of Memory Loss and Memory Care
Indigenous Voices: “The Old Men of the Reserves”
Ahenakew talks about the cultural practices and responsibilities surrounding oral history; discusses the collective nature of forming and maintaining oral history and its details. Discusses the roles of Elders who carry these histories in the community, and their skill at conveying a story or lesson.
The Influence of Acculturation on Attitudes of Filial Responsibility among Navajo Youth
Insights into Vulnerabilities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Aged 50 and Over
International Indigenous Dementia Research Network Meeting Report
“It’s a Social Thing”: Sociocultural Experiences with Nutrition and Exercise in Anchorage, Alaska
It’s all about Whanaungatanga: Alcohol Use and Older Māori in Aotearoa
Kaumātuatanga The Needs and Wellbeing of Older Māori
Life When Renting for Older Māori
Study of 42 (18 men, 24 women) renters in the Hawke’s Bay region of Aotearoa - New Zealand. Findings discuss living costs, landlord relationships, family relationships, and a comparison to home ownership.
Literacy for Elderly Urban Aboriginal People
Long Term Care Needs of Alaska Native Elders
LTSS Research: Annotated Literature Review: Elder Abuse in Indian Country
Manaaki Tāngata - The Secret to Happiness: Narratives from Older Māori in the Bay of Plenty
Population Health Thesis (PhD) -- University of Auckland, 2016.