Autoethnography and Material Culture: the Case of Bill Reid

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joel Martineau
Biography, vol. 24, no. 1, Winter, January 1, 2001, pp. 242-258
Discusses Bill Reid's, (1920-1998) life and work and the ways his art can be used to analyze Haida and Canadian politics and cultures.
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The Autonomous Mind of Wasekechak

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John George Hansen
The Quint, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 25-43
Author discusses his understanding of Wasekechak, a Cree figure of autonomy. Scroll down to page 25 to read article.
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Avoidable Mortality Among First Nations Adults in Canada: A Cohort Analysis

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jungwee Park
Michael Tjepkema
Neil Goedhuis
Jennifer Pennock
Health Reports, vol. 26, no. 8, August 2015, pp. 10-16
Longitudinal analysis compares statistics for First Nations adults to those for non-Aboriginals. Uses data from the 1991-2005 Canadian Census Mortality and Cancer Follow-up Study.
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Awa Tsireh and the Art of Subtle Resistance

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sascha Scott
The Art Bulletin, vol. 95, no. 4, 2013, pp. 597-622
Study of Awa Tsireh's work, concept of survivance and modern Pueblo painting.
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Awabakal Voices: The Life and Work of Percy Haslam

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Maynard
Aboriginal History, vol. 37, December 2013, pp. 77-92
Overview of noted journalist and scholar's life and research on Aboriginal culture based on information from the Haslam Collection at the University of Newcastle.
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B.I.G. and First Nations: Cautions for Implementation

Alternate Title
Basic Income Guarantee and First Nations: Cautions for Implementation
Basic Income Guarantee Series
Research Paper (Northern Policy Institute) ; no. 19
Documents & Presentations
Gayle Broad
Jessica Nadjiwon-Smith
Discusses suitability of Ontario's basic income guarantee program. Looks at differences between poverty experienced by First Nations as opposed to general population, challenges associated with administration, results of literature review on implementation, and identifies questions that should be asked during the evaluation phase.
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The "Baby Andy" Report: Examination of Services Provided to Baby Andy and His Family

Alternate Title
[Baby Andy Review]
Documents & Presentations
Edadeen Bird
Raymond Shingoose
Gail Hartsook
Dorothea Warren
Child was 20-month-old who sustained severe and permanent injuries due to child abuse while under the supervision of the Montreal Lake Child and Family Agency. Panel made findings and recommendations in six areas: information sharing, staffing, case management, coordination of services, and government support.
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Bad Man Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Bad Man
Harry Shade
Indian History Film Project
Bad Man gives an account of the arrival of white men, acceptance of treaty by Bloods, and subsequent lease of land by Mormons.
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The Baker Lake Affair: Case Study of a Cancelled Training Workshop

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. Mark Stiles
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 1982, pp. 25-50
Differing perspectives of the 1977 attempt to clarify Northwest Territories policy concerning the governments' role in Dene and Inuit workshops that led to major bureaucratic changes.
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The Ballad of Crowfoot

Media » Film and Video
Willie Dunn
Using still photographs from the nineteenth century, Willie Dunn sings a ballad about the Blackfoot Chief of the Canadian West. Duration: 10:18.
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Band Builds in Sutherland

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 21, no. 6, September 1992, p. 6
Chief Lafond of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation reveals plans for the construction of a $2.5 million office complex in Saskatoon's Sutherland district.
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Band Government

Articles » General
Ray Sanderson
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 6, no. 10, October 1976, pp. 42-43
Discusses various aspects of Indian Act revisions that will shift federal control to First Nations.
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Band Office Officially Opened by McIsaac

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 5, no. 1, January 1976, p. 12
Describes ceremony on Sweetgrass Reserve in Saskatchewan; administrative offices officially opened by Dr. J. Cliff McIsaac (Liberal representative from Battleford/Kindersley area).
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Barriers and Levers for the Implementation of OCAP

