Displaying 1 - 50 of 485

Aboriginal Cultural Connections: A Child Protection Resource Guide

Documents & Presentations
Child Protection Services
Department of Community Services and Seniors
Prince Edward Island First Nations
Resource guide includes information on: Aboriginal Communities and Services, Spirituality, Aboriginal Culture, Cultural Beliefs and Practices, Mi'kmaq Language, Mi'kmaq History and Band Governance and Identity.
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Aboriginal Development: The Process Is Critical to Success

Alternate Title
Setting the Agenda for Change ; vol. 2
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 2
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 1st, 2002
E-Books » Chapters
Cynthia Chataway
vol. 2

Reviews research on factors related for successful long-term development such as social capital and cohesion. Chapter three from Setting the Agenda for Change, vol. 2, which is also vol. 2 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the second annual Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2002.

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Aboriginal Forestry Entrepreneurship: A Cast Study in Mashteuiatsh Ilnu Nation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean-Michel Beaudoin
Luc LeBel
Luc Bouthillier
The Forestry Chronicle, vol. 85, no. 5, September/October 2009, pp. 783-788
Presents a case study that draws a portrait of forestry entrepreneurs, within the Ilnu community of Mashteuiatsh, and reveals the role played by the band council in developing forestry entrepreneurship in the community.
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Aboriginal Governance Index: A 2006 Ranking of Manitoba’s First Nations

Alternate Title
Policy Series (Frontier Centre for Public Policy) ; no. 28
[Aboriginal Governance Index, 2006-2007]
Documents & Presentations
Don Sandberg
Dennis Owens
Rebecca Walberg
Index based on six broad areas: elections, administration, human rights, transparency, services and economy. Meant to be a benchmark for First Nations to measure their progress in achieving responsible self-government.
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Aboriginal Governance Index: A 2007 Ranking of Manitoba and Saskatchewan First Nations

Alternate Title
Policy Series (Frontier Centre for Public Policy) ; no. 39
[Aboriginal Governance Index, 2007-2008]
Documents & Presentations
Don Sandberg
Rebecca Walberg
Joseph Quesnel
By ranking First Nation communities the researchers at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy analyze information intended to "help point [communities] in the direction of better governance practices."
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Accountability for Indians and Land Reserved for Indians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ralph Makokis
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 20, no. 1, 1993, pp. 3-17

Looks at the social and economical accounting informational needs of Indigenous governments for their successful educational development.   

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Achieving Consensus For a Policy Action to Reduce Alcohol Problems in the Unceded Indian Reserve of Wikwemikong: Wikwemikong Alcohol Policy Consensus

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Claire Narbonne-Fortin
Margaret Rylett
Susan Manitowabi
Ron Douglas
Louis Gliksman
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 21, no. 1, 2001, pp. 161-177
Describes the process involved in developing a policy to manage the use of alcohol in recreational facilities, including policy regulations, community survey results, and indicators of success.
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Addressing First Nations Governance Issues through Incremental Reform: Briefing Presentation - Draft

Documents & Presentations
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
Although Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) has made progress in areas regarding empowerment, education, economic development, specific land claims, and reconciliation, governance and self-government, the issues of leadership selection, Indian Government Support programs, and registration and membership are issues the government intends to work on incrementally in 2008-09.
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The Alberta Language Initiative and the Implications for Indigenous Languages

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Heather A Blair
Billy Joe Laboucan
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 29, no. 2, 2006, pp. 206-214
Argues that immediate action is needed to preserve languages; this will entail using a specific policy and planning framework, and requires the support of governments at all levels.
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Averkieva, Julia, "The Tlingit Indians" (Barron's notes).

