Living and Writing Indigenous Spiritual Resistance

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Judy Iseke-Barnes
Journal of Intercultural Studies, vol. 24, no. 3, December 2003, pp. 211-38
Explores the importance of the inclusion of Indigenous knowledge in academic institutions through three stories.
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Living Off the Land in the Early Twentieth Century: First Nations Subsistence in Saskatchewan

Documents & Presentations
Janet Mackenzie
Examines Aboriginal subsistence in Saskatchewan in the late 19th century and early decades of the 20th century; looks at the spiritual connection to the land, the earth and the water; discusses how the seasonal round affected all aspects of life; and comments on the gathering of plants and plant resources.
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Living Well: Aboriginal Women, Cultural Identity and Wellness

Alternate Title
Project (Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence) ; no. 79
Alex Wilson
Project (Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence)
Discussion of the positive impact of cultural identity on the wellness of Aboriginal women in Manitoba and the ways they have retained/used cultural values, teachings and knowledge in their efforts to heal their communities.
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Living with Diabetes on Baffin Island: Inuit Storytellers Share Their Experiences

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Susan M. Bird
Janine L. Wiles
Looee Okalik
Jonah Kilabuk
Grace M. Egeland
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 99, no. 1, January/February 2008, pp. 17-21
Discusses the experiences of four adults on Baffin Island living with diabetes and investigates factors that influenced their food choices and perceptions of diabetes and health management.
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Lizette Ahenakew Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Lizette Ahenakew
Christine Welsh
Indian History Film Project
She was born on the Little Pine Reserve, the first girl from that reserve to attend high school. She tells of some childhood memories; naming ceremonies; significance of Indian names; the training of children, especially girls; menarche seclusion; women: influence of, in religion and ceremonialism, pregnancy; her education: traditional; experiences in Anglican boarding school (integrated) in Saskatoon; training for roles as wife and mother.
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Locating Ourselves in the Place of Creation: The Academy as Kitsu'lt melkiko'tin

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Emerance Baker
Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 26, no. 3/4, Indigenous Women in Canada: The Voices of First Nations, Inuit and Metis Women, Winter/Spring, 2008, pp. 15-20
Focus of the article is the need for Indigenous researchers and scholars to produce Indigenous research, by, for, and about Indigenous people.
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The Location of Knowledge: A Conversation With the Editors on Knowledge, Experience, and Place

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lynette Shultz
Jennifer Kelly
Cora Weber-Pillwax
Alberta Journal of Educational Research, vol. 55, no. 3, Expanding Knowledge Systems in Teacher Education, Fall, 2009, pp. 335-350
Looks at the expansion of knowledge systems, the location of these systems and connections to teacher education programs.
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The Lodges of the Blackfeet

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
George Bird Grinnell
American Anthropologist, vol. 3, no. 4, New Series, October-December 1901, pp. 650-668
Description of the construction, art (with illustrations), and ceremonies of the lodge.
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Log Cabin

Images » Photographs
J.B. Mawdsley
Sled dogs outside a log cabin.
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Looking Forward to Sustainability: Executive Director's Message

Articles » General
Suzanne Benally
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 1, Sacred Places, Sacred Lifeways, March 2012, p. [?]
The executive director of Cultural Survival Quarterly presents her thoughts on Indigenous people's rights to be heard and determine their own economic, social and cultural development.
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La Loutre

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Daniel Clement
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 1985, pp. 1-10
Montagnais' perceptions of the North American river otter adds to zoologists' current knowledge. (Abstract in French/English, article in French only)
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Mainstreaming Indigeneity by Indigenizing Policymaking: Towards an Indigenous Grounded Analysis Framework as Policy Paradigm

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Augie Fleras
Roger Maaka
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 20, no. 3, Fall, 2009
Looks at the mainstreaming of Indigeneity along indigenous policymaking lines in New Zealand and Canada by examining self determining autonomy models and state determination governance models.
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Making a Fish Scoop

Images » Photographs
Lois Dalby (photographer)
A set of 7 photographs of Napthelie McKenzie showing the making of a fish scoop used to lift pieces of fish from hot cooking water.
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Making A Fish Skin Rattle

Images » Photographs
Lois Dalby (photographer)
A set of 35 photos of Napthelie McKenzie and Jemima Charles showing the making of a child's fish skin rattle
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Making A Tikunagun

Images » Photographs
Lois Dalby (photographer)
A set of 31 photos of Napthelie McKenzie and Lillian Charles showing the making of a tikunagun or cradleboard.
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Making Bannock In A Pan

Images » Photographs
Lois Dalby (photographer)
A set of 25 photographs of Jemima Charles and Lydia McKenzie showing the making of bannock in a pan. Bannock can be made quickly and is ideal for life in the bush as it needs no long rising time in a warm place like bread does.
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Making Bannock On A Stick

Images » Photographs
Lois Dalby (photographer)
A set of 21 photos of Napthelie McKenzie showing the making of bannock on a stick.
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Making Birch Syrup

Images » Photographs
Lois Dalby (photographer)
A set of 102 photos of Mary Eninew showing the making of birch syrup. In the spring when the sap begins to rise it is time to make birch syrup. Winter cabins are small and cramped and families often move out to a spring camp. The men and older boys would go hunting for fresh meat around the shore in a canoe, bringing back ducks, grouse, and small animals. The women and children would enjoy the freedom of being outside as they gathered birch sap and made syrup. The syrup will be a delicious treat on hot bannock!
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Making Connections Through Experiential Education: Teachers and Students in Science 10

Alternate Title
McDowell Foundation Research Project ; no. 159
Teaching and Learning Research Exchange
Documents & Presentations
Beth Campbell
Susan Campbell
Marcia Klein
McDowell Foundation Research Project
Reports on the course, Sustainability of Ecosystems taught at Brightsands Science and Environment Centre with a Traditional Knowledge Keeper in a tipi or on the open prairie.
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Making Science Assessment Culturally Valid for Aboriginal Students

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John B. Friesen
Anthony N. Ezeife
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 32, no. 2, 2009, pp. 24-37, 117
Looks at integrating Western science to Aboriginal science to incorporate a sociocultural perspective in assessment practices.
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