The Medical History of Ishi

Alternate Title
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology ; v.13, no.5
Saxton T. Pope
Part of: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 13, (pp175-213).
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Medicinal Plants On Elcho Island

Articles » General
Djaypila Dhamarrandjai
Yalwidika Guyamirrilili
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, June 1979, pp. 50-56
Article describes the various plant-based medicines and their uses for specific ailments.
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Medicinal Plants Used by the Inuit of Qikiqtaaluk (Baffin Island, Nunavut)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paleah L. Black
John T. Arnason
Alain Cuerrier
Botany, vol. 86, no. 2, Special Issue on Ethnobotany, 2008, pp. 157-163
Study demonstrates that medicinal knowledge is a well-preserved tradition and useful for the integration of Inuit traditional medicine with Western practices.
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The Medicinal Uses of Our Land

Documents & Presentations
Brandi Corris
How to prepare and harvest traditional medicinal plants in the Northwest Territories.
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Medicines Used by the Micmac Indians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Wilson D. Wallis
American Anthropologist, vol. 24, no. 1, New Series, January-March 1922, pp. 24-30
Presents information gathered in 1911 and 1912 on plants used to treat various diseases, including commentary by a physician.
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Memories, Myths, and Dreams of an Ojibwe Leader

Book Reviews
Rainey Gaywish
Native Studies Review, vol. 19, no. 1, 2010, pp. 144-147
Book review of: Memories, Myths, and Dreams of an Ojibwe Leader by William Berens ; as told to A. Irving Hallowell ; edited by Jennifer S.H. Brown & Susan Elaine Gray.
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[Memories, Myths and Dreams of an Ojibwe Leader]

Book Reviews
Patricia Harms
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 31, no. 2, 2011, pp. 191-192
Book review of: Memories, Myths, and Dreams of an Ojibwe Leader by William Berens ; as told to A. Irving Hallowell and edited by Jennifer S.H. Brown and Susan Elaine Gray.
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Memory, History, and Contested Pasts: Re-imagining Sacagawea/Sacajawea

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sally McBeth
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 27, no. 1, 2003, pp. 1-32
An investigation into Native Americans worldviews in relation to many versions of the life and death of Sacajawea, the interpreter who accompanied Lewis and Clark.
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Métis Holistic Lifelong Learning Model

Documents & Presentations
Canadian Council on Learning
Stresses the correlation between Métis lifelong learning and community well-being, and how it can be used as a framework for measuring success.
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Métis Nation of Ontario: Southern Ontario Métis Traditional Plant Use Study

Alternate Title
Traditional Ecological Knowledge Study: Southern Ontario Métis Traditional Plant Use
Documents & Presentations
Métis Nation of Ontario
Includes results of interviews with 18 individuals, list of plant species identified as being of interest cross-referenced with list of species found at the OPG New Nuclear Darlington site, and fact sheets on ten plants.
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Métis Seasonal Cycles

Articles » General
Darren R. Préfontaine
Patrick Young
Todd Paquin
Outlines historical relationship between Métis and their environment, particularly the harvesting of resources.
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MFN Centre for Aboriginal Health Research

Alternate Title
Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research
Web Sites » Organizations
University of Manitoba
Website contains links to research, the Manitoba Network Environment for Aboriginal Health Research (NEAHR) and information on knowledge translation.
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Micmac Customs and Traditions

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stansbury Hager
American Anthropologist, vol. 8, no. 1, January 1895, pp. 31-42
Description of some games, legends and dances of the Mi'kmaq.
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Micmac Magic and Medicine

Alternate Title
Mi'kmaq Magic and Medicine
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stansbury Hagar
Journal of American Folklore, vol. 9, no. 34, July-September 1896, pp. 170-177
Stories of magical species in Mi'kmaq natural history including medicinal and mystical properties of tree bark, roots and herbs.
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Middle Years Health Education from a First Nations Perspective: Video Series and Lesson Guide

Web Sites » Organizations
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre (MFNERC)
[Manitoba Education]
Connects Traditional Health Knowledge with Manitoba Education's Physical Education and Health Curriculum for Grades 5-8. Contains links to excerpts and full interviews with Elders and Knowledge Keepers from each of the First Nations in Manitoba, teaching guide, recommended websites, and additional resources for each of the topics.
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Midwives, Women and Their Families: A Māori Gaze: Towards Partnerships for Maternity Care in Aotearoa New Zealand

Alternate Title
Midwives, Women and Their Families: A Maori Gaze: Towards Partnerships for Maternity Care in Aotearoa New Zealand
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christine M. Kenney
AlterNative, vol. 7, no. 2, 2011, pp. 123-137
Discusses a bi-cultural partnership model that would be in line with current health legislation.
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Mikisew Cree First Nation Indigenous Knowledge and Use Report and Assessment for Shell Canada's Proposed Jackpine Mine Expansion, Pierre River Mine, and Redclay Compensation Lake

Alternate Title
MCFN Indigenous Knowledge and Use Report for JPME, PRM, and RCL
Documents & Presentations
Craig Candler
Firelight Group Research Cooperative
Baseline data collected from 163 individual interviews and 8 oral interviews to determine Indigenous knowledge and land use for the proposed "Shell Projects".
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Milo Pimatisiwin Project: Healthy Living for Mushkegowuk Youth

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janice Cindy Gaudet
Carmen Chilton
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 13, no. 1, A Barrier-free Health System for Indigenous Communities, August 27, 2018, pp. 20-40
Describes an initiative in the Moose Cree First Nation community which focused on the Cree philosophy milo pimatisiwin (good and healthy living). Discusses program elements which included land-based initiatives, sharing teachings over the local radio, and feedback from youth.
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Mindfulness and the Aloha Response

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thao N. Le
Pono Shim
Journal of Indigenous Social Development, vol. 3, no. 1, August 2014, pp. 1-11
Examines the similarities between Buddhist meditation practices and Indigenous Hawaiian wisdom and discusses how to incorporate this into contemplative/spiritual practices and social work.
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Mining, Harvesting and Decision Making in Nunavut: A Case Study of Uranium Mining in Baker Lake

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Warren Bernauer
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 7, no. 1, Fall, 2010, pp. 11-18
Case study based on 25 interviews revealed social, economic and political factors effecting Inuit perspective of uranium mining, problems with consultation meetings, and some recommendations for improving Inuit participation in discussions.
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Misatim Pimasew: The Flying Horse

Alternate Title
Mistatim Pimasew: The Flying Horse
Freeda A. H. Dickey (Freeda A. Hart Dickey)
Traditional Knowledge Thesis (Ph.D.)--California Institute of Integral Studies, 2002.
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