Documents & Presentations
Julia Averkieva
Barron's notes on Julia Averkieva's article "The Tlingit Indians" from North American Indians in Historical Perspective / edited by Eleanor Burke Leacock & Nancy Oestreich Lurie. Published New York: Random House, c1971, page 317 to 342. Barron's notes break the article down into sections. These include origins, economic base, transition from a clan community to a class society etc. The article appears to be a fairly comprehensive look at the history of the social life of the Tlingit as explained by the stratification of their society.
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[Backgrounder: Supreme Court of Canada Decision: Corbiere]

Alternate Title
[Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Corbiere Decision
Documents & Presentations
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Court's ruling dealt specifically with voting rights of off-reserve band members. Scroll down to read article.
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Band Government

Articles » General
Ray Sanderson
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 6, no. 10, October 1976, pp. 42-43
Discusses various aspects of Indian Act revisions that will shift federal control to First Nations.
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Battleford Remembers Stockade Days

Articles » General
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Mrs. C. Wetton
Articles in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix relating to the 50th anniversary of the Northwest Resistance, with articles on Charles Parker, NWMP member,; Ben Prince, Chief Fine Day, and sketches of the Battleford Stockade.
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Beardy's Secretary

Images » Photographs
Photograph of sketch of Beardy's secretary. Written on front of photograph: "Beardy's Secretary / [his own] signature / a true character." Likely the secretary's signature in Cree at right on photograph.
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Ben Hoeschen in Native regalia with two Aboriginal chiefs.

Images » Photographs
A photograph of Benard Walter (Ben) Hoeschen wearing a head-dress and beaded leather belt poses with two Aboriginal men, also wearing head-dresses and beaded clothing. Note on back of photo reads "The late BM Hoeschen and friends 1930"
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"Best Wishes From Canada, Indian Types"

Images » Photographs
This postcard is a collage of six other postcard images of Native people - "Blackfoot Brave", "The Chief's Squaws", "Mounted Cree Indian", "Cree Indian", "Cree Indians and Camp", and "An Indian Chief." The edges of the postcard are decorated in gold colour and red maple leaves. The card is postmarked 4 Dec 1907.
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Big Bear Fort Pitt 1884

Images » Photographs
Laminated photomechanical copy of Big Bear and unidentified Aboriginal man posing for camera; a group of non-Native men standing in background. Item found in Fort Pitt - nd folder.
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Bill C - 31. - [ca. 1985?].

Documents & Presentations
This file contains Barron's typed notes: Background Notes Bill C-31: An Act to Amend the Indian Act. An excellent overview of the act and the people in the First Nations community who were affected by it. It also has statistics, dates and the specific laws changed by the Bill.
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Bill C-9: An Act respecting the election and term of office of chiefs and councilors of certain First Nations and the composition of council of those First Nations

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 41-2-C9-E
Legislative Summary of Bill C-9
Documents & Presentations
Tonina Simeone
Shauna Troniak
Provides background information including current methods of leadership selection, the Indian Act electoral framework, custom elections, federal role in First Nations elections, and pertinent court cases, followed by description and analysis of clauses in the proposed legislation.
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"Blackfoot Chiefs."

Images » Photographs
An image of two Aboriginal men posing in ceremonial regalia in a photography studio. Colours have been added to the photograph in a chromolithograph process.
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"Blackfoot Indian Braves."

Images » Photographs
An image of four Aboriginal men on horseback, all wearing full headdresses. Colours have been added to the photograph in a chromolithograph process.
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"Blood Squaws in War Dress"

Images » Photographs
Note: The title of this document uses wording that was common to mainstream society of that time period in history. As such, it contains language that is no longer in common use and may offend some readers. This wording should not be construed to represent the views of the Indigenous Studies Portal or the University of Saskatchewan Library. An image of three Aboriginal men on horseback dressed in ceremonial regalia and each wearing a head dress. Unidentified buildings and people in the background.
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Blue Sky Indigenous Nation Community Trust

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Jan Bearclaw
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief discussion of issues which arose when Chief and Council were asked to ratify new trustees who had not been selected using the usual process.
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Bridging the Gap: Taxation and First Nation Governance