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC)
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, The Governance of Indigenous Information, 2014, pp. 1-11
Looks at the type of obstacles (legal, knowledge and capacity, and institutional) that obstruct OCAP (ownership, control, access, and possession) and the supports available (legal, policy, and knowledge) specifically in the context of data holdings.
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Basic Departmental Data 1989

Quantitative Analysis and Socio-Demographic Research
Finance and Professional Services
Indian and Northern Affairs Canda (INAC)
Annual reference report on the demographic, social and economic conditions of First Nations people on and off-reserve.
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Basic Departmental Data 1990

Quantitative Analysis and Socio-demographic Research
Finance and Professional Services
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Annual reference report on the demographic, social and economic conditions of First Nations people on and off-reserve. Topics include population, education, health and social conditions, housing, self-government and economic and labour force activity.
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Basic Departmental Data 1991

Quantitative Analysis and Socio-demographic Research
Finance and Professional Services
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Annual reference report on the demographic, social and economic conditions of First Nations people on and off-reserve. Topics include population, education, health and social conditions, housing, self-government and economic and labour force activity.
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Basic Departmental Data 1992

Quantitative Analysis and Socio-demographic Research
Management Information and Analysis
Finance and Professional Services
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Annual reference report on the demographic, social and economic conditions of First Nations people on and off-reserve. Topics include population, education, health and social conditions, housing, self-government and economic and labour force activity.
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Basic Departmental Data 1993

Departmental Statistics
Management Information and Analysis
Corporate Services
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND)
Annual reference report on the demographic, social and economic conditions of First Nations people on and off-reserve. Topics include population, education, health and social conditions, housing, self-government and economic and labour force activity.
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Basic Departmental Data 1994

Information Quality and Research Directorate. Information Management Branch
Corporate Services
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND)
Annual reference report on the demographic, social and economic conditions of First Nations people on and off-reserve. Topics include population, education, health and social conditions, housing, self-government, and economic and labour force activity.
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Basic Departmental Data December 1988

Documents & Presentations
Evaluation Directorate
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
Subjects covered include: population, education, health and housing conditions, social assistance, political participation and self-government, and labour force activity.
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Basic Departmental Data July 1988

Documents & Presentations
Evaluation Directorate
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
Annual reference report on the demographic, social and economic conditions of First Nations people on and off-reserve. Topics include population, education, health and social conditions, housing, self-government and economic and labour force activity.
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Basket Designs of the Indians of Northwestern California

Alternate Title
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology ; v.2, no.4
A. L. Kroeber
Part of: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 2, (pp105-164).
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Basketry of the Papago and Pima

Alternate Title
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v.17, pt.4
Mary Lois Kissell
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, v.17 (p.115-273).
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The Basketry of the Tlingit

Alternate Title
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 3, pt. 2
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 3. Anthropology ; v. 2
E-Books » Chapters
G.T. Emmons
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 3 (p. [229]-277, [18] plates).
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The Battle at the Grand Couteau

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
William L. Morton
Manitoba Pageant, vol. 9, no. 3, April 1964, p. [?]
An account of an 1851 skirmish between a band of Sioux and Métis.
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Battleford Hangings

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 3, no. 7, July 1972, p. 5
Describes the hanging of eight First Nation men on November 27th, 1885; residential school children were taken to view the execution.
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Beaded Cloth Shoulder Bags: Bandoliers of the Southeast

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michael G. Johnson
Whispering Wind, vol. 39, no. 4, Issue 272, September-October 2010, pp. 4-11
Presents colored photographs and drawing of shoulder bags with accompanying text and explanations.
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Beadwork Masterpieces: Native American Bandolier Bags

Alternate Title
Nebraska State Historical Society Brown Bag Lecture Series
Media » Film and Video
Tom Myers
Discusses Native American art and compares essential elements and designs of beaded bags in northern and southern styles. Uses bandolier bag in Benjamin Rush's painting, Death of General Wolfe as one example. Duration: 45:11.
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Bear Claw Casino To Open February 26

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 22, no. 2, February 1993, pp. 1-2
White Bear First Nation opening casino; province contends it is provincial jurisdiction breach.
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