Alternate Title
Research Paper (National Centre for First Nations Governance)
Research Paper for the National Centre for First Nations Governance
Documents & Presentations
James Hopkins
Looks at Canadian tax policies and the link to First Nations sovereignty.
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Buchanan Says His Gov't Has Done Most for Indians

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 5, no. 12, July 15, 1975, p. 8
Minister of Indian Affairs states that the Trudeau government has done more "than any other government to give natives control over their own affairs."
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Building Strong Communities: Tribal Colleges as Engaged Institutions

Documents & Presentations
Alisa F. Cunningham
Christina Redmond
Policy report explores expanding role of Tribal Colleges and Universities serving local communities in five areas: pre-school, elementary and secondary education, health and nutrition, faculty role models, agriculture and natural resource management and preservation of culture and language.
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Business and Politics in Aboriginal Communities

Alternate Title
Policy Brief (Institute on Governance) ; no. 17
Documents & Presentations
John Graham
Heather Edwards
Policy Brief (Institute on Governance)
Looks at universal principles of good governance and how they are applied to business ventures. Includes business development cases.
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Canada's Indians: Norms of Responsible Self-Government Under Federalism

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Simon McInnes
Perry Billingsley
Canadian Public Administration, vol. 35, no. 2, Summer, 1992, pp. [215]-236
Study examined ten cases of existing self-goverment, and ten proposals under negotiation as of April 1991. Using measures of accountability in the fields of enacting laws, leadership selection, land, resources and financial management, and band membership, study found that structures for responsible government are in place.
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The Canadian Indian: A Reference Paper

Documents & Presentations
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND), Indian Affairs Branch
This document describes aspects of Aboriginal life in Canada, including history, settlement location, administration, treaties, legal status, economic development and education.
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Ceremony Involving Indian Leaders in Ceremonial Dress with Three Men in Suits

Images » Photographs
Leonard A. Hillyard
A photograph of Indian Leaders in ceremonial dress appear on an outdoor stage with three men in suits, two at microphones. Music stands and chairs are in front of the stage. Setting and occasion are unknown. background appears to be some decorative wall.

Historical note:

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Chapter XVI -- "An Indian Murder Case"

John Hawkes
Chapter XII from "The Story of Saskatchewan and its People." The chapter is entitled "An Indian Murder Case". This first section describes, via Peter Hourie account, a murder near the Mission at Lebret. The next section, entitled "Star Blanket", concern's Star Blanket's actions during the 1885 Resistance. The final section, "Star Blanket's Statement" is his account of his involvement in the Resistance taken by Hawkes during an interview at Joseph La Roque's house.
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Chief and Council Salaries Fodder for Discussion

Articles » General
Isha Thompson
Windspeaker, vol. 27, no. 11, February 2010, pp. 11-12

Discussion on whether chief and council members are being compensated too much for the work they do.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.11.

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"Chief Andrew Swimmer and Dr. P. W. Head."

Images » Photographs
A photograph from Miss J. M. Morton's scrap book (A-792-2) that appears next to the same photograph that was in the North Battleford News Optimist 15 July 1955. The caption reads: "Chief Andrew Swimmer, son of the late Chief Sam Swimmer and successor to his father at the Sweetgrass Reserve, is shown presenting Dr. Head with a framed photograph of the doctor and Sam Swimmer taken a few years ago when Dr. Head was made an honorary chief of the band."
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[Chief Crowfoot of the Blackfoot] - Portrait. - [1880s?].

Images » Photographs
Portrait believed to be Chief Crowfoot of the Blackfoot.

Historical note:

The Blackfoot chief Crowfoot was born ca. 1830 near Belly River, AB, and died near Blackfoot Crossing, AB on 25 Apr 1890. Born a Blood, he grew up among the Blackfoot. As a teenager, he showed great bravery in a battle by advancing and striking a painted tipi in the hostile Crow camp.
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